View Full Version : Surviving Capitalism
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-22-2018, 10:45 PM
Now that I'm a full fledged, paid in full VIP member, (Thanks for the suggestion, Bucketback) I have decided I should discuss some prepping ideas with those of you open minded enough to listen.
You people, while set in your ways, have some reasonably sound ideas but are a little misguided from our viewpoint. Now, before you become irate and attack me just because you don't believe I should have freedom to speak, hear me out.
You gentlemen and lady/gentleman pride yourselves on being at least somewhat self sufficient. We here at the study group realize one of your fears is that there will be a financial collapse of our system, your EBT card will fail, and the drug and prostitution money you would normally spend on beer may have to be diverted to a subsistence account.
Granted, this is a very real possibility due to the nature of Capitalism. We all know that corporations build their riches on the backs of the working class. Corporations are for profit entities and their allegiance is to the board and shareholders. Not to the workers who provided the physical labor to build the company up, but to the wealthy people who can afford to be shareholders.
Now I realize that some of you have shares of stock in a corporation or two. But you are no more a real shareholder of any significant value than my cat who, because I've allowed him a pillow on my futon, thinks he owns part of my apartment. Because of this false sense of security your capitalist masters have allowed you to maintain, you feel concerned that an outside force could topple this shrine to decadence.
Well, my friends and fellow VIP members, you are correct. Until the American people see the folly of not nationalizing the larger corporations, until the American people finally listen to reason and let socialism take a firm hold, and until we the people finally allow the government to guide these corporations for the good of the nation, we will be under the threats of that black cloud.
In order to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the economic system due to corporate greed we as preppers must learn to use our assets wisely. A shared economy amongst the neighborhood is the only way we will survive. In the event of a collapse economically, or the loss of our power grid due to an EPM from the global warming we must be prepared to share our stores, to provide for those who have little, and to work for a common goal of a classless society.
We often here the story of the ants and the grasshopper when preppers attempt to justify their greed. But didn't the grasshopper provide music for the ants while they worked? Of course he did. It was greed that caused the ants to deny the grasshopper his fair share of the food they harvested. It was this same greed that caused the grasshopper to die in the cold.
So I urge you, if a collapse or catastrophe should occur, bring out your food, your water, and share with others. Give of yourselves so that everyone can flourish.
08-22-2018, 10:58 PM
You sure your name isn't Bruce Mann?
(Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren's husband)
Coastie dad
08-22-2018, 11:01 PM
I've got several names for this socialist sack of shit.
I thought now I'm just too tired to take him on right now. He's like dealing with those kids at work. Thinks he knows and is owed everything.
08-23-2018, 12:19 AM
Hello Mr. FartTurd, I hope you dont mind my abbreviating your name but I want to save my efforts for asking questions on some of the points you raised. Also, I'm in the process of passing a 9x5mm kidney stone and am pretty much drugged up so if my questions seems sideways try to go with what I mean instead of what I type. Ok?
Well, my friends and fellow VIP members, you are correct. Until the American people see the folly of not nationalizing the larger corporations, until the American people finally listen to reason and let socialism take a firm hold, and until we the people finally allow the government to guide these corporations for the good of the nation, we will be under the threats of that black cloud.
I have a few questions:
How is that not just trading one overlord for another?
Who will absorb the lost tax base that was previously corporate sourced?
As capitalism is based on bottom line, and the exponentially growing government has no bottom-line, eventually citizen tax payers will not be able to support Socialism. From where does the money come then?
In order to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the economic system due to corporate greed we as preppers must learn to use our assets wisely. A shared economy amongst the neighborhood is the only way we will survive. In the event of a collapse economically, or the loss of our power grid due to an EPM from the global warming we must be prepared to share our stores, to provide for those who have little, and to work for a common goal of a classless society. ... So I urge you, if a collapse or catastrophe should occur, bring out your food, your water, and share with others. Give of yourselves so that everyone can flourish.
Hell, I thought I knew who you were...but you're starting to sound like TGus. Are you sure you dont live in Boston with plans of planting gardens on your roof and organizing the community?
I realize you think preppers are greedy but I see it as not being a burden on someone else or on an otherwise over-tapped society. Do you propose that we stop taking care of ourselves and go lay on the State? If we did that, how would you have our taxes to spend?
Ok, I might have more questions later but I have to go feed the dogs if I can find the door. Thanks!
