View Full Version : Hawg Hens
01-05-2015, 01:47 PM
Yep Ive got chickens....
Here is the coop and kennel run. (
Inside view
Notice the poop board that makes keeping my pine shavings cleaner. Pull the board out scrape into wheel barrel then to compost pile.
This is the winter set up. Food inside coop and water fountain on a hot plate to keep from freezing. (
This coop originally had 6 nesting boxes. Removed 2 nesting boxes to make room for inside feeder. (
Had 6 hen's. Now Im down to 3 hens had to cull a couple birds for various reasons. (
This bird at the time of the pic was going into a molt Damn thing didn't give me any eggs for weeks and weeks. It was doing the drunk walk And losing feathers. (
As the amount of light shortened per day as winter was approaching the other 2 hens started to quit laying. So I added artificial light in the coop to keep these broads laying. Finally just today the molting hen started to carry her weight again. 3 hens 3 eggs today. Isa brown lay over 300 eggs a day. (
Nice set up, where did you find the nesting boxes
01-05-2015, 07:19 PM
Nice set up, where did you find the nesting boxesThanks.
I bought the coop used. They were in it. I have seen them at tractor supply they aren't cheap $19.00 a piece last time I looked at them.
Still if its long term, thats not bad, most hobbies and stuff are front end heavy for cash
01-06-2015, 01:19 PM
I like the coop! It's always a challenge to find options to keep water from freezing, without electricity.
That's one of my issues for the dogs. Temps here this week below freezing.
Nice size eggs too.
01-06-2015, 01:25 PM
I like the coop! It's always a challenge to find options to keep water from freezing, without electricity.
That's one of my issues for the dogs. Temps here this week below freezing.
Nice size eggs too.The only improvement I could do to the coop is add a clean out door on the oppisite side of the nesting boxes. As it is now ive got to reach way in with a rake to clean out the chips and chicken poo. Ive kinda gone to the deep litter method for winter im just going to keep adding some fresh pine chips once in a while on top and let the poo brew for the winter it will give the hens some warmth as the poo brews.
They have heated water dog dishes but if there is no juice available where you keep the water dish how are you dealing with the freezing issues?
01-06-2015, 01:39 PM
We use 5 gallon buckets for water for the dogs. I use a hoe to bust the ice.
I actually have a 5 gal. horse watering bucket that has a cord and heat element, but no electricity..
I thought of one thing you could do to keep your shavings expense to $0. Rake up pine needles.
01-06-2015, 01:43 PM
We use 5 gallon buckets for water for the dogs. I use a hoe to bust the ice.
I actually have a 5 gal. horse watering bucket that has a cord and heat element, but no electricity..
I thought of one thing you could do to keep your shavings expense to $0. Rake up pine needles.My better half was just telling me the chickens supposedly like to eat white pine needles? She read it somewhere probably pinterest or that dreaded facebook thingy
Good idea with the pine needles as bedding. Just so happens I have a white pine and a red pine and 2 blue spruce
Cool thread! Thanks Hawg. Mrs Inor wants to get into chicken and goat ranching once we get moved. I am little on the apprehensive side just due to the amount of work involved and my travel schedule.
01-06-2015, 02:20 PM
Cool thread! Thanks Hawg. Mrs Inor wants to get into chicken and goat ranching once we get moved. I am little on the apprehensive side just due to the amount of work involved and my travel schedule.
Its honast work but its work especially in the winter
01-06-2015, 03:02 PM
nice post. A lot more intricate than my coop lol. The wife isn't done painting it yet. . 1067
Inside fence is 4ft chicken wire to keep the birds inside with an outer electric fence to keep predators out, with normal wire between the electric tape. 1069
I have made some adjustments since this pic, but I don't have any pictures since. Fixed the light out of the way, mounted to the wall and waterproofed it and added another roost. Next is to make better nesting boxes, but I'm also going to build a separate "room" of the coop and separate the roosts and the nearing boxes.
01-06-2015, 03:03 PM
Not sure why my pictures are fuzzy
01-06-2015, 03:39 PM
Are those birds Rhode Island reds? I spent all spring and summer making changes to my set up as the learning curve was kicking my butt. Finally got a handle on things before it turned into winter. During the non freezing weather I keep the feeder and water fountain out in the kennel run. Had to put a tarp over the feeder to keep the pellets dry. With the food and water outside they only went in to roost and lay an egg so everything in the coop stayed pretty clean. Mid to late November I moved it inside the coop and went to the deep litter method. I already wired it for electricity for additional lighting and to run a hot plate for the water.
Its so darn cold here right now they don't want to come out of the coop as its only about 9 degrees brrrrrrr.
I am not running any heat for the birds.
01-06-2015, 03:50 PM
Yeah, I have 4 Rhode Island reds, 2 americanas, a leghorn and a something else that I don't know what it is. I keep the coop open all day with the light on but they spend most of their time outside, even when it's in the teens lol. I don't have any heat set up (the guy I get them from doesn't do that so I didn't) but I'll thaw the water out every morning. 1071idk what breed this one is
01-06-2015, 04:04 PM
Might be a Plymouth rock oultry%20Breeds/barred-rock-chicken.jpg
Yep also known as a Barred Rock.
