View Full Version : This pocket chainsaw is amazon's best seller & it's under $20

01-31-2020, 07:02 AM
In the video it looks pretty quick.

A pocket chainsaw is the only gadget you'll need for splitting firewood.
If you're the designated person on campfire duty, you know that splitting firewood is part of the process. Many campers and Boy Scouts pack axes, hand saws, and large chainsaws for camping trips, but you don't need to do that anymore. Gone are the days of chopping firewood thanks to pocket chainsaws.

Amazon has a pocket chainsaw under $20. Don't let the price fool you. This is one of the best pocket chainsaws on the market. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/pocket-chainsaw/


01-31-2020, 07:27 AM
If it takes that long with a chain saw to do a 5 inch piece of white pine, . . . you're doing it wrong.

Pick up a decent double bit ax, . . . and we're talking about 15 seconds, . . . and I can go to any stream and find a sand stone to use to sharpen my ax, . . . good luck when the chain saw goes south on sharp.

May God bless,

01-31-2020, 07:33 AM
I would like to say, the only thing similar I have tried is the old "Rambo wire tree cutter" cable, and I snapped it, because I think I got it to hot?
I wonder what a sharp broken chain would do?
I have a tree saw, but I remember tat it gets "hot" and binds up in the curf too.
If I was spending some serious coin, I might buy one.

03-14-2020, 04:31 PM
In the video it looks pretty quick.



I bought one of those once to try it out. It cuts slow, and it is a lot of work for what you get out of it. The only real use I found for it was cutting higher up limbs. One attach a rope to both ends of the handle, toss one end over the branch to get cut, and cut away.

03-14-2020, 05:59 PM
Charlie Sheen used a real handy Chainsaw/Knife in Hot Shot part Deux, never found out who made it though. I wonder if it's a 2 stroke or 4 stroke?

03-14-2020, 07:36 PM
This is on my purchase list all the videos I have seen it outperforms most saws in it's size