08-23-2018, 01:38 AM
[QUOTE=..........So I urge you, if a collapse or catastrophe should occur, bring out your food, your water, and share with others. Give of yourselves so that everyone can flourish.[/QUOTE]
Sorry to break your bubble, . . . but had you attended classes that were worthwhile (civics, . . . history, . . . economics, . . . mathematics, . . . ) you would possibly not have the snot nosed asinine attitude you project.
You would also know that inevitably there is a down turn, . . . a down fall, . . . a crisis, . . . whether man made, weather related, famine, or pandemic, . . . none the less, . . . full blown and country wide if not world wide.
When that happens, . . . the grasshopper will have fiddled while I worked, . . . and will expect "his fair share" of my bounty. Ain't gonna happen, . . . period.
AND, . . . there are multiple millions more just like me, . . . many who have much better skills, . . . more refined weaponry, . . . lots of youth, . . . and they also share a very deep seated willingness to continue the capitalism, freedom, and liberty we enjoy, . . . regardless of the sacrifice you may have to make.
May God bless,
08-23-2018, 03:18 AM
Now that I'm a full fledged, paid in full VIP member, (Thanks for the suggestion, Bucketback) I have decided I should discuss some prepping ideas with those of you open minded enough to listen.
You people, while set in your ways, have some reasonably sound ideas but are a little misguided from our viewpoint. Now, before you become irate and attack me just because you don't believe I should have freedom to speak, hear me out.
You gentlemen and lady/gentleman pride yourselves on being at least somewhat self sufficient. We here at the study group realize one of your fears is that there will be a financial collapse of our system, your EBT card will fail, and the drug and prostitution money you would normally spend on beer may have to be diverted to a subsistence account.
Granted, this is a very real possibility due to the nature of Capitalism. We all know that corporations build their riches on the backs of the working class. Corporations are for profit entities and their allegiance is to the board and shareholders. Not to the workers who provided the physical labor to build the company up, but to the wealthy people who can afford to be shareholders.
Now I realize that some of you have shares of stock in a corporation or two. But you are no more a real shareholder of any significant value than my cat who, because I've allowed him a pillow on my futon, thinks he owns part of my apartment. Because of this false sense of security your capitalist masters have allowed you to maintain, you feel concerned that an outside force could topple this shrine to decadence.
Well, my friends and fellow VIP members, you are correct. Until the American people see the folly of not nationalizing the larger corporations, until the American people finally listen to reason and let socialism take a firm hold, and until we the people finally allow the government to guide these corporations for the good of the nation, we will be under the threats of that black cloud.
In order to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the economic system due to corporate greed we as preppers must learn to use our assets wisely. A shared economy amongst the neighborhood is the only way we will survive. In the event of a collapse economically, or the loss of our power grid due to an EPM from the global warming we must be prepared to share our stores, to provide for those who have little, and to work for a common goal of a classless society.
We often here the story of the ants and the grasshopper when preppers attempt to justify their greed. But didn't the grasshopper provide music for the ants while they worked? Of course he did. It was greed that caused the ants to deny the grasshopper his fair share of the food they harvested. It was this same greed that caused the grasshopper to die in the cold.
So I urge you, if a collapse or catastrophe should occur, bring out your food, your water, and share with others. Give of yourselves so that everyone can flourish.
I must admit I am not quite sold on Socialism yet but you make so very good points. These hairless chimps should be forced to pay their fair share and give what they have to those less fortunate. They also need their guns taken away so the government can do its job and redistribute their prepping wealth without any impediment. The faster we get this sorted out the faster we, as a nation, can progress.
When we take back the White House in 2020 I think these heathens should be forced to house our Muslim brothers whom are refugees from the wars caused by the Bush dynasty. Maybe then they will learn about inclusion and diversity.
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 08:03 AM
First, let me address your chaplain's veiled threats of violence. Relying on suggestions that you have an arsenal and army to combat a peaceful movement for change speaks volumes in support of our claims that you should not be allowed to own weapons.
Next, there will always be people willing to work and pay taxes. The fallacy that people will just stop working has been regurgitated by capitalist propagandists so often you have come to believe it as fact, yet there is no proof of it. The government will make sure there is a work force always, because it will be necessary for the nationalized industries to continue operating.
And people as yourselves will always be available to supply a distribution of wealthy because your nature as hoarders cannot be denied.
