View Full Version : 2nd Amendment supporter in ATL

02-08-2014, 06:55 PM
I've become interested and concerned in MY constitutional rights since the Commander in Thief was re-elected. I have spent a lot of time and effort teaching my boys what is right and what is wrong, the leader of the USSA has been a great example to my boys. I firmly believe no one is completely worthless, they/he can serve as a bad example.
I'm an active BSA Scout Leader, doing what local, state and federal governments refuse to do, and that's teaching the youth of this country HOW to be good citizens. My oldest has recently earned his BSA Eagle rank, his Eagle oath administered to him by his grandfather, an Eagle scout and WWII USN vet.
I'm also a retired PADI SCUBA instructor, both boys have been certified as divers and enjoy the sport as much as I do.
I enjoy taking them out to the range, giving them the right respect for firearms, they learned how to handle and shoot by playing Airsoft for several years.

02-08-2014, 07:03 PM
Welcome! Thanks for joining us!

02-08-2014, 08:28 PM

rice paddy daddy
02-08-2014, 08:57 PM