View Full Version : Rabbit death, and chicken questions.
06-29-2018, 11:36 AM
Ok, two parts. I just finished securing the rabbit/chicken run, its 8 feet by 8 feet by three feet tall, completed fenced in, top, and bottom, because something scared or went in the temporary chicken pen Sunday, took out one chicky, and killed it.
I Was pissed, so I built a super strong, easily picked up and moved, chicken cage.
My little eight year old came home and said, "Bunz isn't alive". She had no injuries, just dead.
Was it so hot, that without shade, her fat little body gave out? She was white, and overweight.
Also, I have three chickens left, I grabbed some DE, and put it out on some ant piles, and threw a little dust on each chicky,
But there is some serious price differences in DE, some says food grade, I know I remember someone mixing some in their feed, and the "18 year old expert" at the supply store said he would not feed the regular DE to his chickys, but both look to be 100 DE?
Walter Tyler
06-29-2018, 11:41 AM
I dont think the DE killed the Chickens... if that is the question. I know a guy that leaves a large pan of it in his run for the chickens to "Dust" themselves in.
As to the rabbit is was probably heat, and as you are probably aware they NEED clean fresh water daily. If the water gets too hot it can be bad for the hoppers as well.
Good luck with the Chickens. I have free range Guineas, and I know it can be a challenge with predators... Coons, Possum, Hawks, Owls, Eagles, Coyotes... you name it, I have/ have had em ALL...
06-29-2018, 12:01 PM
Ok, two parts. I just finished securing the rabbit/chicken run, its 8 feet by 8 feet by three feet tall, completed fenced in, top, and bottom, because something scared or went in the temporary chicken pen Sunday, took out one chicky, and killed it.
I Was pissed, so I built a super strong, easily picked up and moved, chicken cage.
My little eight year old came home and said, "Bunz isn't alive". She had no injuries, just dead.
Was it so hot, that without shade, her fat little body gave out? She was white, and overweight.
Also, I have three chickens left, I grabbed some DE, and put it out on some ant piles, and threw a little dust on each chicky,
But there is some serious price differences in DE, some says food grade, I know I remember someone mixing some in their feed, and the "18 year old expert" at the supply store said he would not feed the regular DE to his chickys, but both look to be 100 DE?
Food grade DE for chickens and other livestock.
I free range my hens but... they have access to boogie back in the covered kennel and coop during the day to be able to hid from flying predators. The hens get closed in the kennel and coop at night to keep ground predators out. But some ground predators will dig under fencing so you have to bury a foot or so of fencing in the ground attached to the kennel to keep them out.
How old was the rabbit? If not that old then the heat probably did it in.
06-29-2018, 02:51 PM
I hope the predator problem is fixed, wit the fence being pretty much an actual cage?
I didn't spread the DE till yesterday, and the chicken was killed on Sunday or Monday.
I saw a large feline, in the dark, if it was a house cat, ITS HUGE.
The wife saw "something Brown" yesterday morning, but didn't have her glasses on. I live on the oustkirts of a small community, I doubt its a mountain lion, or anything?
I will let ya know, hell, maybe if it is a big cat, I will kill it.
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