08-23-2018, 08:18 AM
First, let me address your chaplain's veiled threats of violence. Relying on suggestions that you have an arsenal and army to combat a peaceful movement for change speaks volumes in support of our claims that you should not be allowed to own weapons.
Next, there will always be people willing to work and pay taxes. The fallacy that people will just stop working has been regurgitated by capitalist propagandists so often you have come to believe it as fact, yet there is no proof of it. The government will make sure there is a work force always, because it will be necessary for the nationalized industries to continue operating.
And people as yourselves will always be available to supply a distribution of wealthy because your nature as hoarders cannot be denied.
JFT, I have a reading assignment for you. Read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. It may open your eyes as to why that doesn't work.
(And it may keep you out of our hair for a few days.)
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 09:19 AM
JFT, I have a reading assignment for you. Read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. It may open your eyes as to why that doesn't work.
(And it may keep you out of our hair for a few days.)
Why should I re-read the propaganda that you prescribed? You must be aware, as an educated man, that anti-socialist behavior is a diagnosis in the DSM-5.
All governments world wide are becoming socialist.
And for those of you who decry socialism, do you realize that your maintained streets and highways, your emergency services, police department, and such, are all socialist programs? Even your public schools. You decry socialism, yet you partake of it's success every day of your lives.
08-23-2018, 09:54 AM
Why should I re-read the propaganda that you prescribed? You must be aware, as an educated man, that anti-socialist behavior is a diagnosis in the DSM-5.
All governments world wide are becoming socialist.
And for those of you who decry socialism, do you realize that your maintained streets and highways, your emergency services, police department, and such, are all socialist programs? Even your public schools. You decry socialism, yet you partake of it's success every day of your lives.
Yes, they are, and look at the state of them. Bridges and highways are in disrepair, firefighters are forced to use substandard equipment, and suffer from stations being shut down. Watch the movie "Burn", a documentary on the state of the Detriot FD. The state of the public school systems are even more 'Deplorable'. Social services for the eldery are all but non-existant. Yeah, socialism is SOO F-ing fantastic.
08-23-2018, 10:16 AM
J Farthington Turdsworth & runNgun,
You have provided many laughs and much entertainment!
And for that, I thank you...
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
08-23-2018, 10:24 AM
A perfect example of socialist indoctrination without a positive result......
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 12:29 PM
Yes, they are, and look at the state of them. Bridges and highways are in disrepair, firefighters are forced to use substandard equipment, and suffer from stations being shut down. Watch the movie "Burn", a documentary on the state of the Detriot FD. The state of the public school systems are even more 'Deplorable'. Social services for the eldery are all but non-existant. Yeah, socialism is SOO F-ing fantastic.
But this country is not currently run by socialism, it is run by Capitalism. So, your complaints are the product of socialism being corrupted by Capitalism.
08-23-2018, 12:56 PM
But this country is not currently run by socialism, it is run by Capitalism. So, your complaints are the product of socialism being corrupted by Capitalism.
Wrong, again, Doc.
By the way, what exactly , is your "Doctorate" in, Doc?
Society's infrastructure is paid for with taxpayer dollars, local, state, and Federal. But wait! There's more! Those same tax dollars also pay for the illegal immigrants that these "sanctuary cities" refuse to evict, for the professional welfare recipients who breed for more welfare $$$, mandated "social Programs" that do nothing to help society, leaving crumbs for public safety and infrastructure.
Got that, Doc?
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 01:02 PM
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Capitalism isn't wrong, socialism is just started so much better for us. And here again, the programs you are complaining about are being run by capitalist frauds in an effort to keep the class based system they thrive on in place.
08-23-2018, 01:31 PM
So it's obvious that your degree is NOT in Economics.
Commercial Business is the large part of any government tax base. Individual taxpayers actually make up a small percentage of that tax base. So a large part of a government's tax income is from commercial business.
The government, whether conservative, liberal, or socialist determine how that money is spent. But you already know this. Earlier generations have used this money to build roads, bridges, and fund police & fire, and, on a Federal level, Defense. Social programs were added over time to aid those in need. Then more programs were added for those who were offended that they weren't getting free money. Then came the professional welfare recipients, then came the funded mandates that forced more money away from infrastructure. As Socialism grows, so will this drain on the tax base, until shit starts breaking, and probably for a while after that.
