View Full Version : Atlanta last night, and now San Bernardino.

06-14-2020, 01:38 PM
Chief of police quits, officer fired after drunk guy falls asleep at a drive through window, then fights same cop, takes his taser and runs and is shot & killed. Riots Saturday night.

San Bernardino:
San Bernardino police shot and killed a man who was carrying what appeared to be a handgun during a standoff Saturday night at a local gas station, authorities said.
Police received a call reporting a man waving a handgun at Del Rosa Avenue and Date Street shortly before 8:30 p.m., the police department said in a statement.
When officers arrived, the man was still carrying what appeared to be a black handgun in his hand, police said. At least one officer can be heard yelling at the man to "put the gun down" on a video shown on some local news channels.
At one point, one or more officers fired their weapons, striking the man. He was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Police did not immediately say whether a gun was recovered at the scene but released several photographs that show a man holding an object that resembles a handgun. In one photo, he appears to be pointing the object at a police car.

Taken from LA Times

06-14-2020, 01:55 PM

06-14-2020, 02:04 PM
So, is this where we are, now? Every local incident becomes national news so that the anarchists can have more fuel for the fire that they started?

06-14-2020, 02:17 PM
So, is this where we are, now? Every local incident becomes national news so that the anarchists can have more fuel for the fire that they started?

Yup Switch on Covid switch off covid. Turn on racism and its all Trumps fault pre game election year switch.

06-14-2020, 02:33 PM
Yup... our new reality.. until something else comes up.

06-14-2020, 04:01 PM
So, is this where we are, now? Every local incident becomes national news so that the anarchists can have more fuel for the fire that they started?

Seems like. It used to be that these incidents would not even be a byline. Now, every one is turned into a major metropolitan crisis. Is Atlanta going to have its own autonomous zone now?
You can't really call it a false flag, because it's always been going on, but there seems to be some kind of agenda going on.

06-14-2020, 06:28 PM
So, is this where we are, now? Every local incident becomes national news so that the anarchists can have more fuel for the fire that they started?


06-14-2020, 06:43 PM
Seems like. It used to be that these incidents would not even be a byline. Now, every one is turned into a major metropolitan crisis. Is Atlanta going to have its own autonomous zone now?
You can't really call it a false flag, because it's always been going on, but there seems to be some kind of agenda going on.

MSM on the team now.

06-14-2020, 07:15 PM
MSM has always been on the team. They have helped disseminate and drive the narrative for years.

Nothing new with them now..just in over drive.

06-14-2020, 07:23 PM
MSM has always been on the team. They have helped disseminate and drive the narrative for years.

Nothing new with them now..just in over drive.

Yep, always on the team; they can really crank up the anti Trump narrative with what was only local event. That and riots boost ratings. Pffft.

06-14-2020, 11:15 PM
MSM has always been on the team. They have helped disseminate and drive the narrative for years.

Nothing new with them now..just in over drive.

Not just overdrive either . . .

In case y'all ain't caught wind of the latest . . . it has been banded as a serious health crisis now that where blacks are only 13% of the population . . . but comprising 25% or so of the deaths.

The Columbus paper did not come out and brand it as a racist problem . . . but it just barely stopped short of saying that exact thing.

I'm waiting for that democrat mayor and his democrat cronies on the city council to name the corona virus something to do with overtly selecting black people to kill more than whites, . . . and that in itself is racist.

Then of course . . . it'll be Trump's fault.

So so so sick of all this.

May God bless,

06-15-2020, 02:00 AM
The San Bernardino incident was probably less than 10 miles from my house. For context let me explain something. I live in San Bernardino county but not in San Bernardino city, which is where this took place. If you drive through that area you will see people siting on the street injecting drunks and drinking 40's. Right out in the open. So not surprised this happened. And without stereotyping let's just say there are A LOT of Church's Fried chicken joints around there.

06-15-2020, 05:28 PM
The San Bernardino incident was probably less than 10 miles from my house. For context let me explain something. I live in San Bernardino county but not in San Bernardino city, which is where this took place. If you drive through that area you will see people siting on the street injecting drunks and drinking 40's. Right out in the open. So not surprised this happened. And without stereotyping let's just say there are A LOT of Church's Fried chicken joints around there.

Daamn, Sas, That is CLOSE!
Keep your head on a swivel, and your powder dry.

06-15-2020, 07:49 PM
Daamn, Sas, That is CLOSE!
Keep your head on a swivel, and your powder dry.

Always on my hip my friend.