View Full Version : Sydney seige

12-20-2014, 05:12 PM
Going to try and do this in point form, won't be in timeline order and a few rumors will be added

We all know on the 14th of DEC a gunman of Muslim faith took over a coffee shop armed with a pump shotgun and took hostages

The coffee shop is located in a busy area in Australia's largest city

Also the shop is directly oppasite the channel 7 news building

During the "siege" 1 group of hostages escaped due to the actions of 1 individual....

Minutes before the police done the raid, that same individual seen a opportunity that lead to more hostages escaping and the hero and another hostage killed

One cop took a shot to the face
2 hostages dead

History of the gunman
Was on bail for involvement in the murder of his ex wife
Was also on bail for the sexual assult of multiple kids
Was recently taken of asio's terror watch list
Was reported to asio 2 days before the event on his personal rants on the web

His now wife is on bail for the murder of the gunmans ex wife

A royal commision is underway in responce, things looked into are the police actions, asio and firearm laws

Rumor has ccw permits may be untroduced (doubtful)

I will make it clear, (dont want a gun debate as we all know im pro, and thats not tge issue) under aussie laws mentally unstable, and violent offenders are not able to get a licence

The pump shotgun is on the highest class of licence (making it illigal)

This is a illigal firearm in the hands of a crim

(Side note the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun)

Another point that has come to light lyint (the chocolate brand, also the cafe) is not halal certified (coincidence?? I think not)

On a positive 90 rounds into the zombie

12-20-2014, 05:13 PM