03-04-2015, 07:33 AM
Picked up 6 new to me birds. All 9 month old Isa Browns now have a total of 9 Isa's . Should be filling some egg cartons soon. A couple are finishing up a molt a couple are laying. A few are getting used to there new home. The introduction to my 3 birds went well nobody is too pissed off. Sping is coming....Yaaaay!
03-04-2015, 07:59 AM
Love isa's
Our best layers were buff orppingtons
03-04-2015, 08:25 AM
Isa's lay a lot more eggs than Buffs. My oldest daughter has 6 Buff's . I'm in it only for the max production of eggs. The only bird that lays more than the Isa's are Leghorn's as far as I know.
The buff's are nice looking birds and do lay fairly well but I think they are under 300 eggs per year.
Now of course the Isa's will burn out first. and they lays less after every molt.
And Isa's are not a heritage breed they are a hybrid. Your buff's are a heritage breed I believe right?
Buff Orpingtons are now bred as much for their looks and temperament as for their egg laying capabilities. A healthy Buff Orpington hen should lay 150 – 200 eggs per year and achieve a weight of between 8-10lbs and a cock bird should achieve a weight of between 10-12lbs.
03-04-2015, 09:42 AM
1218got my bigger coop with the roost built
03-04-2015, 10:56 AM
1218got my bigger coop with the roost builtI like the multi tier roosts. So do the chickens. It definitely will show the pecking order.
03-04-2015, 11:12 AM
And Isa's are not a heritage breed they are a hybrid. Your buff's are a heritage breed I believe right?
The eggs from a buff are amazing. Large. A lot of double and even triple yolks.
Also buffs are great cold weather birds. And great mothers. Had a self sustaining flock. I loved that aspect
And yes they are a heritage breed
Now to convince Innkeeper that I NEED chickens
03-04-2015, 11:24 AM
The eggs from a buff are amazing. Large. A lot of double and even triple yolks.
Also buffs are great cold weather birds. And great mothers. Had a self sustaining flock. I loved that aspect
And yes they are a heritage breed
Now to convince Innkeeper that I NEED chickensYeah my kid gets a lot of doubles too. They are a big bird and quite vocal.
03-04-2015, 01:52 PM
Very sweet temperament.
My girls would play with them
03-04-2015, 02:54 PM
It definitely helps show the pecking order. It was relatively cheap and extremely easy too. Plus, with the frame, it's easy to move and clean under.
03-04-2015, 04:01 PM
It definitely helps show the pecking order. It was relatively cheap and extremely easy too. Plus, with the frame, it's easy to move and clean under.
Coop and roost nice job! The birds will be happy! The days are getting longer spring ahead this weekend.
The daylight is running about 11 hours and 23 minutes here. Egg production will be picking up soon.
03-04-2015, 04:03 PM
I've been using a light to supplement that some. Out of 7 hens, I average 3-4 eggs a day. Looking to have about 15 hens total, able to lay with a couple rotating into peak laying. Hopefully I can start selling soon.
03-04-2015, 04:09 PM
I've been using a light to supplement that some. Out of 7 hens, I average 3-4 eggs a day. Looking to have about 15 hens total, able to lay with a couple rotating into peak laying. Hopefully I can start selling soon.Me too I've been running 14 hours day light but my new hens were not getting additional light so it will take a couple weeks. That's what I have in mind too is peddle some free range eggs to cover the feed. The Yuppies are paying 4 bucks a dozen. I need 2.50 to break even on feed. Ill sell them to the yuppies for 3.00 ish and under cut the competition.
03-04-2015, 04:12 PM
That's the bad thing about being out here, there's a pretty standard going rate of $2 a dozen. (Store bought are about $2.50/dozen) so I'm hoping to break even on feed lol. But that's not including if I start selling the hens past prime. People buy them for about $30 a head for pets.
03-04-2015, 04:20 PM
That's the bad thing about being out here, there's a pretty standard going rate of $2 a dozen. (Store bought are about $2.50/dozen) so I'm hoping to break even on feed lol. But that's not including if I start selling the hens past prime. People buy them for about $30 a head for pets.The price of POL (point of lay) hens went up here this year 20 to 30 bucks. I got mine for 12.00 Yeah drive 50 miles out in the sticks from here and 2.00 per dozen.... stupid yuppies lol
03-05-2015, 01:13 PM
Yeah we are probably going to add a half a dozen chickens this spring I just am not sure where I want to put a coop, plus with the 2 bird dogs not sure I want the chickens free range like JL wants. Luckily old man winter still holds sway , plenty of time to decide what to do.
03-05-2015, 02:08 PM
Yeah we are probably going to add a half a dozen chickens this spring I just am not sure where I want to put a coop, plus with the 2 bird dogs not sure I want the chickens free range like JL wants. Luckily old man winter still holds sway , plenty of time to decide what to do.
