View Full Version : Got meat?.
03-17-2020, 01:20 PM
Pretty dried up here,no chicken,not much pork or no burger at meijer and wallyworld has little..local market only 2 lb burger allowed to buy.
we dont even have any reported cases in the UP of meatchicken yet.
what shortages are you all seeing besides tp,sanitizer,wipes etc.....canned food,veggies?.fresh meat?.
03-17-2020, 01:33 PM
Walmart that my wife shops at was somewhat bare most meats gone. Grocery side looked bare.
We stocked meat last week not becasue of the virus but becasue that is what we do during sales Looks like next decent day that pork loin is going on the smoker.
03-17-2020, 03:55 PM
Makes me even happier that I put that deer in the jars, . . . and bought a 1/4 of a beef in January.
Sad part is, . . . I'm almost out of burger, . . . gonna have to start puttin them steaks on the grill.
Oh, well, . . . guess it could be worse.
May God bless,
03-17-2020, 05:22 PM
I keep a goodly supply of canned chicken, beef, and tuna in my stock. Ditto freeze dried sausage for spaghetti. Not as good as fresh of course, but it's a lot grittier when there's none. Still amazing to me the number of people with nothing at all set aside. I have toilet paper sealed in vacuum bags that is over 10 years old easy LOL.
03-17-2020, 05:46 PM
I keep a goodly supply of canned chicken, beef, and tuna in my stock. Ditto freeze dried sausage for spaghetti. Not as good as fresh of course, but it's a lot grittier when there's none. Still amazing to me the number of people with nothing at all set aside. I have toilet paper sealed in vacuum bags that is over 10 years old easy LOL.
I agree with you SratMaster I also cannot believe people don't even have a few days of food. I personally don't like running to the store for something right when I run out. I have family members that said I should check and see extras that I could sell to other family members. My immediate family can jump from 4-7 anytime. So I'm looking after us first. I can for us not for others as it takes a lot of time and effort. So I told them they better start thinking ahead!
03-17-2020, 05:48 PM
Pretty dried up here,no chicken,not much pork or no burger at meijer and wallyworld has little..local market only 2 lb burger allowed to buy.
we dont even have any reported cases in the UP of meatchicken yet.
what shortages are you all seeing besides tp,sanitizer,wipes etc.....canned food,veggies?.fresh meat?.
Stripped clean daily down here.
03-17-2020, 05:50 PM
I've bought 2 small packs of ground chuck each of the last 2 days. Zero Yard Buzzard. Finally had bread products in. Some peanut butter to last a couple of days.
key to prepper song.
I quit buying food last Independence Day so I could use up my supply before they got spoiled.
I still have enough to get me by during this hard time.
I had to take my mom to the doctor today, so while I was in the city I decided to stop by the grocery store just because curiosity got the best of me. WOW!
The meat aisle was completely empty except for some really awful steaks. The meat was actually gray! They still had a limit of 2 per customer! I think after eating those steaks, you be begging for the China Flu!
They did not have single drop of milk or butter in the place. Every single pasta noodle was gone! Yet, one aisle over, they still had plenty of flour, salt and sugar. Why would you buy pasta when it is so insanely simple (and better) to make?
They did have some eggs which is not a big surprise since a lot of people here keep chickens.
The bread was the really crazy part. The shelves for the fresh bread from the in-store bakery were about half full. But one aisle over, the really crappy chemically enhanced bread was completely gone! Who the hell says to themselves: "Should I get a loaf of good fresh bread or a loaf of the really crappy Wonder Bread? Sign me up for 6 loaves of Wonder Bread!" - Crazy!
The other big surprise was walking by the cheese cooler. All the crappy Kraft and Velveeta cheeses were gone, but the high-end cheeses were not only fully stocked, they were also on sale for between 30 and 40% off! So I loaded up on a 6-pack of root beer and about $50 worth of good cheese!
People are like retards or something!
03-17-2020, 11:52 PM
Our meat aisle was stripped as well but low and behold tons of prepackaged corned beef. Not to mention plenty of hambones. Both of those are good eating so I stocked up today.
The fresh fruit and veggie are is full of stuff. While the frozen junk is wiped out. Guess no one ever thought a out canning or freezing their own.
I wish I would've bought stock in grocery stores. They seem to be making out in all of this.
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03-18-2020, 10:03 AM
We have everything we need at Slippy Lodge, and more...or so I thought!
This am, Mrs Slippy, bless her heart, awoke from her beauty slumber and proclaimed...
"I am going to the damn grocery store, I want to make sure I have my Palmetto Cheese Spread! The Piggly Wiggly (the closest grocery store in our rural neck of the woods) doesn't carry it so I'm going to the Publix (in suburban hell)."
