View Full Version : how to bring more traffic here
10-31-2014, 10:36 PM
Deebo loves it here. I have talked us up on Facebook, and invited people, how else can we drive the active participants UP?
I'm open...
10-31-2014, 10:47 PM
I wish I knew. I belong to a lot of forums but this is one of my most favorite. First place I go when I get on the internet. Seems to me we may not be specific enough, maybe we're suffering from being to vague. I join forums because I'm looking for specific info, i.e.: I joined Full size chevy forum when I bought a chevy truck, the Marlin owners forum when I bought my 336, PF when I was looking for some general prepping info, the leatherworkers forum when I started with the leather work, cast boolits when I started thinking about casting and blade forums when I started making knives. Good grief I belong to a lot of forums, this is one of the few that I check in regularly with though. Sad part is that list is only about 1/2 the forums I belong to.
11-01-2014, 08:10 AM
I don't have any ideas, either. Although I don't post much, I'm here every day, and this is the only forum I belong to.
11-01-2014, 11:56 AM
Humm, I don't have a answer for that.
It would be nice to see a little more activity though. This is my favorite out of about a dozen forums I frequent and the one I always hit first and I am guaranteed to hit at least twice a day more times than not. But I would prefer quality over quantity 8 days a week, so I guess I have to give a little to take a little.
11-01-2014, 01:59 PM
I try, just keep telling everyone you know.
11-01-2014, 05:16 PM
Oh we have plenty of freaking's just looking vs. posting. Look at the number of members with less than 20-30 posts.
11-01-2014, 09:27 PM
Oh we have plenty of freaking's just looking vs. posting. Look at the number of members with less than 20-30 posts.
This is pretty common with all forums I think. I have 18 different forums listed in just my gun stuff bookmarks, of those I'm active on maybe 4. All we can do is just keep doing what we do to try and increase traffic. I'll see if I can get to some more leather tutorials here shortly. Maybe some more how to's will increase membership.
11-02-2014, 12:03 AM
TIME!! Places like this get more members with time
11-02-2014, 09:27 PM
I used to belong to a bodybuilding forum. That was the only other one I had besides PF. Just me though.
Trust me ...some of you dont want my kinda of posts...
11-03-2014, 06:58 AM
Trust me ...some of you dont want my kinda of posts...
Sure we do.
11-03-2014, 09:29 AM
Trust me ...some of you dont want my kinda of posts...
I agree with RWalls- Yes we do!!!!!!! Even if you are throwing fence posts--- Haaaa
Arizona Infidel
11-03-2014, 08:55 PM
I don't know if you can do anything. It is what it is
11-06-2014, 02:12 PM
I have single handedly taken the hobbies and interests threads over.
Reply? Rebuttal?
11-06-2014, 05:20 PM
I have single handedly taken the hobbies and interests threads over.
Reply? Rebuttal?
How long can you hold it? You'll go mad trying to hold on to that.
11-06-2014, 07:23 PM
I have single handedly taken the hobbies and interests threads over.
Reply? Rebuttal?
We should rename it "deebos section"
James m
11-06-2014, 09:13 PM
If I recall there was a give away on this site a while ago? There should be something small every month. Ammo. Other related supplies. Knives. Maybe even manufacturers letting you test things then give it away afterwards.
Maybe a grab bag of small things for runners up. Don't have to spend a fortune. Even on shipping. Usps regular post office flat rate envelopes.
But don't hold me accountable if things go wrong and the federales come knocking.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
The federales.
The federales only knock once.
11-06-2014, 09:28 PM
Giveaways would be good but need to be funded. Not sure what the financial situation of OTP is but that could get expensive in a hurry. A field test type of deal might work but I'm not sure how to go about getting manufacturers involved in that type of thing.
James m
11-06-2014, 09:33 PM
Im only talking two boxes of ammo a month. Well but what caliber? So there goes that idea.
Bottle openers?
02-04-2021, 07:00 AM
I'm here because the Hawg took the time and trouble to invite me... and I am grateful: best spot on the net by MILES. Invite all of your like minded friends! Reach out. This place will be flooded with new ideas, new arguments, and new friends.
02-04-2021, 07:02 AM
I told Hawg about the site
02-04-2021, 07:12 AM
I'm here because the Hawg took the time and trouble to invite me... and I am grateful: best spot on the net by MILES. Invite all of your like minded friends! Reach out. This place will be flooded with new ideas, new arguments, and new friends. Damn glad I did too. You sir are a valued member here!!!
I told Hawg about the site Yes you did....
I remember it well as we got banned from PF back in the day I asked you where do we go now?
and you said go to where the banned people go LOL and then you flipped me the link and the rest is history!