THAT, Doc, is called Shit hitting the fan. :shtf:
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 02:05 PM
So, either your degree is in economics, or your opinion holds the same validity you assign mine.
08-23-2018, 02:25 PM
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Capitalism isn't wrong, socialism is just started so much better for us. And here again, the programs you are complaining about are being run by capitalist frauds in an effort to keep the class based system they thrive on in place.
And I’m sure you will be first in line to receive the fruits of someone else’s labor, free stuff the likes of you receive has no value to you for you didn’t have to earn it.....That’s not that difficult to understand. There are names for the likes of your kind. Lazy, leech,slug, just a few that come to mind.....
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 02:36 PM
Sticks and stones, the trade secret of those incapable of discussion.
I thought we agreed you would stop responding? If you can't follow your own simple guidelines, how can we depend on you when something serious, such as a trump reelection, occurs?
08-23-2018, 03:00 PM
08-23-2018, 03:06 PM
Sticks and stones, the trade secret of those incapable of discussion.
I thought we agreed you would stop responding? If you can't follow your own simple guidelines, how can we depend on you when something serious, such as a trump reelection, occurs?
I never agreed on anything, only that I am able to make my own choices, and a lack of need for someone to do that for me...
08-23-2018, 03:18 PM
So, either your degree is in economics, or your opinion holds the same validity you assign mine.
THAT's it?
C'mon, Doc, I'm disappointed, you're supposed to be a man of higher education than the rest of us. By the way, what's that degree in, again?
08-23-2018, 03:44 PM
what's that degree in, again?
if he really is a socialist / SJW leftist, then it be gender studies
because they say there is more then 2 genders
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 07:58 PM
THAT's it?
C'mon, Doc, I'm disappointed, you're supposed to be a man of higher education than the rest of us. By the way, what's that degree in, again?
My understanding is that true preppers are loathe to give out personal information, something about protocol security or some silliness.
So why are you so obsessed with my information? I didn't ask if you really brew beer, did I?
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 07:59 PM
if he really is a socialist / SJW leftist, then it be gender studies
because they say there is more then 2 genders
And the number rises as I record this forum has a man(?) who identifies as a pug pimp.
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 08:02 PM
I never agreed on anything, only that I am able to make my own choices, and a lack of need for someone to do that for me...
Yet here you are back, commenting on my musings. You must be part of my budding fan club that wants me to stay around.
Would everyone like me better if I brought pie to the hog roasting?
08-23-2018, 08:40 PM
And the number rises as I record this forum has a man(?) who identifies as a pug pimp.
or a man who identifies as a turd
08-23-2018, 08:55 PM
I identify as a hawg. :pig:
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 10:40 PM
or a man who identifies as a turd
As a worthy turd, I'll have you know.
If it weren't for turds, you meat eating neanderthal types would plug up and explode. And I'm sure with all the red meat and pork you claim to ingest there may have been several cracked porcelain bowls from the droppings.
Ugh...have any of you considered vegetarian lifestyles?
08-25-2018, 11:29 PM
But this country is not currently run by socialism, it is run by Capitalism. So, your complaints are the product of socialism being corrupted by Capitalism.
Who was it that said "The trouble with Socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money"?
08-26-2018, 10:04 AM
First the theft of another's goods and or chattels is not a peaceful movement, but a direct assault on the rule of law and currently illegal for private citizens to do. I wo't comment on the programs of our government.
Second if you plan on comming to any of our post SHTF properties or communities and demanding your "fair Share" I hope you've made plans for your family after you've gone on to your just rewards.
Third we have a place where socialism is actually used for folks of your ilk. I'ts called prison and if you'd like to see how it works, try stealing someone's property and live to tell about it. We'll give you an all expense paid tour for say four to five years.
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-26-2018, 10:19 AM
If you read my posts rather than regurgitating capitalist propaganda, you would have seen where I suggest the nationalizing of industry and the government being able to ensure employees would be readily available to maintain production.
A guaranteed work force both agricultural and industrial, supplying what this country needs to be self sufficient without needing to depend totally on outside markets will make America great again. Isn't that what your president and you yourselves want?
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-26-2018, 10:27 AM
As far as your second paragraph, once again, threats of violence. Is that the only argument you people have?
Did I say anything about theft? I would expect Christian people, as you claim to be, would voluntarily come to the aid of their neighbors rather than threatening death.
