View Full Version : North Korea bragging about NUKES to an American scientist?

01-16-2018, 02:57 PM
What if you built a nuclear bomb and nobody cared? The former director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory says it happened to North Korea.

For years, Sig Hecker ran the laboratory that birthed the American atomic bomb. As he tells David Martin this week on 60 Minutes, he was surprised in 2004 when he was invited on a tour of North Korea's nuclear complex. He was shown a small nuclear reactor, where North Koreans claimed they were reprocessing spent fuel into weapons-grade plutonium, the radioactive element which produced the first nuclear explosion in July 1945.

Then, they handed Hecker the plutonium.


01-16-2018, 03:04 PM

Oh dearest Leader please examine our vibrating nuclear butt plug to incerted in San Fransicko’s capitalist pigs.

Walter Tyler
01-16-2018, 03:05 PM
Lost in translation....

North Korean Leader has Military Aid shot after interpreting his statement "We should drop the 'fat boy' on America now" as a personal insult/threat.