My daughter and son inlaw have a German short hair. It was harassing their chickens so much they were stressed and quit laying. It would run around the penned in area just harassing the hell out of them. They had to tie the dog and get a shock collar to control the barking. Then it took a good 3 weeks for the chickens to slowly start laying again.
03-07-2015, 07:53 PM
Here's the new motley crew. Every body got some frost bite on the combs this year. Wicked cold in the north this year. (
03-08-2015, 10:30 AM
That's a nice setup.
03-08-2015, 03:17 PM
Here's the new motley crew. Every body got some frost bite on the combs this year. Wicked cold in the north this year. (
Mrs S's dad is getting too old to tend to his chickens so he has promised us some whenever we are ready. Your thread has motivated me. Nice job Hawg!
Plus fresh eggs are DEE-Lishous!
03-08-2015, 05:19 PM
We got 3 new chicks yesterday, so in a few months we will have 6 total in the coup.
03-08-2015, 06:10 PM
Mrs S's dad is getting too old to tend to his chickens so he has promised us some whenever we are ready. Your thread has motivated me. Nice job Hawg!
Plus fresh eggs are DEE-Lishous!
Its cool to have the chickens around its kinda fun. And like you said the eggs are the best.
03-18-2015, 05:11 PM
Fired up the rototillers today. (
The other ones are mowing the grass.
Got 7 eggs today. The new hens are starting to earn their keep.
The pic is the first 5 eggs at about 8:30 am the other two eggs were afternoon. (
05-08-2015, 01:15 PM
Once there were 9 now there are 7
Culled 2 birds. Reason- Egg yolk peritonitis in one bird. Drop egg no shell from another. Problem solved.
The laying season is in full swing over 14 hours of natural daylight now. 7 chickens 7 eggs most days. Life is good.
And so are the eggs!
06-11-2015, 01:01 PM
Bird flu is running wild. It now hits Mi. and eggs and chicken meat prices are going up fast.
Ive been told by my better half that store bought egg prices have already doubled.
06-11-2015, 01:03 PM
I've heard a lot of people talking about it lately. Hopefully we stay clear. We had a mite infestation but that's taken care of now.
06-11-2015, 01:06 PM
I've heard a lot of people talking about it lately. Hopefully we stay clear. We had a mite infestation but that's taken care of now.
Red mites are a drag. Its been more about keeping the numbers down for me as we cant seem to shake them. I inherited them when I bought my used coop. Pesky things live up to a year without a host. And are hard to completely eliminated.
What method are you using? I'm open to suggestions.
06-11-2015, 01:08 PM
I got a 50 pound bag of diatomaceous earth. When I clean the coop out and put new bedding in, I'll put a layer of it down, then the bedding and then more DE. under the roost, I'll do the same, but I'll also put scratch in it so they constantly keep it stirring. I get the food grade and put some in their food too. I got 13 hens from a shit breeder and they were infested horribly. Bald spots on almost all of them but my wife didn't know it was an issue. She thought their feathers just weren't grown in yet
06-11-2015, 01:14 PM
I got a 50 pound bag of diatomaceous earth. When I clean the coop out and put new bedding in, I'll put a layer of it down, then the bedding and then more DE. under the roost, I'll do the same, but I'll also put scratch in it so they constantly keep it stirring. I get the food grade and put some in their food too. I got 13 hens from a shit breeder and they were infested horribly. Bald spots on almost all of them but my wife didn't know it was an issue. She thought their feathers just weren't grown in yetI do the same minus the scratch in the coop. I dust the birds and coop regularly and nest boxes. It knocks them down but they keep coming back. I get hit the hardest mid to late summer. Maybe I'll try the scratch in the coop for some daily agitation.
06-11-2015, 04:22 PM
I got a 50 pound bag of diatomaceous earth. When I clean the coop out and put new bedding in, I'll put a layer of it down, then the bedding and then more DE. under the roost, I'll do the same, but I'll also put scratch in it so they constantly keep it stirring. I get the food grade and put some in their food too. I got 13 hens from a shit breeder and they were infested horribly. Bald spots on almost all of them but my wife didn't know it was an issue. She thought their feathers just weren't grown in yet
So I get home tonight and the first thing the wife tells me is....
They are back! And I just dust bombed everthing with D.E. Last weekend even freshened up the dust bath holes with D.E. must be the mid 80 degree temps we have had for a week. Little sob's are under the shingles of the coop.... ugh! Guess I'll have to hose each bird with D.E. individually. Damn it. Its way to early for a full blown infestation.
06-11-2015, 06:53 PM
Is it OK to put seven dust on the chickens and in their areas? What about wood ash?
06-11-2015, 07:52 PM
Is it OK to put seven dust on the chickens and in their areas? What about wood ash?
I thought I read 7 dust was banned for poultry now but im not 100% sure. Your right though they say mix wood ash sand and food grade D.E. Im lacking some wood ash right now. Used it up on the icey drivway this past winter. I need to have a bonfire.
