View Full Version : For us City Boys; Urban Homesteading

07-26-2014, 01:57 AM
So I was cruising some YT videos on Urban Homesteading (there are some good ones out there) when I ran across this one. For some reason it kind of hit home with me. I'm not sure if was the fact that these two people were doing it successfully in L.A. proper itself, or this philosophy of "simplification" they had. In the last minute of the video the guy said something that smacked me like a hammer;

"In the 70's we shifted from how to make things to how to buy things." Think about that for a minute. Think about the marketing we are targeted with. Here's a simple one; Anyone else remember when Cascade (dishwasher soap) left "spot free" dishes that were crystal clear? But when the new and improved Cascade came out, and was compared to the "Old Cascade", all of the sudden the old stuff left spots? I can see that commercial as I type this and remember thinking "WTF? People actually buy into that?" ???

Or how "we" were able to hunt Turkeys just fine with 2 3/4" shells out of an old Remington for 3/4 of a century, but all of the sudden, if you weren't running 3" or bigger magnum loads "scientifically engineered" specifically for Turkey out of a $1200 Turkey Gun, while wearing $300 worth of camo filled with charcoal scent absorber's that make you virtually invisible, 4 different types of scent blocker and a wireless digital turkey call, you might as well stay home because you'll never see another Turkey as long as you live?

This is the crap they try to pull on us every day. "Buy our product or life as you know it is OVER!"

She made mention of the Death of Home Economics and how it went from making a cake to, how to make a cake out of a box and how we have been conditioned to be "good consumers". I was like "Holy Shit, I think I just had an epiphany." Those last few minutes of that video just really wrapped it all into one tight, simple little bundle. For those contemplating Urban Homesteading, I hope you enjoy the video. For those that want to do nothing more than simplify life, I hope you enjoy it as well.


big paul
07-26-2014, 03:26 AM
nothing new there, we have been a " throwaway society" for a long time now, not exactly sure WHEN it happened but its all to do with "globilisation" I think.