Bucket and I go back prolly well over 10 maybe 15 years. Met him at MGO and the now defunct MGF forums his handle back then was 5 is enough and TomE We had a mutual dislike for some ole bag named granny and her butt licking friend TKO aka Toledo kid.
02-04-2021, 07:26 AM
I'm here because the Hawg took the time and trouble to invite me... and I am grateful: best spot on the net by MILES. Invite all of your like minded friends! Reach out. This place will be flooded with new ideas, new arguments, and new friends.
I'm on the OTP because I actually like all you knuckleheads!!
02-04-2021, 07:35 AM
I'm on the OTP because I actually like all you knuckleheads!!
Slippy gate is what brought the bulk of the originals here. That and when the Inors got the perma banned PF yeah good times!
So I used to solicit folks at other sites by watching their posts and then If I thought they were a good fit for OTP Id PM them with an invite. Sometimes they wouldn't even tell me to take a hike. More of them more than not would come check it out.
Word of mouth does work I've probably brought 30 /40 or more folks here lost track really. Not all have stayed but many have. These days I put OTPs link in my sig line on all forums that allow it and if folks like my crazy posts they follow me here. Both methods work.
02-04-2021, 07:52 AM
I here becasue of Hawgrider!!! The invite came just in time just as I was giving up of PF. I go back to PF once in a while but OTP is more like HOME!
02-04-2021, 08:01 AM
I here becasue of Hawgrider!!! The invite came just in time just as I was giving up of PF. I go back to PF once in a while but OTP is more like HOME!
Glad you stuck around! We sure have been through some similar stuff over the couple years. Be glad to see you fire up your garden again when you wrap up the crap going on lately.
02-04-2021, 08:04 AM
PF no likey political posts
02-04-2021, 08:07 AM
PF no likey political posts
Yeah Im a little leery of the Denton bail over there. Most of the new mods they replaced Denton with are friends that frequent here as well. But there is at least 1 new mod there Im not so sure I trust.
02-04-2021, 08:37 AM
Glad you stuck around! We sure have been through some similar stuff over the couple years. Be glad to see you fire up your garden again when you wrap up the crap going on lately.
Yes its still going to be an interesting year. Wife talked about a smaller garden. I think we need to continue what were doing but this year I just have to get my a** out here and get er done! Not going to be easy it to get everything I want done this year.. Large projects include a new garage, a pond and one very long 8' privacy fence. I will hire it all done except maybe the fence but that is questionable becasue it needs in just as soon as we can. Plus my youngest is graduating this year so we have our hands full so to speak. Really want to get back to some serious smoking too.
02-04-2021, 08:42 AM
Yes its still going to be an interesting year. Wife talked about a smaller garden. I think we need to continue what were doing but this year I just have to get my a** out here and get er done! Not going to be easy it to get everything I want done this year.. Large projects include a new garage, a pond and one very long 8' privacy fence. I will hire it all done except maybe the fence but that is questionable becasue it needs in just as soon as we can. Plus my youngest is graduating this year so we have our hands full so to speak. Really want to get back to some serious smoking too.
Sounds like a real busy year for y'all!
02-04-2021, 09:02 AM
So I just hit up SGG and Stevekozak from PF with a PM invite.... no response yet. They both seem like good prospects for OTP
02-04-2021, 09:09 AM
Ricekilla brought me over here from SB when I started getting into it with the new wave of mods over there. That's another forum owned by a conglomerate, the same company as PF I believe.
02-04-2021, 09:22 AM
Ricekilla brought me over here from SB when I started getting into it with the new wave of mods over there. That's another forum owned by a conglomerate, the same company as PF I believe.
Rice brought a lot of folks here. So did you Juskom!
02-04-2021, 09:43 AM
I have been here since the first major exodus from PF have loved it since.
I tell my friends in real life about this place, I know a couple who are lurkers they are not the most outgoing in real life I blame their military jobs. lol but I also know a few who aren't big on computer stuff but I tell them about stuff we discuss here so hope to get them on to share.
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02-04-2021, 10:01 AM
So did you Juskom!
I disavow any/all knowledge of those alleged actions.
Big Ken
02-04-2021, 08:16 PM
I got an invite from Hog as well, I totally forgot about TKO, I wonder if he's still alive, wasn't he kind of sickly over at MGF?
02-04-2021, 08:51 PM
I got an invite from Hog as well, I totally forgot about TKO, I wonder if he's still alive, wasn't he kind of sickly over at MGF?
Seems he was in poor health at one point.
02-05-2021, 05:44 AM
Just keep inviting people you like from the other forums.
Things keep happening like what went wrong at MGF. People HATE elitist-prick moderating.