....and in a split second she was out the door!
Evidently my calculated and comprehensive approach to being prepared did not include Palmetto Cheese; "The Pimento Cheese with Soul"!
If any of you care or are concerned, I may die over a container of Cheesy Goodness but my lovely bride will be happy...
03-18-2020, 11:20 AM
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03-18-2020, 12:07 PM
what shortages are you all seeing besides tp,sanitizer,wipes etc.....canned food,veggies?.fresh meat?.
Toilet paper, water, meat, dried beans, ammunition
I haven't done my yearly meat purchase yet, so my freezer is more empty than I'd like, but you would have to be nuts to fight the lunatics right now over crappy grocery store beef!
03-18-2020, 12:07 PM
I just trapped and shoot another opossum. Another one that I won't have to worry about getting into the chicken pen. This was a young one and not the large one I seen on the camera last night. I stopped at Rural King and got another trap. Who knows I might start a meat market if things gets worse! Lol! We're not far enough along for opossum and noodles or any country dinner with opossum as the main ingredient
03-18-2020, 12:09 PM
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Actually we have a great Burger recipe that uses this particular cheese spread;
Slippy's Famous Juicy Loosey!
Mix together
1LB Ground Beef
1LB Ground Pork
A couple of Diced Jalapenos
And make some large but thin patty's
Take a heaping spoonful of Palmetto Cheese Spread; The Pimento Cheese with Soul, and spread on top of one of the burger patty's. Take a 2nd burger patty and place on top of the patty with the cheese spread and press the sides together. Now you have a double burger with Palmetto cheese in between.
Grill on a medium high heat to get a nice crust on the burger, flip and get the other side nicely carmelized and serve medium temperature. The Palmetto Cheese is freakin awesom on a burger!
03-18-2020, 03:06 PM
I just trapped and shoot another opossum. Another one that I won't have to worry about getting into the chicken pen. This was a young one and not the large one I seen on the camera last night. I stopped at Rural King and got another trap. Who knows I might start a meat market if things gets worse! Lol! We're not far enough along for opossum and noodles or any country dinner with opossum as the main ingredient
Bought some 110 conibear traps a while back.....
IF and only IF it comes to it..... Tree Rat will be on the menu.
I like tree rats... and the wife says that in an EMERGENCY.. she MIGHT be willing to try.....
I will leave out the legal ramifications..... 'Cause I honestly don't believe it will come to that.
Never tried 'possum that I know of.... Was at a Wild Game dinner where (it seemed) no one know what one of the meats was.
03-18-2020, 04:57 PM
I just trapped and shoot another opossum. Another one that I won't have to worry about getting into the chicken pen. This was a young one and not the large one I seen on the camera last night. I stopped at Rural King and got another trap. Who knows I might start a meat market if things gets worse! Lol! We're not far enough along for opossum and noodles or any country dinner with opossum as the main ingredient
We had similar problems with our chicken pen... possums got one or two, but the other critters went to town: Cooper's hawk shot down from the sky and ripped up three ducklings. Coons reached through the chicken wire and got a couple too. But we had a Mink slip in and go on a murdering spree... killed three giant ducks and four chickens for sport in one go. It's a jungle out there.
03-18-2020, 05:07 PM
We had similar problems with our chicken pen... possums got one or two, but the other critters went to town: Cooper's hawk shot down from the sky and ripped up three ducklings. Coons reached through the chicken wire and got a couple too. But we had a Mink slip in and go on a murdering spree... killed three giant ducks and four chickens for sport in one go. It's a jungle out there.
I ended up put metal hardware cloth around both cages. I think I have them safe now especially since i just got 16 new hens. Now I'm trying to thin them out before garden season as along with coons they seem to really do a number on my sweet corn.
03-18-2020, 05:50 PM
We have everything we need at Slippy Lodge, and more...or so I thought!
This am, Mrs Slippy, bless her heart, awoke from her beauty slumber and proclaimed...
"I am going to the damn grocery store, I want to make sure I have my Palmetto Cheese Spread! The Piggly Wiggly (the closest grocery store in our rural neck of the woods) doesn't carry it so I'm going to the Publix (in suburban hell)."
....and in a split second she was out the door!
Evidently my calculated and comprehensive approach to being prepared did not include Palmetto Cheese; "The Pimento Cheese with Soul"!
If any of you care or are concerned, I may die over a container of Cheesy Goodness but my lovely bride will be happy...
Does it come with "Palmetto Bugs" ?
03-18-2020, 05:53 PM
Bought some 110 conibear traps a while back.....