06-11-2015, 08:06 PM
I thought I read 7 dust was banned for poultry now but im not 100% sure. Your right though they say mix wood ash sand and food grade D.E. Im lacking some wood ash right now. Used it up on the icey drivway this past winter. I need to have a bonfire.
I'd recon it won't hurt the chickens but you'd have to let them detox before you eat any eggs. That's pure speculation. If it gets rid of the mites it's worth it right?
06-11-2015, 08:12 PM
I'd recon it won't hurt the chickens but you'd have to let them detox before you eat any eggs. That's pure speculation. If it gets rid of the mites it's worth it right?
A waiting period is needed if you have to treat them for worms with a de worming product. The wait period is about 14 days.
The wood ash and D.E. is not harmful you can put D.E. right in the food for parasite maintenence with no harmful effects but the D.E must be food grade.
06-12-2015, 07:27 AM
This just in .....
Get ready....
Better sit down..... (
06-12-2015, 07:31 AM
Wow! I didn't know they were so high... I buy all my eggs from a coworker that has chickens. He charges $2 for a dozen.
06-12-2015, 07:36 AM
Wow! I didn't know they were so high... I buy all my eggs from a coworker that has chickens. He charges $2 for a dozen.Good price @ 2.00 per dozen
I'm letting a few of mine go for 2.50 at that price I don't even think I'm breaking even on feed but it helps. Yeah My wife said regular factory egg prices have doubled too. Not just the organic and free range store boughts which don't even compare to my free range eggs. It may just be this area capitalizing on the recent bird flu headlines but prices are getting stupid.
06-12-2015, 07:38 AM
I would pay more for them. And I would still buy them even if they were more than store bought.
06-16-2015, 03:31 PM
They are up to $5 here. I'm still selling mine for $2 though. I have good customers that always bring me cartons lll
07-22-2015, 01:19 PM
08-09-2015, 06:17 PM
Broody Isa. 3 day sentence in the broody buster did the trick again. Cut her loose tonight so far so good. Caught her early on this time.
08-12-2015, 02:30 AM
Hawg still having trouble with the mites?
Love your coop. I will see if I can get my sister to take some pictures of our set up. Right now they are in a smaller pen next to the garden. I am planning on expanding the garden next year and wanted a little fertilizer to start off with. Egg prices here have gone up too and we don't have the bird flu in this area *knock on wood*
08-12-2015, 06:49 AM
Hawg still having trouble with the mites?
Love your coop. I will see if I can get my sister to take some pictures of our set up. Right now they are in a smaller pen next to the garden. I am planning on expanding the garden next year and wanted a little fertilizer to start off with. Egg prices here have gone up too and we don't have the bird flu in this area *knock on wood*I have the red mites back under control. There seems to be no complete eradication without harsh chemicals. Basically a through cleaning and several big dustings of DE has taking care of the run away mite train. Id like to see your set up that would be great.
08-12-2015, 11:52 AM
If you have a problem again let me know. Sis has gone to the college today to take her entrance test. Then this afternoon we have to go pick up another free load of wood and then can our salsa. Then tomorrow is canning pears and peaches so it might be a few days and an interview with the adviser at the college.
08-12-2015, 01:55 PM
If you have a problem again let me know. Sis has gone to the college today to take her entrance test. Then this afternoon we have to go pick up another free load of wood and then can our salsa. Then tomorrow is canning pears and peaches so it might be a few days and an interview with the adviser at the college.Have you dealt with the dreaded red mites Auntie?
What did you do to eradicate them ?
Ive heard 7 dust but I don't think that its available for poultry here now. It seems I read they banned its use ? I may have that incorrect ?
08-12-2015, 03:33 PM
Yes I have dealt with them. My neighbor had them, infestation wasn't a strong enough word. It was horrible.
I don't use sevin dust.
Clean the floor of the coop. Remove ALL roosts.
In a bucket put about 1 cup of neem oil and 10 drops of peppermint and lavender, a few drops of dish soap. Stir while adding warm water. Using an old fashioned mop head slosh it around on the walls and floors. Pay special attention to the corners and edges. It will probably take a couple of buckets of the above mixture.
Put up new roosts and allow the coop to dry. A lot of people don't realize that the mites take up residence in the wood.
All the chickens must be put in a temporary location. Dust them with DE and powdered garlic. I hope you like the smell of garlic because you are doing to do this for 3 days. Then every other day for a week.
We have 3 cattle panels (with chicken wire over the lower part) and two 4' pieces of black wire that we use for temporary housing when we do our twice a year deep cleaning of our coop or when I need them to clean up an area for me. When not in use it is easy to put out of the way.
Get some wormwood at an herbal store or online. You want it loose not in tea bags. Take some cheese cloth or pantyhose or muslin and put a small handful in and tie it up. Put those on your roosts and one in each nest box.
In your dusting box add some DE and ash from a fire pit or fireplace. What size is your dusting box?
