Quote Originally Posted by Pauls View Post
That is what farming is all about.
Too cold, too hot, too wet, too dry.
too few insects, too many insects.

It is a never ending battle with nature. If there is one truth in this life it is that you can never win against mother nature, the best you can ever get is a tie.

I am not a farmer, I am NOT a farmer, I am NOT a FARMER!
I need to invent and build a large scale indoor farm. Climate controlled 200 acre farm with walls and a roof, insulation and circulation.
I could use skylights and LED grow lights, a sprinkler and mister system with enough room to run a tractor, and other equipment with photo-voltaics on the roof to power it.
I need a batch of bee hives too.

Can you think of anything I am forgetting?
Put it on the moon, call it a greenhouse. They are still talking about Terra Forming Mars. That would be interesting. If they could pull it off. But a greenhouse like that on earth would be a waste. A waste of electricity and resources. You put seeds in dirt and keep them happy then you get food. The End.