I have quite a bit to learn while studying this group, but it appears to me that you have a lot to learn about yourselves.
Many of your ideas are contradictory.
08-26-2018, 11:42 AM
Socialism: theft from those that have worked, are self-reliant and have rightfully earned, and are by force to give to those that feel entitled and not being held accountable ; someone that is too lazy to help themselves.......
08-26-2018, 11:45 AM
If you read my posts rather than regurgitating capitalist propaganda, you would have seen where I suggest the nationalizing of industry and the government being able to ensure employees would be readily available to maintain production.
A guaranteed work force both agricultural and industrial, supplying what this country needs to be self sufficient without needing to depend totally on outside markets will make America great again. Isn't that what your president and you yourselves want?
What a weasel.
Nationaliing industries is stealing from others. My farm Bush Gardens, Lockheed Martin. Theft is theft.
And Forced labor camps - brings back visions of Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. Maybe you'd want us to all go Seig Hiel.
08-26-2018, 11:49 AM
As far as your second paragraph, once again, threats of violence. Is that the only argument you people have?
Did I say anything about theft? I would expect Christian people, as you claim to be, would voluntarily come to the aid of their neighbors rather than threatening death.
I have quite a bit to learn while studying this group, but it appears to me that you have a lot to learn about yourselves.
Many of your ideas are contradictory.
There was no threat of violence. Just a promise that if you try and take what I've worked hard for you will be resisted by any and all means.
And just what the hades makes you think I'm a Christian?
As for that line of thought isn't one of the 10 commandments thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods?
If that isn't a ban on taking from others I don't see what else it could be.
Take care Skippy.
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-26-2018, 11:54 AM
Sarge, I understand your concerns. You've been fed a steady diet of propaganda all through the cold war. Capitalist lies to guarantee your willingness to maintain their agenda.
The government already owns everything. If you don't believe me, you or any industry is free to cease paying taxes. You'll find the true owners will appear. That's how our country works, my misguided friend. We are already, and have been for almost a hundred years, a socialist nation. You participate in it. You may have even served your country under the guise of patriotism, but you have been participating in socialism. It's just through the propaganda you've grown up with that makes you believe otherwise.
It's just time we admit the truth and embrace it.
08-26-2018, 01:21 PM
First you do not understand the first thing about me or anyone else here on this forum. Socialism has never worked anywhere it's been implemented. Some social programs perhaps, but socialism is an abject failure. Heck even in Russia under Communisim, there was a mini form of capitolism that helped provide food for major cities when the socialist programs broke down and failed to provide.
Folks that have no vested interest in what they do have no real incentive to improve their own living conditions. Just look at state subsidized/run housing projects.
But hey Hope an illegal doesn't get you
08-26-2018, 02:10 PM
First you do not understand the first thing about me or anyone else here on this forum. Socialism has never worked anywhere it's been implemented. Some social programs perhaps, but socialism is an abject failure. Heck even in Russia under Communisim, there was a mini form of capitolism that helped provide food for major cities when the socialist programs broke down and failed to provide.
Folks that have no vested interest in what they do have no real incentive to improve their own living conditions. Just look at state subsidized/run housing projects.
But hey Hope an illegal doesn't get you
i never understood why they call none socialist Nazis but Nazism is a socialism
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 06:46 AM
It's ok gambit. I've noticed a lot of you on here don't understand a lot of things. But, I'll be here to help you progress.
08-27-2018, 07:11 AM
Snoresville Turd! You bore me in fact Im dying a slow death of boredom reading your drivel.
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 07:37 AM
I'm sorry. I can only work at the level my audience is capable of understanding. Maybe if I could post in crayon it might help the comprehension to increase for you people, but until then I have to make the conversations simple and sometimes simple is boring. I'm sure you've heard your wife say that about you.
08-27-2018, 08:08 AM
I'm sorry. I can only work at the level my audience is capable of understanding. Maybe if I could post in crayon it might help the comprehension to increase for you people, but until then I have to make the conversations simple and sometimes simple is boring. I'm sure you've heard your wife say that about you.
You wonder why you get the disrespect you so deserve, try reading out loud to yourself once and you will then understand why , you talk down to everyone here and you expect to get fair treatment, wake up, you aren’t any better or smarter then anyone else here, quit trying to pretend you are......
