View Full Version : Coon problems
07-10-2018, 11:45 AM
First it was a chicken dinner on me. Lost 3 hens to the little pests. Then I starting seeing my almost ripe tomatoes pulled from the vine and half ate. After 3 nights I have got 2 coons. Smart critters they are. They have taken the bait out of the smaller trap several times without setting it off. One time flipping it over and the second time after anchoring the trap they went in and reached the bait without setting it off. I might try corn on the cob in the smaller trap should be harder to get out. Sure hope things get better it starting to be a really bad year to garden!
07-10-2018, 12:14 PM
I use my Grand pappys old trick for keeping coons out of the garden (could insert joke here) but anyway coons were eating my corn and tomato's so Grandpa said use blood-meal. So I bought some blood-meal and spread it round the garden but not to close to the plants stalk cuz its pretty high in nitrogen and will burn the plants if to thick and too close. Anyway it was a win win coons left the garden alone they didn't like the smell of the blood-meal and the blood-meal acted as a fertilizer.
As far as your chickens the only way to keep the varmits from killen your birds is to lock them in at nite and make sure your coop and kennel has a dug in approx hunk of chain link fence or hardware cloth about 16" or so attached to the kennel /fenceing buried in the ground at an angle so they can't dig there way in. Of course you will have to have the overhead area fenced or they will climb in. this is why I use a 10x10 dog kennel attached directly to the coop. Make a for knox or continue to lose birds. Yeah you can kill the coons ..... but more will come.
kinda like this only bury it at a angle about a foot deep.
07-10-2018, 12:33 PM
haven't seen a coon near my yard, but surprisingly, there are two DOA on the highway leading to my house.
I made my coop 3 feet tall, 8 feet wide, and 8 feel long, two by four frame, with totally enclosed top and bottom.
The wife and I can easily pick it up and move it.
I did have a bunny escape through the 2 inch mesh, So tonight I will put chicken wire around the sides. Have four baby chicks, one TINY baby black feather legged rooster, and two medium sized ducks to add after the chicken wire. This weekend, I hope to make another pen, pretty much the same, for the babies, pretty sure the big chicks will hurt my little black cock..HA.
07-10-2018, 12:48 PM
Why cant i add pictures?
07-10-2018, 12:56 PM
Why cant i add pictures? I dunno why not ?
I have no issue either using hot link from the www or my third party pic host which at the moment is "Imgur."
I hate the attachment feature on any forum to many restrictions with size and limit of how many attachments you can use per the forums specs. I recommend you avoid the hassle and use a third party picture host its easy and free.
07-10-2018, 01:13 PM
Why cant i add pictures?
It says you can-
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07-10-2018, 01:19 PM
"Coon problems"
OK can stand it... I must insert the joke-
Keep the coons out of the garden?
Stop planting watermelons. :thatsracist:
07-10-2018, 02:08 PM
used to be a handy little box in here, that a icon,
07-10-2018, 02:14 PM
used to be a handy little box in here, that a icon,
Its still there it looks like a tree. Top of the post window next to the film strip looking icon for youtubes
07-10-2018, 02:15 PM
when i add the attachment, it moves from the top box section, to the thurd section. then try to download, it says to select image?
it has happened before, cant remember, brain hurts.
07-10-2018, 02:16 PM
AH, finally, you can see my little black cock.
07-10-2018, 02:16 PM
when i add the attachment, it moves from the top box section, to the thurd section. then try to download, it says to select image?
it has happened before, cant remember, brain hurts.
Looks like it worked to me I see your 2 pictures.
07-10-2018, 02:16 PM
And. no, the icons went away, inside my reply box.
07-10-2018, 02:17 PM
07-10-2018, 02:24 PM
And. no, the icons went away, inside my reply box.
Thats prolly because your using the standard editor.... change your setting in the setting button top right of the main page.
Use the advanced editor.
07-10-2018, 02:27 PM
I use my Grand pappys old trick for keeping coons out of the garden (could insert joke here) but anyway coons were eating my corn and tomato's so Grandpa said use blood-meal. So I bought some blood-meal and spread it round the garden but not to close to the plants stalk cuz its pretty high in nitrogen and will burn the plants if to thick and too close. Anyway it was a win win coons left the garden alone they didn't like the smell of the blood-meal and the blood-meal acted as a fertilizer.