Add a few handfuls of wood ash to your litter - especially if you use he deep litter method.
In a spray bottle fill 1/4 of the way with white vinegar, then put in a few drops of peppermint and lavender, fill with water. Spray the nest boxes, corners and edges (where the floor meets the wall) of the coop and roosts about once a week.
At least twice a week add shredded garlic and basil to their food.
08-12-2015, 06:32 PM
Yes I have dealt with them. My neighbor had them, infestation wasn't a strong enough word. It was horrible.
I don't use sevin dust.
Clean the floor of the coop. Remove ALL roosts.
In a bucket put about 1 cup of neem oil and 10 drops of peppermint and lavender, a few drops of dish soap. Stir while adding warm water. Using an old fashioned mop head slosh it around on the walls and floors. Pay special attention to the corners and edges. It will probably take a couple of buckets of the above mixture.
Put up new roosts and allow the coop to dry. A lot of people don't realize that the mites take up residence in the wood.
All the chickens must be put in a temporary location. Dust them with DE and powdered garlic. I hope you like the smell of garlic because you are doing to do this for 3 days. Then every other day for a week.
We have 3 cattle panels (with chicken wire over the lower part) and two 4' pieces of black wire that we use for temporary housing when we do our twice a year deep cleaning of our coop or when I need them to clean up an area for me. When not in use it is easy to put out of the way.
Get some wormwood at an herbal store or online. You want it loose not in tea bags. Take some cheese cloth or pantyhose or muslin and put a small handful in and tie it up. Put those on your roosts and one in each nest box.
In your dusting box add some DE and ash from a fire pit or fireplace. What size is your dusting box?
Add a few handfuls of wood ash to your litter - especially if you use he deep litter method.
In a spray bottle fill 1/4 of the way with white vinegar, then put in a few drops of peppermint and lavender, fill with water. Spray the nest boxes, corners and edges (where the floor meets the wall) of the coop and roosts about once a week.
At least twice a week add shredded garlic and basil to their food.Holy moly thats pure dedication quite a process no wonder I haven't compleatly got rid of them. Ive done a lot of reading and have not come acros your method. Never thought about the essential oils angle. Greats tips there Im going to have to try your method. My dust bath area is about 3' ×3' wood ash and D.E sand.
08-12-2015, 09:47 PM
I believe in being thorough. :) Prevention is much easier
11-04-2015, 07:35 PM
Hens are slowing down on egg prodution. They are molting. Soft molt for the most part. Been preparing for winter. Winter panels on the coop. Coop cleaned and ready to go deep litter method for the winter. Filled in all the holes they dug. Replenished the dust bath hole. Put the chicken crap compost in the garden and tilled it in.
11-19-2015, 10:37 PM
I had to do a good bit of reading to catch up. Glad I did. I had no idea of all these potential problems.
We still have to build our permanent chicken house at the barn. We were given chicken nest boxes, that are made out of a
galvanized metal. Even tho they are not wood, (now that I've read this thread) I will sterilize them before we put them to use.
Our neighbor that we've been buying our eggs from, hasnt had any to sell for a couple of weeks, and we've had to buy store bought eggs.
They have NO FLAVOR!! There is no comparison to the home range eggs.
BTW, I found out the chickens here love turnip greens.
11-20-2015, 08:00 AM
I had to do a good bit of reading to catch up. Glad I did. I had no idea of all these potential problems.
We still have to build our permanent chicken house at the barn. We were given chicken nest boxes, that are made out of a
galvanized metal. Even tho they are not wood, (now that I've read this thread) I will sterilize them before we put them to use.
Our neighbor that we've been buying our eggs from, hasnt had any to sell for a couple of weeks, and we've had to buy store bought eggs.
They have NO FLAVOR!! There is no comparison to the home range eggs.
BTW, I found out the chickens here love turnip greens.
No flavor and pale looking. Hard to go back to store eggs.
12-04-2015, 05:06 PM
Molting chicken looks pathetic:biglaugh: (
01-23-2016, 12:33 PM
The wife has been sewing up the feed bags to make trendy tote bags.
People have been scarfing them up at 6 to 8 bucks a bag. Helps pay for the feed. (
The wife has been sewing up the feed bags to make trendy tote bags.
People have been scarfing them up at 6 to 8 bucks a bag. Helps pay for the feed. (
Now that is some good thinkin' there!
Mrs Inor wants to know what the bags are made of. - Paper, cloth?
01-23-2016, 01:56 PM
Mrs Inor wants to know what the bags are made of. - Paper, cloth?The material is similar to a poly tarp. Very strong and durable. Great to load up food and supplies for camping, take deposit bottles back, shopping bag ect.
01-23-2016, 09:07 PM
The wife has been sewing up the feed bags to make trendy tote bags.
People have been scarfing them up at 6 to 8 bucks a bag. Helps pay for the feed. (
That's pretty slick buddy!
The material is similar to a poly tarp. Very strong and durable. Great to load up food and supplies for camping, take deposit bottles back, shopping bag ect.