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 09:31 AM
It's not that I get the disrepect I d serve, so much as I return the disrespect I am given.
While you're looking for stones to cast, why don't you peruse some of your initial posts to me?
08-27-2018, 10:13 AM
I'm sorry. I can only work at the level my audience is capable of understanding. Maybe if I could post in crayon it might help the comprehension to increase for you people, but until then I have to make the conversations simple and sometimes simple is boring. I'm sure you've heard your wife say that about you.
At least in crayon it would be colorful! Add some pictures for me to would you!
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 12:13 PM
At least in crayon it would be colorful! Add some pictures for me to would you!
Working on it, just for you:
08-27-2018, 03:23 PM
I have one simple question. Where has socialism ever been successful?
I'll wait.
08-27-2018, 04:33 PM
It works in Never Neverland. That's where I saw my first unicorn.
I have one simple question. Where has socialism ever been successful?
I'll wait.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 04:51 PM
Socialism has worked everywhere it was attempted, until fascists and capitalists worked to destroy it. So anywhere you see it has failed, research how capitalists and often American politicians and corporations have been involved.
If I gave examples you would tell me I was making it up. Do your own research based on my suggestions and allow your minds to be opened.
I really like you guys. You're starting to come around a little. Now that we got that RunNgun guy out of here. He was a radical just out to cause trouble.
08-27-2018, 04:57 PM
I’ll make a deal with you, you live in your world and I will live in mine, I will give you an address so you can send me your stuff, after all, that’s what socialists do, they give everyone their stuff, I’m sure there is stuff that you have that I don’t so it’s only right that I have it, how is that for having an open mind? And I did this without any name calling.....
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 06:09 PM
I’ll make a deal with you, you live in your world and I will live in mine, I will give you an address so you can send me your stuff, after all, that’s what socialists do, they give everyone their stuff, I’m sure there is stuff that you have that I don’t so it’s only right that I have it, how is that for having an open mind? And I did this without any name calling.....
That's a step forward, for sure. But for us to share stuff we'd have to be in proximity. You haven't offered to share any of yours. Contrary to popular belief around here, we are socialist, not stupid.:beerchug:
08-27-2018, 06:28 PM
Socialists ARE stupid. They are the same thing.
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 06:49 PM
So are electricians.
See how opinions work?
Of course, I'm sure you will counter with how much schooling you have, or how much money you make, etc. But until you are willing to back your statement with fact rather than opinion, it will only be your opinion.
08-27-2018, 07:00 PM
How about a question? I just spent 4 months away from the family that I love. Worked seven days a week, ten hours a day. Woke up at 4 am every day. Every. Single. Day. For four months. Worked outside, in South Florida summer heat. Braved thunderstorms, animals, death by electrocution and industrial accident. All the while you tamped away on your keyboard touting the virtues of Socialism. In what wild, crazy dream world do you believe that you hold claim to ANY of the financial gains that I created?
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 07:12 PM
It's not just me laying claim. It's for all of our benefit. In a socialist world, you would be reaping benefits also.
Too many of you only see it as "They are taking from me."
You have to understand, we intend to give back to you also.
I might also add that in a socialist state, there would be more workers to share the load. You wouldn't have to spend so much time away from your family. We all work together for the benefit of all of us.
08-27-2018, 07:32 PM
So, no matter how much extra I work, no matter how much better I am, no matter my personal effort, I will always have equal compensation with everyone else, no matter how little they contribute? Never.
08-27-2018, 07:42 PM
Let me be clear. When I say "never", what I mean to say is, I would gladly die in an all-out war against you, and your ill-advised kind, in order to protect me, and my children from living under a politically ideology that places no value on personal responsibility, has caused more genocide than any other political ideology in the 20th century, and guarantees the ultimate death of the society that my forefathers died to create, and became the dominant super-power in the world in less time than any other society in history.
Your screen name is most appropriate, sir.
08-27-2018, 08:42 PM
I don't want any of the junk you and the rest of you so called socialists (I prefer the word thiefs) have. I also don't want any thing that Sparky or any one else has. I just want to keep what I've worked for. Seems like socialism is nothing more than state sponsored robbery. But hey I have to deal with simple minded folks (prison seems to be a place where folks that practice non state sponsored robbery end up).
