View Full Version : Delta Force Raids Obama Stronghold in Thailand

12-30-2017, 06:23 PM

According to our source, the Trump administration learned that Obama, by proxy, owned a mansion and a 400-acre estate on the outskirts of the city of Si Sa Ket, approximately 500 km from Bangkok. On paper, the land was owned by the allegedly defunct Solyndra Corporation, a startup solar company to which Obama gave 2.2 billion taxpayer dollars in 2009. Shortly thereafter, Solyndra declared bankruptcy, and the money vanished. Despite apparent poverty, Solyndra maintained real estate holdings valued at over 800 million dollars in a half-dozen Southeast Asian countries. The Trump administration connected the dots, linking Obama to the Thai property, after asserting Presidential privilege and subpoenaing flight records that demonstrably proved Obama had travelled to Si Sa Ket six times as president and an additional four times in the past year.


12-30-2017, 07:18 PM
http://www.hostpic.org/images/1712310648310098.jpg (http://www.hostpic.org/view.php?filename=1712310648310098.jpg)

12-30-2017, 07:27 PM
Corruption runs deep. Very deep.

12-30-2017, 07:43 PM
When are some demoturds gonna go to jail?.