That's the same stuff my dog food and bird seed comes in. I've been using them as liners for the crushed beer and coke cans. We have to burn our trash here. These bags are pretty leak proof and the cans go in them and get hauled off the the scrapyard.
01-23-2016, 09:16 PM
That's pretty slick buddy!
That's the same stuff my dog food and bird seed comes in. I've been using them as liners for the crushed beer and coke cans. We have to burn our trash here. These bags are pretty leak proof and the cans go in them and get hauled off the the scrapyard.She takes them apart and cuts them to a pattern she has. The pic doesn't show it well but they have a flat square bottom on them. Your right they hold any liquid from empty pop and beer bottles.
01-23-2016, 10:16 PM
That's a great idea Hawg! I couldn't see the picture tho.
We've got 3 eggs now, and started them on laying mash.
I'll take some pic's tomorrow of our new chicken houses and pens.
01-23-2016, 10:20 PM
That's a great idea Hawg! I couldn't see the picture tho.
We've got 3 eggs now, and started them on laying mash.
I'll take some pic's tomorrow of our new chicken houses and pens. Ahhh crap the link got broke I fixed it ... kinda. Try this- (
Cool! I can't wait to see your birds.
01-23-2016, 10:43 PM
That is such a neat idea!! Tell your wife I said she's really creative.
06-03-2016, 05:08 PM
If the guy doesn't back out I will be picking up 10 used hens in the morning.
They are 20 months old some are black sexlinks one easter egger type blue egg laying chicken and a couple more breeds im not sure of until I see them. My ISA browns are going to be pissed off about the new company moving in. (
^^Craigslist add picture ^^
What are you going to do with all of the chickens? I mean, there are only so many eggs you can eat!
06-03-2016, 07:33 PM
What are you going to do with all of the chickens? I mean, there are only so many eggs you can eat!
Good question! I have to take all 10. His ad said 9 birds but when I talked to him he said he mis counted and there is 10. Plus my 4 Isa browns. Yeah its a bit of a problem.
One of my ISA brown has been having occasional soft egg shell issues so that one is going to take a bath in boiling water then go to the frezzer for the stew pot. So that will leave 13 birds my roost will only hold 9 birds opps.
So tonight after work I installed 2 more small sections of 2×4's for additional roost space in the coop.
Getting used birds like this usually will have a couple birds who are beat up or not laying because of internal issues it seems as my luck is never that good so I expect I will have to thin the flock as I get them sorted out. Which means more meat for the stew pot.
This guy says out of 10 birds hes getting 5 to 7 eggs a day so the may be some issues.
Anyway to answer your queston I need more birds so I can start sending some more eggs towards my youngest kid and then sell the rest at work to cover the feed. Even though mine free range there is still some supplimental pellets needed for a good balanced diet.
The deal is pretty good 10 hens for 50.00
5.00 bucks a bird for laying hens is a good price here. They are going for as high as 10 to 20 bucks a hen now for layers.
That is a good deal on them. Our tractor supply has a chicken swap every other Saturday. Maybe you can find something like that to sell your culls for ten or fifteen bucks a piece and the ones you keep will be nearly free. Never works for me cause every time I go somewhere like that I end up spending more than I make lol
06-03-2016, 11:08 PM
"Used Hens"...:biglaugh: That's funny!!
We ended up and sold that last batch we incubated. Set another 54 eggs last night. This time along with the Buffs and Leghorns, we'll have Silver Wynadots, Barred Rock, and even 4 quail.
And the countdown begins....
The Buffs started brooding several weeks ago, so egg production went kaput. Leghorns still pumping em out.
You could always build a penthouse suite Hawg! Good deal on those "Used Hens".
06-04-2016, 02:28 PM
The ladies are home. The ISA brown are not happy as suspected. A few boxing matches already first feathers drawn already. The ISA's may all end up in the stew pot if they dont settle down. They are going on 3 season anyway they will run out of eggs soon. Id like to prolong it as they are still laying but my new birds are so purdy I dont want them beat up.
Just found out my oldest daughter and son inlaw just got a line on some French Copper Mahans 15 of them 2 weeks old straight run. We are going to buy 3 in hopes for 1 or 2 hens so the ISA'S will end up history anyway. (
First feathers plucked by my bully browns (
Here are my bullys (
A Watchman
06-04-2016, 02:35 PM
10 used hens Hawg? Do I really want to know?
If the guy doesn't back out I will be picking up 10 used hens in the morning. (
^^Craigslist add picture ^^
06-04-2016, 02:40 PM
Hahaha yup they be used... Well you never know what your going to get when you buy adult hens. This was a nice batch the guy took care of them. They came from a chicken palace he had a real nice set up nicer than mine. Technically these girls are virgins though there were no roosters lol
06-04-2016, 02:43 PM
They do not like each other they are staying segregated..... darn racists. (
New girls are already taking a dust bath. (
The rest of the new girls already found the nest boxes and are primping them to suit there needs. ( (
Checking out the quickie extra roosts I put in last night. (
This one came to say hello (
06-04-2016, 02:54 PM
One of these 2 already laid an egg. (
06-04-2016, 03:00 PM
The flock is Black Sexlinks, Barred Rocks and one Ameraucana.