But as I've said before those in prison get to participate in what you ought to see as a socialist paradise. Everyone gets the same of everything. One hour of out door rec every day. the same crappy thread bare blanket, and they're told when , what and where they can perform such functions as taking a crap or a shower.
If you were a true socialist, you'd come and join them
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 08:51 PM
When you've rested up and aren't so cranky, come back and we'll talk. All these threats of violence. I've never threatened violence against any of you, now have I?
I swear, you boys and your red meat. Blood pressure gets up, you get tired, and the next thing you know you're off trying to start wars with perfect strangers. Why, it's a good thing you're ok with me being in an interracial relationship. Otherwise I'm afraid you guys would really get testy with me.
08-27-2018, 09:06 PM
When you've rested up and aren't so cranky, come back and we'll talk. All these threats of violence. I've never threatened violence against any of you, now have I?
I swear, you boys and your red meat. Blood pressure gets up, you get tired, and the next thing you know you're off trying to start wars with perfect strangers. Why, it's a good thing you're ok with me being in an interracial relationship. Otherwise I'm afraid you guys would really get testy with me.
Yep. you are just a troll. Throwing out lots of phrases deliberately designed to get a reaction out of people who you think are of a certain persuasion. I almost took you seriously, but this statement blew that. Now, I think you are a little kid, in his or her mom's basement, getting some perverse thrill out of irritating other people. I doubt you believe anything you have written, I doubt you are in ANY relationship beyond your own hand and an internet subscription to PornHub, and I doubt that you have the conviction to stand behind any personal belief that you might actually have. Have a nice life.
The Real McCoy
08-27-2018, 11:05 PM
These Liberals whine and complain nonstop about Russian collusion yet they espouse the Commie way of life. Ain't that a kick in the pants.
J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-27-2018, 11:08 PM
As I suspected. Afraid to engage other than threats of violence, or telling me I should be incarcerated.
How can you accuse me of not believing what I wrote, when you, yourselves, defend your ideals with threats, profanity, and disdain?
Gentlemen, I suggest that you are the non believers, the hypocrites, and the weak because you cannot tell me why you are opposed to socialism other than to scream, beat your chests, and like ill behaved toddlers declare "It is mine!"
Most remarkably what you look for in these events is who is not talking.... I have noticed and I know. I also know that bounds have been pushed that were not meant to be and now forces one to perpetuate the lie, to come clean, or to dissolve.
I suggest one dissolve, because no one likes to be confronted and I know you are not comfortable in that you now pursue.
rambling... me thinks not.
close the thread and move on.....
08-28-2018, 08:12 AM
Why I oppose Socialism.
Today in the US the number of people on Government assistance and the number of full time employees is approx. equal. Because of the way the count was done that in itself is not too bad. Under Socialism everyone works toward the good of the others. The problem occur when everyone turns into 20% of everyone.
Those are facts, now comes my opinion. I believe that over the past 30 years or so too many "entitled" people have been by our Govt., schools, and parents. Under Socialism if you don't work others provide for you. "Why work?" would become the attitude of a major portion of the population. "Why should I produce a superior product?" while others produce crap and get the same compensation.
What will happen to your warm-fuzzy Socialistic society when only 10% of the population can be forced into work camps?
Coastie dad
08-28-2018, 09:25 AM
Please refer to my last post in Turdtapper's other thread.
08-28-2018, 09:43 AM
As I suspected. Afraid to engage other than threats of violence, or telling me I should be incarcerated.
How can you accuse me of not believing what I wrote, when you, yourselves, defend your ideals with threats, profanity, and disdain?
Gentlemen, I suggest that you are the non believers, the hypocrites, and the weak because you cannot tell me why you are opposed to socialism other than to scream, beat your chests, and like ill behaved toddlers declare "It is mine!"
A) No one has threatened you. They've just stated that if you come to take what's theirs they will resist your actions by any and all means.
You on the other hand have stated that you want to take (by whatever means) what others have worked hard to earn. Since our country was founded on old english/common law that is nothing less than stealing what is not rightfully yours.
B) as far as suggesting you be incarcerated, that's clearly not what was written. I just suggested that if you are such a proponent of the socialist agenda and forced labor that you might want to try it on for size and see just how it fits.
