View Full Version : From The NYPost no less: After proving his innocence Trump shouldnt have to be humble

03-31-2019, 05:50 AM


03-31-2019, 05:58 AM
everyone of those new shitheads should give a "sorry" speech every hour on the hour and in long articles so everyone who reads or watch their shit knows that trump was wrongfully accused
if they do not do this then trump should sue the **** out of them

03-31-2019, 03:28 PM
Nothing soothes a Nation like Convictions for Treason....I say, let the Games begin...Again....Trump? Your serve.....

Mister Mills
03-31-2019, 03:34 PM
Quote From The Article:
One writer encouraged the president to give an Oval Office address in which he is “contrite, humble and authentic in tone” and use it to ask the public “for a new opportunity to be president of all Americans.” Allow me to go out on a limb with a prediction: Hell will freeze over first. There might be an Oval Office speech, but it won’t be contrite and humble, nor should it be.

I concur, President Trump has no reason to heed anything that the liberals say; because there is always a perverse intent, that goes along with their advice.
They are always wrong.