Here is that first egg. (
That's quite the herd of bird! Congratulations!
06-04-2016, 04:09 PM
That is a good deal on them. Our tractor supply has a chicken swap every other Saturday. Maybe you can find something like that to sell your culls for ten or fifteen bucks a piece and the ones you keep will be nearly free. Never works for me cause every time I go somewhere like that I end up spending more than I make lolI wish our Tractor Supply did that. Chicken swaps I could use. Hmm maybe its time to organize some. Good thinking Hag thanks for the idea.
06-04-2016, 04:15 PM
which one is the easter egger
06-04-2016, 05:47 PM
which one is the easter egger
6 eggs from the new birds today. Im suprised I figured they would be to stressed. Turns out My ISA's were so pissed off we didn't get a single egg from them which is almost un heard of we have been getting at least 3 a day from them.
The Ameraucana (blue eggs) is next to the Barred rock taking the dust bath. Its got side burns and a beard lol. (
06-05-2016, 01:30 PM
All 14 roosted in my small coop and nobody is bleeding and no feathers in the coop.
My wife is all excited she got her first blue egg today. (
06-05-2016, 05:21 PM
Nice! Are the Isa's back to laying today?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
06-05-2016, 05:56 PM
Nice! Are the Isa's back to laying today?
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkYeah we got 3 eggs from the 4 Isa's
Its funny watching them. Right now there is a stand off the Isa browns have the fort and so far are holding it. The black sexlinks keep trying to sneak in the kennel but the Isa's tag team them and run their butts back out in the yard. They hate the new birds.
All 14 roosted in my small coop and nobody is bleeding and no feathers in the coop.
My wife is all excited she got her first blue egg today. (
Don't be surprised if that americauna ain't on of your best layers. Especially when it gets cold this winter
06-05-2016, 07:22 PM
Don't be surprised if that americauna ain't on of your best layers. Especially when it gets cold this winter
Agree... I read up on them only about 3 eggs a week. They say they will lay some thru the winter but less production than normal. The wife has been bugging me for a colorful egg basket so with the french marans chicks my kids picked up yesterday we should end up with at least one maybe 2 hens they are not high production either... and at some point shes going to make me find a olive egger she will get her colors. You know how women are....
08-03-2016, 08:57 AM
If you have been raising chickens for a while, you’ve probably seen it. If you are new to raising chickens, maybe you haven’t seen it…yet. Fact is, blood spots in eggs most likely will happen during the life of a hen.
08-18-2016, 07:23 AM
Other natural methods of controlling mites includes
• Releasing the chickens to have a regular dust baths in a dry patch of sand.
• Applying wood ash and food-grade diatomaceous earth, will keep them mite-free.
• Spraying your coop and roosts for several days in a row with a mixture of 2 cups water, 1 cup cooking oil and 1 tablespoon dish washing liquid.
• Sprinkling food-grade Diatomaceous Earth onto the floor of the coop and nesting boxes and rubbing it into the roosts
• Wormwood known as artemisia applied by spraying in the poultry can also help repel mites.
09-12-2016, 04:29 PM
Ok now play dead! (
Good chickens!
09-20-2016, 05:47 PM
Finally have a contract on the house. As soon as it sells we will be moving to the new property. I found a small animal auction neer the new place. I can't wait to build a coop and fill it. Free range during the day is the way I will be going. I am going to look for some plimothrocks if I can find them.
09-20-2016, 06:35 PM
Finally have a contract on the house. As soon as it sells we will be moving to the new property. I found a small animal auction neer the new place. I can't wait to build a coop and fill it. Free range during the day is the way I will be going. I am going to look for some plimothrocks if I can find them.
Set yourself up with a mixed flock. Barred rocks/Plymouth rocks only lay about 150 eggs a year.
09-20-2016, 06:48 PM
Definitely going to have a mix but I want some brooding hens and good mothers.
09-20-2016, 07:10 PM
Definitely going to have a mix but I want some brooding hens and good mothers.
My daughters Buff Orpingtons go broody several time a year. We don't have roosters here though so into the broody buster they go. 3 to 4 days of that breaks the broody streak.
I had a stubborn ISA brown that went broody often. Funny cuz they aren't supposed go broody its mostly breed out of them.
09-20-2016, 10:03 PM
Definitely going to have a mix but I want some brooding hens and good mothers.
The Buff Orpingtons are good hens. With a rooster they will set eggs several times a year. Docile hens, good mothers, although I recommend taking the chicks from them after the second day. Ours started laying eggs at 4 1/2 months old. They will be a year old at the end of this month. We've had 2 hatches so far this summer.
Also, do not remove the rooster. We've done this several times now, and they (roosters) get really pissed off and will attack you. I've got the scars to prove it!
Our Leghorns have not gotten broody at all. Good layers tho.