C) lastly perhaps you have no skill sets that are in demand or the only jobs that you can qualify for are flipping burgers at McDee's at 7.25 per hour. Maybe instead of plotting ways to steal what is not rightfully yours, that you leave the bastion of left wing radicalism and learn a trade. I know for a fact that we can teach any one to dig a ditch with a d-handled shouvle
d) one last point, unless you are the one ruthless SOB (Like Lenin or Stalin or Mao) your fate is most likely going to be with that D-handled shovel I spoke of
08-28-2018, 10:05 AM
Be careful sarge, you just threatened him, the profane threat was called “work”.
08-28-2018, 10:15 AM
Be careful sarge, you just threatened him, the profane threat was called “work”.
Lord what was I think using that foul 4 letter word.
Actually I just got finished working with about 1100 really nice folks in one of our socialist paradises.
And guess what they don't have to work. Course they have no money to go to the commissary and get things like twinkies, candy bars, cookies, and ramen noodles.
that means they eat what comes our of the community kitchen.
Maybe one day the little guy will get to try one of our meat rocks
08-28-2018, 10:17 AM
A) No one has threatened you. They've just stated that if you come to take what's theirs they will resist your actions by any and all means.
You on the other hand have stated that you want to take (by whatever means) what others have worked hard to earn. Since our country was founded on old english/common law that is nothing less than stealing what is not rightfully yours.
B) as far as suggesting you be incarcerated, that's clearly not what was written. I just suggested that if you are such a proponent of the socialist agenda and forced labor that you might want to try it on for size and see just how it fits.
C) lastly perhaps you have no skill sets that are in demand or the only jobs that you can qualify for are flipping burgers at McDee's at 7.25 per hour. Maybe instead of plotting ways to steal what is not rightfully yours, that you leave the bastion of left wing radicalism and learn a trade. I know for a fact that we can teach any one to dig a ditch with a d-handled shouvle
d) one last point, unless you are the one ruthless SOB (Like Lenin or Stalin or Mao) your fate is most likely going to be with that D-handled shovel I spoke of
You're probably off a bit on that $7.25 an hour figure Sarge. He's from Commiefornia, where flippin' burgers is considered technical work and is worth $15.00 an hour.
08-28-2018, 10:20 AM
You're probably off a bit on that $7.25 an hour figure Sarge. He's from Commiefornia, where flippin' burgers is considered technical work and is worth $15.00 an hour.
You're probably right. Course if it's a technical skill set he may not have the back ground and then we're back to a pick and shovel work
08-29-2018, 11:51 AM
Cuba? Venezuela?China? Tell me more about how any of these s*&t holes are better than the USA. Second thought just keep it to your self.
Coastie dad
08-29-2018, 05:06 PM
He can't respond. He was banned.
08-29-2018, 05:53 PM
He can't respond. He was banned.That's too bad. Him and run n gun made things fun again.
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Coastie dad
08-29-2018, 05:55 PM
That's too bad. Him and run n gun made things fun again.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Well, I wasn't here much but from what I gather he was stepping on toes pretty bad.
08-29-2018, 06:21 PM
Well, I wasn't here much but from what I gather he was stepping on toes pretty bad.
Not really stepping on toes. He was just fake. He didn't have any legitimate points, he just made purposefully inflaming statements to try to get a rise out of people. If he was a real Socialist, I wouldn't have minded debating him.
08-29-2018, 07:48 PM
Well, I wasn't here much but from what I gather he was stepping on toes pretty bad.
Yeah and I heard Turdsworth was ugly and smelled like rotten cabbage farts.
Coastie dad
08-29-2018, 08:54 PM
Yeah and I heard Turdsworth was ugly and smelled like rotten cabbage farts.
Or he didn't shower after a hot liason with RunNKunt.
Coastie dad
08-29-2018, 08:55 PM
The reason they run in pairs is they're joined, but not at the hip....
08-29-2018, 09:40 PM
The reason they run in pairs is they're joined, but not at the hip....
You're probably right but I'm guessing RNG is pitching in that game.
Coastie dad
08-29-2018, 10:31 PM
I dunno...there may have been a timer set to do a turnover ... I think they both had delusions of being the top.
08-30-2018, 10:30 AM
I think they were in reality....Bernie Sanders and David Hogg.
08-30-2018, 11:28 AM
I think they were in reality....Bernie Sanders and David Hogg.That's funny. And probably true.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Coastie dad
08-30-2018, 02:04 PM
I disagree. Because Hogg didn't survive here, and he survives everything.
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