View Full Version : Thin shelled chicken egss?

06-02-2019, 06:33 PM
Guys, my girls are laying great, and I have an abundance of eggs. Like three dozen today. I tried hard boiling a dozen a few days ago...
FAIL. They are so thin shelled. I tried the method someone told of, where you boil them, then cool off with water, then shake the heck outta the pan with a lid on them, the membrane sticks to the shell. It was a total wash, I ended up pissed off, crunched up that whole dozen and gave them back to the chickens.
I do give them shells, I also feed them Purina, the one that says "healthy egg production" or something.
What else can I do?
Note, we don't wash, just rinse any serious poop off, and keep rotated in fridge.
I don't know if I can get the wife to go the in refridgerated way.
Also, what way "to boil"?
All in the pot, then water onto stove?
I tried boiling water first, then lowering eggs in, that didn't work, some busted and made a mess.
Room temp before boiling?

06-02-2019, 08:14 PM
Feed them oyster shells for thicker eggs shells.

We start with cold water bring to a boil then pull off the burner leave in the water 10 to 12 minutes then in ice water.

06-03-2019, 06:30 AM
Thanks Hawg, had no idea oyster shells helped create stronger chicken egg shells. Putting this in the old memory bank for future use...

Check this out;

Good luck!

06-03-2019, 06:39 AM
Thanks Hawg, had no idea oyster shells helped create stronger chicken egg shells. Putting this in the old memory bank for future use...

Check this out;

Good luck!

Normally a good layer pellet or crumble feed is enough but occasionally some birds will need some extra oyster shell help. Put it in a separate feeder and let them eat as they want it.

06-03-2019, 07:40 AM
Thanks guys. Will see if I can find some oyster shell ready, I really don't wanna be hammering on shells.

06-03-2019, 10:18 AM
Thanks guys. Will see if I can find some oyster shell ready, I really don't wanna be hammering on shells.

It's nice to have a way to take out your frustrations on some inanimate object. No jail time involved.

06-03-2019, 10:34 AM
Thanks guys. Will see if I can find some oyster shell ready, I really don't wanna be hammering on shells.

Tractor supply has them in a bag ready to go.

06-04-2019, 12:55 AM
Eggs that don't peel well are fresh eggs... refrigerate for 4 weeks, and try again and report back.

If they don't break when boiling them, the shell is thick enough.