IF and only IF it comes to it..... Tree Rat will be on the menu.
I like tree rats... and the wife says that in an EMERGENCY.. she MIGHT be willing to try.....
I will leave out the legal ramifications..... 'Cause I honestly don't believe it will come to that.
Never tried 'possum that I know of.... Was at a Wild Game dinner where (it seemed) no one know what one of the meats was.
Courts are closed,. jails are full .
You have to be really bad to get busted here.
Well maybe while :fishing:
03-18-2020, 09:01 PM
I've got a freezer full, as usual. Also have about 15 deer that stop by every day for corn. Take good care of your wildlife... you never know when you'll have to eat em.
03-18-2020, 09:12 PM
About a week ago I was in Wmart. Meat section stocked well as was frozen meat and fresh vegetables, canned goods was even decent. People were pushin round carts full of frozen TV dinners. Don't know why they didn't buy the cheaper better real food. Idiots I guess.
03-18-2020, 09:33 PM
450 lbs of beef in the freezer. 2 deer. 1 whole turkey. 4 whole chickens. couple packs of chicken breasts. Few bags of fish. Plus, all my Wise food. Still got 3 cows walking around. I'm good for a little while.
03-18-2020, 09:34 PM
450 lbs of beef in the freezer. 2 deer. 1 whole turkey. 4 whole chickens. couple packs of chicken breasts. Few bags of fish. Plus, all my Wise food. Still got 3 cows walking around. I'm good for a little while.
I do wish I had a little more butter stored, but, I'll make due.
03-19-2020, 07:47 AM
We had similar problems with our chicken pen... possums got one or two, but the other critters went to town: Cooper's hawk shot down from the sky and ripped up three ducklings. Coons reached through the chicken wire and got a couple too. But we had a Mink slip in and go on a murdering spree... killed three giant ducks and four chickens for sport in one go. It's a jungle out there.
Mink are vicious little killers, good thing they don't weigh 50 lbs.
03-19-2020, 07:52 AM
About a week ago I was in Wmart. Meat section stocked well as was frozen meat and fresh vegetables, canned goods was even decent. People were pushin round carts full of frozen TV dinners. Don't know why they didn't buy the cheaper better real food. Idiots I guess.
At our local supermarket there were empty meat aisles but the frozen foods aisles were stocked full. Saw one guy there who had a shopping cart mounded with 10 lb. sacks of potatoes. What the hell he was going to do with that many potatoes had me stumped. Perhaps he was Irish?
03-19-2020, 07:58 AM
I do wish I had a little more butter stored, but, I'll make due.
Check out some of the powdered butter long term storage products, we have some from Augason Farms, not too bad especially as a cooking supplement. Not the best just for spreading on bread or toast!
03-19-2020, 08:04 AM
Don't know why they didn't buy the cheaper better real food. Idiots I guess.
Most people don't have any idea how to cook. I may not be a world class chef, but I can at least make something palatable.
03-19-2020, 08:28 AM
At our local supermarket there were empty meat aisles but the frozen foods aisles were stocked full. Saw one guy there who had a shopping cart mounded with 10 lb. sacks of potatoes. What the hell he was going to do with that many potatoes had me stumped. Perhaps he was Irish?
03-20-2020, 12:57 AM
We have most of a wild hog, some large packs of venison, catfish, Chicken, Neck bones, etc.
I bought a good amount of rice, noodles, dried beans, potatoes, flour, sugar, tea, coffee, eggs and butter.
Going through the eggs, butter and potatoes faster than I thought we would. Had to put the foot down about it.
Bought plenty of horse and dog food.
Bought lettuce, spinach, zucchini and cuke seed yesterday.
03-20-2020, 02:21 AM
We have most of a wild hog, some large packs of venison, catfish, Chicken, Neck bones, etc.
I bought a good amount of rice, noodles, dried beans, potatoes, flour, sugar, tea, coffee, eggs and butter.
Going through the eggs, butter and potatoes faster than I thought we would. Had to put the foot down about it.
Bought plenty of horse and dog food.
Bought lettuce, spinach, zucchini and cuke seed yesterday.
Neck bones! Brings back memories of my grandmother's kitchen in the 60's... she would often make a giant bowl of kraut and necks.
03-21-2020, 02:32 PM
Neck bones! Brings back memories of my grandmother's kitchen in the 60's... she would often make a giant bowl of kraut and necks.
I make beans and neckbones. I use the Great Northern beans, some onion, carrots if i have them, neckbones, and hickory liquid smoke. Let it cook all day in the crockpot. Make a pan of cornbread to go with.
