View Full Version : Most important ar parts to have on hand?
08-17-2014, 11:03 PM
What parts should be kept on hand for the ar15 rifle platform? I have shot the hell out of mine but haven't broken anything yet to see what is a weak point. What parts do you guys think should be kept on hand for when/if the SHTF?
Just Sayin'
08-17-2014, 11:16 PM
Firing pin, firing pin retaining pin and extractor/extractor spring.
All the other springs for when you get to monkeying around with things.
The only items I have ever had an issue with is the Extractor assembly. I would either keep one or two of them on hand or a complete bolt assembly group. Plus keep some cotter pins and the like encase you lose something while cleaning it. THose pesky pins seem to get caught on any little cloth you lay around and losing them is a possibility. A firing pin can never be a bad thing to have. SHort of that I have never had a serious issue with an AR with 100,000's of rounds down range.
If you are the type that likes to strip your gun down to the frame for cleaning...including trigger assembly and including removing the Magazine release...then all bets are off...keep alot of stuff on hand. Me I don't I never break it open past the rear take down pin and removing the bolt carrier group for a quick wipe down in the field. And I see no reason to ever take it down past just dis assembly of the bolt carrier group, buffer spring, and hand guards for cleaning back at the house. People tend to over clean their weapons.
08-21-2014, 07:52 AM
Get a spare LPK W/o FCG and, as stated above, all the parts to rebuild your BCG. Once you have that, buy it all again! You can never have too many parts, don't do what I do though and turn spare parts into new guns.
08-21-2014, 02:08 PM
1. Firing pin retaining pin, easy to loose when cleaning.
2. buy a titanium firing pin, instead of aluminum.
3. Gas rings (3) for the bolt, comes in package of three.
4. Extractor and ejector with springs and pins.
5. Hammer spring and pin
6. Trigger springs and pin
Montana Rancher
08-25-2014, 12:00 AM
My solution is much simpler, if you have an AR that has less than 1000 rounds through it, then don't worry about it.
By the time you NEED an AR and can't buy replacement parts, there will be plenty of them lying on the ground.
A + for anyone that can name the movie.
08-25-2014, 01:44 PM
My solution is much simpler, if you have an AR that has less than 1000 rounds through it, then don't worry about it.
By the time you NEED an AR and can't buy replacement parts, there will be plenty of them lying on the ground.
A + for anyone that can name the movie. (we were soldiers once) Have a good day, Sergeant major
08-27-2014, 10:13 AM
The only items I have ever had an issue with is the Extractor assembly. I would either keep one or two of them on hand or a complete bolt assembly group. Plus keep some cotter pins and the like encase you lose something while cleaning it. THose pesky pins seem to get caught on any little cloth you lay around and losing them is a possibility. A firing pin can never be a bad thing to have. SHort of that I have never had a serious issue with an AR with 100,000's of rounds down range.
If you are the type that likes to strip your gun down to the frame for cleaning...including trigger assembly and including removing the Magazine release...then all bets are off...keep alot of stuff on hand. Me I don't I never break it open past the rear take down pin and removing the bolt carrier group for a quick wipe down in the field. And I see no reason to ever take it down past just dis assembly of the bolt carrier group, buffer spring, and hand guards for cleaning back at the house. People tend to over clean their weapons.
I agree with your sentiment OSFG, I am qualified to take it all the way apart, and did that and rebuilt 100's in the service fixing or replacing whole assemblies, both in the US, Germany and in theater. There is no need to take it down past the basics. I also agree with the others on which parts to keep on hand can't think of anything at the moment to add to the list of what you need.
Just enjoy your equipment and enjoy many years of shooting.
Montana Rancher
08-31-2014, 02:52 AM
It sucks when I come up with such a good answer that the post dies, I'm getting used to it.
08-31-2014, 02:57 AM
I have a real problem with spare parts. They keep morphing into new rifles. So I guess the best spare parts you can have is a spare rifle.
Montana Rancher
08-31-2014, 03:03 AM
I have a real problem with spare parts. They keep morphing into new rifles. So I guess the best spare parts you can have is a spare rifle.
Haha, great point.
I have a lot more uppers and lowers. I hope that makes sense to you.
08-31-2014, 03:07 AM
Haha, great point.
I have a lot more uppers and lowers. I hope that makes sense to you.
Oh it does, I have parts upon parts.
08-31-2014, 01:09 PM
1. Firing pin retaining pin, easy to loose when cleaning.
2. buy a titanium firing pin, instead of aluminum.
3. Gas rings (3) for the bolt, comes in package of three.
4. Extractor and ejector with springs and pins.
5. Hammer spring and pin
6. Trigger springs and pin
I was over a Palmetto state armory yesterday. they have parts for AR's in little plastic bags on a rotating rack every small part. pins, springs, detents, ect. so, If you need or want them call PSA. Most I saw were under .99 cents.
Just Sayin'
08-31-2014, 02:49 PM
I was over a Palmetto state armory yesterday. they have parts for AR's in little plastic bags on a rotating rack every small part. pins, springs, detents, ect. so, If you need or want them call PSA. Most I saw were under .99 cents.
You are a lucky dog! I'd love to actually visit them. Have bought a ton of parts and stuff from them online, and always got excellent deals on stuff and good service.
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