View Full Version : The realy important stuff

Montana Rancher
11-04-2014, 10:02 PM
No video on this but today after butchering some elk I needed to roast some green coffee beans as we are getting short.

I keep a couple hundred pounds of green coffee beans in 5 gallon pails in the larder and fired up my propane burner and commenced to cookin.

There are a lot of decent video's about roasting coffee beans on You Tube, it is really easy to do if you can come up with a decent heat source.

SHTF you will have zombies from miles around coming at you as the process makes a lot of REALLY good smelling fumes, perhaps do it offsite.

Just another good prep, green coffee beans keep a LONG time and who doesn't like coffee? Good for life, good for barter.

11-05-2014, 06:09 AM
Thanks, MT, I've got to try that!

11-12-2014, 08:00 PM
Got a place here local, sells me green coffee beans cheap. $3-5 a pound depending. Got several buckets.

11-13-2014, 12:29 AM
Where can you get green coffee beans?

11-14-2014, 03:25 PM
Where can you get green coffee beans?

There's all sorts on eBay. Or you can find a local coffee shop that roasts their own and ask them if they will sell you some.

Montana Rancher
11-14-2014, 11:39 PM
I have tried several different places for green coffee beans, I even have some I purchased in 1 pound cans.

A simple google search will give you lots of choices, funny I haven't tried ebay and I am a power seller there, haha

11-15-2014, 09:46 PM
I'm completely spoiled when it comes to coffee. I have a k-pot and just pop in a new cup every time I want some but I always complain about the price as I'm buying it. $10 for 12 servings...

I have about 1-3 cups a day. How long will a pound of beans last you, how long is the process of roasting them?

Montana Rancher
11-17-2014, 09:41 PM
A good question, I need to really put the pounds and ounces scale to this to give you a good response. Here is my "feeling" about how much it costs.

Let me work with my typical batch which is 3 pounds of beans, as they expand about almost double their original size when you see a 3 pound bag in Costco think about half that size "green"

Buying green beans isn't a lot less expensive than buying from wholesale outlets like Costco, so if you are paying $15 for 3 lbs of beans it is about the same buying them green.

I am buying them 25 pounds at a time, anyone that wants to jump in and school me on cheaper bean sources, just send some links I would appreciate it.

A very basic cost quote is this.

3 pounds of roasted coffee nets me 30 x 10 cup coffee pots full (I am sure this is conservative but that is my point)

So 300 cups of coffee for $15 is 20 cents per cup.

This is fresh roasted, fresh ground and as my wife occasionally uses a K-pot when I am not brewing fresh, she prefers the fresh roast 4x times over the k-cup.

According to your post you are paying about 80 cents per cup, or 4x my VERY conservative figure.

I am an accountant by trade, I'll give you better figures when I roast next time (i.e. when the temperature gets above freezing in February haha)

11-20-2014, 07:20 AM
80 cents per cup seems about right unless I go to sam's and get their big box. 80 cups for $40. Still though, that's over double of your rough estimate.

Montana Rancher
12-09-2014, 01:32 AM
Its better than stopping at Starbucks.

12-09-2014, 07:16 AM
...... and who doesn't like coffee? Good for life, good for barter.

Actually, I've never developed a taste for it. A good Bourbon or Scotch however, is another story.

Coffee is one of those items that most people can't seem to live without, almost like alcohol to an alcoholic.