View Full Version : A Question about Faith and Israel and Russia

07-18-2018, 08:33 PM
I heard a murmur about this, . . . wanted to kick it up for discussion:

1. Vladimer Putin is a practicing Russian Orthodox Christian ( https://www.economist.com/europe/2018/02/03/vladimir-putin-embraces-the-russian-church )

2. Putin and Trump agreed on one thing for sure, . . . the protection of Israel's sovereign borders and people.

Could it just be that this is the forerunner to the "7 year peace agreement" that brings on the end of the world???

Could it be that Putin heard God's word that says "Those that bless Israel, I (God) will bless, . . . those that curse Israel, I (God) will curse"???

I'm sitting here with a smirk on my face because I'm just beginning to believe this is looking to be the case.

May God bless,

A Watchman
07-18-2018, 08:37 PM
Ya lost me, I'm looking for the emergence of a False Prophet and the Anti Christ.... or are you suggesting that one of them might fit the bill?

07-18-2018, 09:00 PM
2. Putin and Trump agreed on one thing for sure, . . . the protection of Israel's sovereign borders and people.

I have never thought about it in those terms. But, are you sure about Putin agreeing on Israel's right to exist? He is pretty tight with both Iran and Syria and both of them are bent on Israel's destruction. Personally, I think Putin's motivation is more about personal financial gain and "making Russia great/relevant again".

07-18-2018, 10:33 PM
This is where I was looking:


He has to know that with an economy (Russian) not even as big as Texas, . . . he should start taking cues from someone who is making money for both himself and for his country.

When Trump shamed ol' Merkle-britches in front of the whole world, . . . he exposed the biggest vulnerabilty of Russia, . . . it's small economy (per capita) and had to make ol Putin start thinking about "how do I get on the good side of this guy".

I also believe that there just may be some of that ol' fashioned "Holy Ghost" intervention going on there, . . . tapping ol' Putin on the shoulder and reminding him of some of the old sermons he has heard about Israel, . . .

Anyway, . . . it's exciting, . . . what is going on.

May God bless,

A Watchman
07-19-2018, 06:50 AM
I most certainly agree, these are exciting times.

08-15-2018, 08:45 PM
False Prophet may come out of the area Merkel Vacates, and with DJT shaming her, he may just force that strongman to show up.

eta-- they are 2 different folks also