View Full Version : Urban gardening

J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-23-2018, 10:23 PM
On another forum I frequent a member suggested rooftop gardens for apartment dwellers. Here in the land of sunshine and enlightenment that would be a very dangerous idea. Even though our governor wants to continue working to prevent global warming, Trump's decision to pull out of the Accord has been detrimental to us. With the weather warming and the oceans rising we have had more earthquakes. And the added weight of the rooftop gardens, at least for us, would be too unstable to be safe.

Several of us residing in the mobile office have decided to try bucket gardening. In order to stay green as possible we have been waiting until our 5 gallon buckets we use at night are roughly half full, then mixing potting soil in to fill the bucket.

So far, we have been successful with tomatoes, squash, and beans, but our okra is not doing well. It seems that the freshman here at the University are stripping the leaves from the stalls and drying them out.

We line the buckets up by the mobile office so that rain running from the roof will irrigate our crops, but during the dry spell one of our engineering graduates devised a system to cycle water from our shower to the buckets. Any excess water goes into a sump, where a solar powered pump diverts it back to our toilet tank.

I'm curious to how the urbanites on this forum plan to develop sustainable gardens when the Sanders hits the fan.

08-24-2018, 12:39 AM
Pro-tip: Fill your buckets with your own shit. The fertilization is better than any store bought cow manure. Your tomatoes will taste delicious.

08-24-2018, 04:21 AM
Pro-tip: Fill your buckets with your own shit. The fertilization is better than any store bought cow manure. Your tomatoes will taste delicious.

Ewwwww yucky!

08-24-2018, 04:58 AM
Earthquakes are now Trumps fault, next I suppose asteroids will be Trumps fault, many people have rooftop gardens, being in construction for the last 42 years I have never been asked to design a roof to accommodate a garden, if it works for you , great, but you just can’t go ahead and do it until you’ve done your homework, unless you don’t have a problem with your garden ending up in your living room. Good luck.....

08-24-2018, 11:28 AM
On another forum I frequent a member suggested rooftop gardens for apartment dwellers. Here in the land of sunshine and enlightenment that would be a very dangerous idea. Even though our governor wants to continue working to prevent global warming, Trump's decision to pull out of the Accord has been detrimental to us. With the weather warming and the oceans rising we have had more earthquakes. And the added weight of the rooftop gardens, at least for us, would be too unstable to be safe.

Several of us residing in the mobile office have decided to try bucket gardening. In order to stay green as possible we have been waiting until our 5 gallon buckets we use at night are roughly half full, then mixing potting soil in to fill the bucket.

So far, we have been successful with tomatoes, squash, and beans, but our okra is not doing well. It seems that the freshman here at the University are stripping the leaves from the stalls and drying them out.

We line the buckets up by the mobile office so that rain running from the roof will irrigate our crops, but during the dry spell one of our engineering graduates devised a system to cycle water from our shower to the buckets. Any excess water goes into a sump, where a solar powered pump diverts it back to our toilet tank.

I'm curious to how the urbanites on this forum plan to develop sustainable gardens when the Sanders hits the fan.

Your full of bullshit.the only dry spell you have ever had is when your boyfriend wouldn't pack your fudge!......

What kind of forum lets people like this turdsworh fool get away with this crap?.
This place is turning into a soap opera.c'mon Inor and Hawgrider.fess up.what kind of game is this?.

J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-24-2018, 11:49 AM
I'm trying to post with a question and example of a prep we are actually working on. Are you so intolerant of me that when I try to engage the membership seriously you still call for my banning?

08-24-2018, 11:57 AM
I gave you an opinion without knowing the facts of your situation, if you think that’s an attack, maybe you need to rephrase the question.....

Big Ken
08-24-2018, 12:22 PM
[QUOTE=MI.oldguy;139367]Your full of bullshit.the only dry spell you have ever had is when your boyfriend wouldn't pack your ass!......QUOTE]

Zing.... :-)

08-24-2018, 12:26 PM
Your full of bullshit.the only dry spell you have ever had is when your boyfriend wouldn't pack your ass!......

What kind of forum lets people like this turdsworh fool get away with this crap?.
This place is turning into a soap opera.c'mon Inor and Hawgrider.fess up.what kind of game is this?.

VIP members took a vote in the VIP forum to ban the turd and RunGun(runnyNose) RunnyNose got voted to ban so hes gone.

The turds ban vote by VIP members was a tie. So he lives until there is another vote to ban is presented. VIP member do the banning unless there is damage being done to the forum. So far he has done no real damage so we leave it up to VIP members to ban.

08-24-2018, 12:40 PM

J. Farthington Turdsworth
08-24-2018, 12:42 PM
I gave you an opinion without knowing the facts of your situation, if you think that’s an attack, maybe you need to rephrase the question.....

I apologise for the misunderstanding. That wasn't directed at you, but at the Michigan guy insinuating my homosexuality.

I'll try to learn to use the quote more often .

08-24-2018, 12:44 PM

What? You didn't know about the VIP members being able to ban anyone? If he was doing damage Id ban him right away.

At this point he is just a play toy for the cat herders we have here. When the cat herders are tired of the turd they will ostracize him.

Coastie dad
08-24-2018, 01:19 PM
Seems as though he's trying to play nice right now....