View Full Version : Hilarious Airplane Trip with Idiot Univ of TX Austin Libtard Student

05-31-2019, 07:09 PM
I made a trip to Austin, TX and on the plane ride I happened to have a young female college student libtard from the University of Texas as my neighbor.

With me I had two magazines and my Kindle. One magazine was the latest edition of RECOIL which self describes as a Firearm Lifestyle Magazine.

The second was a copy of Mother Earth News; a homesteading, gardening self sufficiency if a bit "green" magazine that has some excellent info.

I first dove into RECOIL and me being a fairly large person and the magazine being an oversized periodical, my seat mate couldn't help but see the pictures of all the Gun Porn that RECOIL shows. I could sense the "triggering" about to occur, there was damn near a real fear building in this young lady. She was trying to get as far away as me as she could but the window and interior of the plane stopped her cold in her tracks.

My senses got the better of me and not willing to have a potential volatile situation on a plane, I put up RECOIL and brought out MOTHER EARTH NEWS. After a few minutes I saw the young lady becoming much more relaxed and I started a conversation with her telling her I have a homestead, I love organic gardening, I am a firm believer in Re-Purposing Materials, Collect My Own Rainwater and etc etc etc.

She was extremely interested especially in Gardening and we spoke for the better part of the flight about growing veggies and trial & error gardening as well as canning, recipes and shit like that.

At the end of the flight she thanked me for telling her about such things and my curiosity got the best of me so I asked if she was uncomfortable at first because of my gun magazine? She said YES and the fact that I was a large, goatee bearded, extremely short haired sorta mean loooking white man dressed in fishing shirt and cargo style fishing pants. I laughed and told her to beware of stereotypes and she laughed too!

She asked me how old I was and I told her which she said "you're much older than my dad but way cooler and my dad is always talking bout being a proggessive liberal but didn't live half the "green" lifestyle that she perceived me as living!

That cracked me up so I had to tell her that when Shit Hits the Fan, she better look for someone like me rather than some of the folks she knows that espouse to be "conservationalists"...for long term protection. She got this serious look on her face and nodded her head in agreement.

I told her that if she would get some firearm training and go out shooting, she would look at it much differently and she said she would!

I may have converted a Libtard College Student! Maybe she isn't an Idiot after all?

05-31-2019, 07:39 PM
Well done sloppy, many of them are just not exposed or educated properly, their indoctrination by libtard teachers is all they know, and plus many of her type are not known to be willing to look at other view points. It is good you found one. Keep up the enlightening.

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05-31-2019, 07:49 PM
I was looking at a firearms site on my phone in the break room the other day. A woman walked behind me to get something from the fridge and looked at my screen. She said "Why are you looking at guns?" I replied back "Why are you looking at my phone?". She left the break room. I suppose I'll be getting called into the bosses office next week.

05-31-2019, 08:09 PM
I was looking at a firearms site on my phone in the break room the other day. A woman walked behind me to get something from the fridge and looked at my screen. She said "Why are you looking at guns?" I replied back "Why are you looking at my phone?". She left the break room. I suppose I'll be getting called into the bosses office next week.

Screw her, I am happy to be living in an area that is considered country and has lots of farms and hunters you get less of that type, here they know they are outnumbered, for now.

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05-31-2019, 08:12 PM
I was looking at a firearms site on my phone in the break room the other day. A woman walked behind me to get something from the fridge and looked at my screen. She said "Why are you looking at guns?" I replied back "Why are you looking at my phone?". She left the break room. I suppose I'll be getting called into the bosses office next week.

Send me air fare, . . . I'll go in with you as your gun porn rep, . . .

I'll bring both tablets and my smart phone, . . . plus a couple copies of Firearm News.

May God bless,

05-31-2019, 08:38 PM
I was looking at a firearms site on my phone in the break room the other day. A woman walked behind me to get something from the fridge and looked at my screen. She said "Why are you looking at guns?" I replied back "Why are you looking at my phone?". She left the break room. I suppose I'll be getting called into the bosses office next week.

Hindsight is always 50-50 but after the woman asked you "why are you looking at guns?" ...you should have screamed "Stop touching my Pee Pee, I don't want you to touch my Pee Pee!"

That always cracks me up and should make for a lively visit to HR!:pacman:

05-31-2019, 10:48 PM
Interaction with people on an airplane is always an interesting dynamic. I have to fly off to San Jose on Monday. So I will definitely be wearing the new tee-shirt Mrs Inor got for me. It says: "You find it offensive. I find it funny. That's why I'm happier than you."

06-01-2019, 02:19 PM
Hindsight is always 50-50 but after the woman asked you "why are you looking at guns?" ...you should have screamed "Stop touching my Pee Pee, I don't want you to touch my Pee Pee!"

That always cracks me up and should make for a lively visit to HR!:pacman:The thought of that woman touching my pee pee makes it turtle.

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