As far as your chickens the only way to keep the varmits from killen your birds is to lock them in at nite and make sure your coop and kennel has a dug in approx hunk of chain link fence or hardware cloth about 16" or so attached to the kennel /fenceing buried in the ground at an angle so they can't dig there way in. Of course you will have to have the overhead area fenced or they will climb in. this is why I use a 10x10 dog kennel attached directly to the coop. Make a for knox or continue to lose birds. Yeah you can kill the coons ..... but more will come.
kinda like this only bury it at a angle about a foot deep.
Thanks for the blood meal fix. I think I will try that in a couple of days after I catch and help control; the population a little.
07-10-2018, 02:29 PM
It can't be the watermelons. First year I got them in early the weeds were getting out of control. Son was learning to use the weed trimmer on wheels and he mowed them down perfectly the first pass.
07-10-2018, 03:53 PM
Coons are some of the easiest to catch if you do it right.
First get a live trap, . . . then around the bottom up by the trigger, . . . put sheet metal high enough that he can't stick a paw in and get the bait or trip the trigger.
Second, . . . eat a can of tuna (make a tuna fish salad sandwich), . . . and set the can in there as bait.
When you come out and find him in the trap, . . . toss trap and all into a 35 gallon blue drum full of water, . . . go get a cup of coffee.
Come back out, . . . open trap door, . . . remove contents to the buzzard hill, . . . reset the trap, . . .
Lever action .22 rifle is also good.
May God bless,
07-10-2018, 04:23 PM
Coons are some of the easiest to catch if you do it right.
First get a live trap, . . . then around the bottom up by the trigger, . . . put sheet metal high enough that he can't stick a paw in and get the bait or trip the trigger.
Second, . . . eat a can of tuna (make a tuna fish salad sandwich), . . . and set the can in there as bait.
When you come out and find him in the trap, . . . toss trap and all into a 35 gallon blue drum full of water, . . . go get a cup of coffee.
Come back out, . . . open trap door, . . . remove contents to the buzzard hill, . . . reset the trap, . . .
Lever action .22 rifle is also good.
May God bless,
Might get a skunk too. I did with tuna cans
07-10-2018, 04:56 PM
Coons are some of the easiest to catch if you do it right.
First get a live trap, . . . then around the bottom up by the trigger, . . . put sheet metal high enough that he can't stick a paw in and get the bait or trip the trigger.
Second, . . . eat a can of tuna (make a tuna fish salad sandwich), . . . and set the can in there as bait.
When you come out and find him in the trap, . . . toss trap and all into a 35 gallon blue drum full of water, . . . go get a cup of coffee.
Come back out, . . . open trap door, . . . remove contents to the buzzard hill, . . . reset the trap, . . .
Lever action .22 rifle is also good.
May God bless,
I wrapped my cages with plastic hardware cloth. So far its working. Using corn tonight in the small traps and leftover chicken in the larger trap. 22lr finished the job
07-10-2018, 05:00 PM
Might get a skunk too. I did with tuna cans
Yes I'm praying I don't get a skunk. I look closely before I get to the cage. Years ago I set the trap at Mom's house looked outside and seen a mother and several little skunks on the front porch. They were after the cat food. Needless to say when I seen them gone I unset the trap for a few days. Few days later caught the neighbors cat. It was on pissed cat. When I finally got it release it ran so fast I never seen it paws hit the ground
07-10-2018, 09:16 PM
Mrs. Sparky recently acquired a baby coon to keep as a pet. He is a cute little critter, but I don't think he is going to stay long.
07-12-2018, 06:11 PM
07-12-2018, 06:36 PM
Name it bandit yet?
07-12-2018, 09:40 PM
Name it bandit yet?
LOL. His name is George, although I considered "Gambit".
07-13-2018, 03:39 AM
LOL. His name is George, although I considered "Gambit".
everyone should have some gambit in their lives or is that alcohol?
07-13-2018, 08:31 AM
An old friend had an eleven pound house raccoon. He would sit beside me and dig in my pockets. Grubby little hands, and get mad if you told him no.
One night, I went to a coon bbq, they were on the grill, wrapped in foil, AND someone broke out a funnel. That's all I remember....
07-14-2018, 09:11 PM
LOL. His name is George, although I considered "Gambit".
WTF is up with yall and george? And if you get a skunk you have two options. Either shoot it from a distance and come back next day.... or just talk to it as you walk up slowly, no fast moves. And I mean slowly. I have got them and put them in the truck and released them and havent got sprayed yet.
07-17-2018, 08:26 AM
LOL. His name is George, although I considered "Gambit".
And he will hug him and squeeze him...
07-18-2018, 05:35 PM
Coon problems huh? Our nation had those for 8 years, it still hurts.
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