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07-24-2020, 06:51 AM
video here-
Well my 4th son tested positive and was sick for a 1 1/2 days,,,,fever,,,coughing, Now today I hear that my 3rd sons girl friend tested positive and he is getting tested too.
so 30 percent of my family will have had covid if he pops....but they arent getting really sick or anything. .03% mortality rate in not as bad as they make it out to be....less than 0.002% mortality rate for younger people under 50's
07-24-2020, 11:48 PM
I'm almost 62
07-25-2020, 08:17 AM
Firsthand report from 2 friends;
Friend 1; 60 year old male. Sprains ankle working in yard, suspects a bone is broken. Reluctantly goes to ER, checks in/provides health insurance/ID etc and is told wait time is 3 hours. Sits in car for 1 hour then leaves. Next day goes to Orthopedic and its a simple sprain with ligament damage.
1 week later receives a notice from Hospital that he tested positive for COVID19!
Friend 2; Male 45, father of 3. Kid gets poison ivy and they go to Doc-In-The-Box at local CVS. Kid gets treated for poison ivy and sent home. 3 days later, Father receives notice from CVS that HE tested positive for COVID19!
Coincidence/Mistake/Incompetence or something else?
07-25-2020, 09:21 AM
All over the internet . . . on television . . . there are those who run around pouting about the corona virus . . . it's death rate . . . it's sickness rate . . . the number of new cases . . . etc.
Let me put it all in a different perspective if I may.
There are a little over 58,000 names on the Vietnam wall in WDC . . . attesting to those who gave their lives in the cause.
There were over 9,000,000 men and women who received combat pay for being in or near the the fighting . . . in some way supporting that action.
Using those numbers . . . the death rate would be .0064 %. That is all reality is a very low death rate for an active, shooting, killing, . . . war.
And for most of the 9 million . . . they never had to help zip up a body bag with one of their friends inside.
They never had to help one of their sergeants hold his guts in . . . or using that green army cotton belt . . . lash it around the thigh of a platoon member who just stepped on a toe tapper and no longer has the section of his leg below the knee.
When those or similar events happened . . . the war became real . . . mean . . . dirty . . . deadly. But again . . . most of the 9 million never saw this . . . just read about it.
This covid thing isn't any different. Most of us do not know anyone who died from it . . . or for that part . . . don't actually know anyone who has it or had it.
But the grieving family members do know all too well about the deaths . . . the funerals . . . selecting the casketss . . . etc.
So if you have nothing better to do than to go around spouting vitriol against the folks trying to make sense of what we should do . . . and how we should handle it . . . you are no different than the punks who caused all the ruckus at the 68 democrat convention over the Vietnam war . . . or John Kerry tossing his medals across the fence at the White House. The generals and admirals fighing that war were hindered by all the protestors then . . .
The doctors, nurses, and other professionals fighting the wuhan flu are as badly in the dark about how to end this as were the leaders of the Vietnam war . . . so why don't you just give it a break . . . you are no expert . . . you are not on the front lines fighting the battle . . . so chill .
May God bless,
07-25-2020, 09:25 AM
Firsthand report from 2 friends;
Friend 1; 60 year old male. Sprains ankle working in yard, suspects a bone is broken. Reluctantly goes to ER, checks in/provides health insurance/ID etc and is told wait time is 3 hours. Sits in car for 1 hour then leaves. Next day goes to Orthopedic and its a simple sprain with ligament damage.
1 week later receives a notice from Hospital that he tested positive for COVID19!
Friend 2; Male 45, father of 3. Kid gets poison ivy and they go to Doc-In-The-Box at local CVS. Kid gets treated for poison ivy and sent home. 3 days later, Father receives notice from CVS that HE tested positive for COVID19!
Coincidence/Mistake/Incompetence or something else?
Something else for a thousand Alex!
07-25-2020, 10:42 AM
Spoke with a friend in Florida yesterday.
His kids in-laws were tested.. positive, 14 days quarantine
After 14 days, tested again... positive, 14 days quarantine
After 14 days, tested again... positive, 14 days quarantine
Tested again.. negative and no antibodies... they never had it. Go figure.
07-25-2020, 11:45 AM
So if you have nothing better to do than to go around spouting vitriol against the folks trying to make sense of what we should do . . . and how we should handle it . . . you are no different than the punks who caused all the ruckus at the 68 democrat convention over the Vietnam war . . . or John Kerry tossing his medals across the fence at the White House. The generals and admirals fighing that war were hindered by all the protestors then . . .
When that rhetoric is used to hurt us and infringe on our rights, we have EVERY RIGHT to say what we want to say. Only weak fools, stupid invididuals and fascists/communists would ever use the death of a loved one to infringe/hurt others. It is the Democrat emotional argument to take away more of our rights.
The doctors, nurses, and other professionals fighting the wuhan flu are as badly in the dark about how to end this as were the leaders of the Vietnam war . . . so why don't you just give it a break . . . you are no expert . . . you are not on the front lines fighting the battle . . . so chill .
May God bless,
Bullshit, complete bullshit. The Corona Virus has been around for DECADES, we know quite a bit about this virus and have encountered even recently. Spouting emotional shit to hurt others puts you on the side of the communists, because that is EXACTLY what they are doing to hurt us.
You want to base your arguments on emotions, go to the Democrats and Liberals, because that is all they use. You may not like facts, you may not like figures, but rational adults use that, even when they are being torn apart by emotions.
So, bottom line, if you're going to rationalize this insanity through emotions, you're an enemy of freedom and the Constitution, nothing more, no matter how you try to justify it.
07-25-2020, 11:46 AM
Firsthand report from 2 friends;
Friend 1; 60 year old male. Sprains ankle working in yard, suspects a bone is broken. Reluctantly goes to ER, checks in/provides health insurance/ID etc and is told wait time is 3 hours. Sits in car for 1 hour then leaves. Next day goes to Orthopedic and its a simple sprain with ligament damage.
1 week later receives a notice from Hospital that he tested positive for COVID19!
Friend 2; Male 45, father of 3. Kid gets poison ivy and they go to Doc-In-The-Box at local CVS. Kid gets treated for poison ivy and sent home. 3 days later, Father receives notice from CVS that HE tested positive for COVID19!
Coincidence/Mistake/Incompetence or something else?
It may be the flu vaccine causing the positive tests, since I believe the Corona family and the Flu family are very similar.
07-25-2020, 11:50 AM
So if you get the regular flu or flu shot, you got's the BeerFlu?
07-25-2020, 11:53 AM
So if you get the regular flu or flu shot, you got's the BeerFlu?
They're both RNA viruses. It could also be a positive results if you have received the common cold recently. The Corona Virus has been around for a LONG time, COVID-19 is just the latest strain, so it is very possible other viruses are causing positive results.
There is a lot we don't know about COVID-19, but there is plenty we know about Corona Viruses in general; people are just ignoring the past in favor of panic and emotion.
so....1 in 4 has herpes....... ok...lets go back to work.
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