03-21-2020, 07:22 PM
Neck bones! Brings back memories of my grandmother's kitchen in the 60's... she would often make a giant bowl of kraut and necks.
One of the best jokes my brother ever pulled on Granny was when Mom was cooking a big pan full of turkey necks.
Granny came into the kitchen and by now didn't really see too well.
She smelled something cooking, . . . lifted the lid, . . . and asked mom what that was in the pan a boilin' . . .
Before Mom could answer, . . . little brother chimed in that it was a pan of rattlesnake meat, . . .
Granny was about to toss it out the back of the kitchen as she scolded Mom, . . . "Honey, I raised you better than that, . . . you need to throw that and the pan it's in out in the trash".
Little brother about croaked laughing.
Just a little anecdote I still giggle about.
May God bless,
03-21-2020, 07:35 PM
That is funny.
I kinda thought rattlesnake meat was good.
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03-21-2020, 08:23 PM
I make beans and neckbones. I use the Great Northern beans, some onion, carrots if i have them, neckbones, and hickory liquid smoke. Let it cook all day in the crockpot. Make a pan of cornbread to go with.
Wow. Great Northern Beans. My Dad would use nothing else for his baked beans.
One of the best jokes my brother ever pulled on Granny was when Mom was cooking a big pan full of turkey necks.
Granny came into the kitchen and by now didn't really see too well.
She smelled something cooking, . . . lifted the lid, . . . and asked mom what that was in the pan a boilin' . . .
Before Mom could answer, . . . little brother chimed in that it was a pan of rattlesnake meat, . . .
Granny was about to toss it out the back of the kitchen as she scolded Mom, . . . "Honey, I raised you better than that, . . . you need to throw that and the pan it's in out in the trash".
Little brother about croaked laughing.
Just a little anecdote I still giggle about.
May God bless,
My workshop is an absolute disaster. Since the concrete garden panels I poured late yesterday were not dry enough to remove the forms, I decided to try and make some room in my shop this afternoon by moving some of the leftover materials from the house build and the She Shack build out to our shipping container. First up was moving several boxes of ceramic tile. I got down to the last carton and found this little girl curled up underneath.
Fortunately, it was only about 65 degrees today, so she was pretty lethargic. But she still scared the crap out of me when I found her. Fortunately I was able to get the tine of a rake in the center of her head and hold her down while Mrs Inor came around the side and gave the back of the rake a good thump with piece of steel pipe and drove it through her skull.
The problem with rattlesnakes is they continue to move for up to 2 hours after you kill them, so you are never quite sure if they are alive or dead. I was carefully able to pull her out with a piece of scrap steel I had laying around and it was a damn tight fit to get her out. Once I got her out of the shop, I bashed her head about 4 times with a shovel. That left little doubt about the live or dead-ness.
She was only about 2 1/2 feet long but when we cut her open there were 12 eggs inside! So does that count as killing 1 snake or 13? Either way, I do not care! I HATE snakes!
03-21-2020, 11:22 PM
Why did you cut her open?
03-21-2020, 11:23 PM
My workshop is an absolute disaster. Since the concrete garden panels I poured late yesterday were not dry enough to remove the forms, I decided to try and make some room in my shop this afternoon by moving some of the leftover materials from the house build and the She Shack build out to our shipping container. First up was moving several boxes of ceramic tile. I got down to the last carton and found this little girl curled up underneath.
Fortunately, it was only about 65 degrees today, so she was pretty lethargic. But she still scared the crap out of me when I found her. Fortunately I was able to get the tine of a rake in the center of her head and hold her down while Mrs Inor came around the side and gave the back of the rake a good thump with piece of steel pipe and drove it through her skull.
The problem with rattlesnakes is they continue to move for up to 2 hours after you kill them, so you are never quite sure if they are alive or dead. I was carefully able to pull her out with a piece of scrap steel I had laying around and it was a damn tight fit to get her out. Once I got her out of the shop, I bashed her head about 4 times with a shovel. That left little doubt about the live or dead-ness.
She was only about 2 1/2 feet long but when we cut her open there were 12 eggs inside! So does that count as killing 1 snake or 13? Either way, I do not care! I HATE snakes!
Yep, . . . got my vote.......
Why did you cut her open?
I wanted one of the vertebrae and our crazy neighbor down the road, George, tans and sells the skins.
03-21-2020, 11:59 PM
I wanted one of the vertebrae and our crazy neighbor down the road, George, tans and sells the skins.
Very cool:)
03-22-2020, 08:28 AM
Why did you cut her open?
For the grill....
03-22-2020, 10:45 AM
Rattlesnake is a very tasty treat
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