Now I see things like what is happenin at that shithole-MGO...ONE main troll, several butt-plug buddy trolls, all catered to by the mods and admin. I personally see thus at shithole-MGO, GlockTalk, and FirearmsForum.
02-05-2021, 06:22 AM
Just keep inviting people you like from the other forums.
Things keep happening like what went wrong at MGF. People HATE elitist-prick moderating.
Now I see things like what is happenin at that shithole-MGO...ONE main troll, several butt-plug buddy trolls, all catered to by the mods and admin. I personally see thus at shithole-MGO, GlockTalk, and FirearmsForum.
Yup that's how Bucketback, RubberDuck, mlodell07 and me ended up here.
TKO's power went to his head along with Granny. Opensights who was useless wouldn't do squat about it. So for a payback we drove Knimrod nuts until he finally shut the board down.
Poof buh bye!
02-05-2021, 07:09 AM
Yup that's how Bucketback, RubberDuck, mlodell07 and me ended up here.
TKO's power went to his head along with Granny. Opensights who was useless wouldn't do squat about it. So for a payback we drove Knimrod nuts until he finally shut the board down.
Poof buh bye!
I was there for that.
Then BB, as his other handles, invited me from that shithole-MGO.
02-05-2021, 07:40 AM
I was there for that.
Then BB, as his other handles, invited me from that shithole-MGO.
I've invited several from MGO but none have really stayed or participated here. Except Mike32 before he died andG22 before he went admin. I tried to get tenthumbs here. I think Johnjak signed up but never posted much at all here. Those who hang at MGO are a different breed for sure. Mods are ridicules over there especially the all righteous rifletwit
Anyway glad BB brought you here Joe we are glad to have you as a active member.
Mister Mills
02-05-2021, 03:38 PM
Right now, I think most people are afraid to join this forum. They think that the government is spying on it, and they are probably right.
There are a few places left where trash talk is permitted. used to be full of it, but it has been dead for 2 years or more.
02-05-2021, 03:56 PM
Right now, I think most people are afraid to join this forum. They think that the government is spying on it, and they are probably right.
There are a few places left where trash talk is permitted. used to be full of it, but it has been dead for 2 years or more.
That is indeed one of the downsides of more traffic, it means more attention.
Mister Mills
02-05-2021, 04:04 PM
That is indeed one of the downsides of more traffic, it means more attention.
It does, but if people are afraid of speaking up, then what is next? Well, next they will lay down and let the government walk all over them. A certain amount of fear and trepidation is warranted, but never groveling.
02-05-2021, 05:24 PM
That is indeed one of the downsides of more traffic, it means more attention.
Yeah if we get too big Vertascope the Canadians will want to buy us out
02-06-2021, 11:12 AM
Yeah if we get too big Vertascope the Canadians will want to buy us out
That was the company I was trying to think of. They own a lot of forums.
02-06-2021, 11:30 AM
That was the company I was trying to think of. They own a lot of forums.
They bought lots for sure right off the top of my head they have PF, shotgun forum, yellowbullet and a zillion more.
02-06-2021, 03:45 PM
Ricekilla brought me over here from SB when I started getting into it with the new wave of mods over there. That's another forum owned by a conglomerate, the same company as PF I believe.
The takeover happened when Kev posted an intro at PF a few years ago
Torstar owns
My how the mighty have fallen.
Earlier this month, Torstar’s market cap (the total value of its shares) was down to a paltry $24.8 million and penny stock status. Five years ago, its market cap was $415 million and, in 2004, more than $2 billion, based on current stock values.
02-06-2021, 03:58 PM
Is this the Long Island Jews SB forum ? It looks just like the Michigan Sportsman Forum.
eta- I don't have access to look for David Bowie knife. Plow guy, plowed snow where my path goes.
The snow is almost over my Muck Wetland boots now. If we get much more the deer population will decrease. so "they" say
Dam, I'm in the snow belt, and we only have 18 - 20" on the ground. We average 62"
MI Sports Link
Mister Mills
02-06-2021, 07:05 PM
So many forums have the same format, that I have to look to see where I am sometimes. It really starts to blend together.
This one and PF are the exceptions, they still have a format, where you can see rows. You see dates and who posted last.
On the updated boards, all you see is a column of topics .I don’t really like it. But it may have made better.
02-06-2021, 08:23 PM
I've noticed, on those boards that have all started to look the same, there is the same problem that pushed me off that shithole MGO...
There is an obvious lefty troll;
****s up any serious discussion topic;
Draws the discussion into an argument about him;
There is a crew of lefties who have no business on a gun board;
People start to question if the main troll is several people;
02-06-2021, 08:25 PM
The ones I'm sure of...
That shithole MGO,
Glocktalk, and
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