View Full Version : Obama gets thumbs down from the troops

12-23-2014, 09:44 AM
Just 15% of active-duty servicemembers gave Obama a thumbs up in the annual Military Times survey and more than half -- 55% -- say they disapprove of Obama's job as commander-in-chief.

32% of veteran respondents in another survey conducted this past April, approved of the job President Obama was doing.


James m
12-23-2014, 09:48 AM
I'm both shocked and horrified that this many military members can be out of their freaking gourd.

12-23-2014, 09:06 PM
There has been a long standing majority of democrat generals selected. But with the lifting of gay bans and the don't ask don't tell. There has been an influx of folks oriented left...this includes the Hispanic populous which are great soldiers...but unfortunately buy in to the dems are our friends mind set.