09-20-2016, 10:29 PM
It's has been years and I am talking 20+ sense I have had chickens. We had them growing up. We never took the chicks from the hen. What are the disadvantages of leaving the with her. Honest stupid question.
09-20-2016, 10:52 PM
It's has been years and I am talking 20+ sense I have had chickens. We had them growing up. We never took the chicks from the hen. What are the disadvantages of leaving the with her. Honest stupid question.
They all died. IDK for sure what happened. The second time we separated the hen from the others, and put her in a brooder we built. Same thing. They were fine one day, the next we'd have one dead chick, and the next day, same thing. I think the hen squashed them or they got too hot. I have one lonely chick right now in our bathroom, in a cooler. It's good and healthy so far.
Not a stupid question at all.
09-21-2016, 12:26 AM
Wow, ok....I will have to talk to Dad and see what we did different. I do remember moving her box to the floor and once the chicks were up and moving good the hen would move into the hay barn sometimes. We never had more than 2 that Dad would let brood. "We ain't running a chicken ranch" he would always say.
01-19-2017, 04:02 PM
Tired of free loading chickens so I turned the light on 2 weeks ago
First egg from the French Maran. ( (
01-19-2017, 04:42 PM
About time
01-19-2017, 05:27 PM
About timeNo kidding been waiting since October.
01-20-2017, 07:46 PM
So the wife and I split the first ever French Maran egg and I gotta say what I heard decribed is true.
Not only the eggs white but the yolk too was very creamy is the only way I can describe it. The yolk was very thick.
They say in Europe these French Black Copper Maran eggs are a delicacy and can go for 30 bucks or more per plate
01-20-2017, 08:07 PM
I finally got the go ahead to get a small chicken op going for 2018. So I got a whole year to research and build a coop. Keep the good info flowing Hawg. For now we buy all our eggs from a coworker that raises BB Reds.
01-20-2017, 08:16 PM
I finally got the go ahead to get a small chicken op going for 2018. So I got a whole year to research and build a coop. Keep the good info flowing Hawg. For now we buy all our eggs from a coworker that raises BB Reds.Coop design is paramount. Ease of use for you is the goal!
1 nest box per 3 or 4 birds. Roosting space they say I think 18" per bird although Ive been getting away with less. But more roost space will keep the birds happier.
03-21-2017, 10:55 AM
I'm going to have to try this-
The one downside to fresh eggs is how hard they are to peel. Everyone says 'just mark some and put them aside for a few weeks and then they'll peel fine'. Well, to me, that defeats the purpose of raising chickens for the fresh eggs if you're just going to let them sit around and get old. I was determined to figure out how to get perfectly peeled hard-cooked eggs. I tried every method out there I think - with mixed results.
03-21-2017, 12:15 PM
I'm going to have to try this-
I never really noticed this, or rather my daughters never said anything, with my parents' chickens.
Steaming does sound neat to try though.
03-21-2017, 12:20 PM
I never really noticed this, or rather my daughters never said anything, with my parents' chickens.
Steaming does sound neat to try though.
Ever since I started keeping chickens the eggs are a drag to peel without them looking like they have moon craters on them. Ive tried tons of different methods and none have been fool proof. So the steaming method is one I haven't tried. It sounds promising.
03-21-2017, 12:33 PM
Ever since I started keeping chickens the eggs are a drag to peel without them looking like they have moon craters on them. Ive tried tons of different methods and none have been fool proof. So the steaming method is one I haven't tried. It sounds promising.
Similar to what I do with peeling garlic (I put the cloves in a sealed container and shake the crap out of it), you can do that with eggs in a glass of water. Crack the top and bottom of the egg, stick it in a glass of water, cover the top of the glass and shake. . For me, it works every time. Shell just comes right off. You really don't even need to crack it first.
03-21-2017, 12:49 PM
Similar to what I do with peeling garlic (I put the cloves in a sealed container and shake the crap out of it), you can do that with eggs in a glass of water. Crack the top and bottom of the egg, stick it in a glass of water, cover the top of the glass and shake. . For me, it works every time. Shell just comes right off. You really don't even need to crack it first.
With fresh eggs as in right from the chickens ass fresh?
Store bought are no issue its my own right from the chickens less than 3 weeks old. Ive even let some age to 3 weeks or more and they are still a bitch to shell.
Well I'll have to try your method too. I'm up for anything to get crater free pickled hardboiled eggs.
Walter Tyler
03-21-2017, 12:55 PM
With fresh eggs as in right from the chickens ass fresh?
Store bought are no issue its my own right from the chickens less than 3 weeks old. Ive even let some age to 3 weeks or more and they are still a bitch to shell.
Well I'll have to try your method too. I'm up for anything to get crater free pickled hardboiled eggs.
Well Hell... Why didnt ya just say you were pickleing them...
Vinegar in the boiling water will help soften the shell.
Have you ever left an egg (not boiled) in a far of vinegar (3% acetic acid)??
The vinegar eats the calcium carbonate off the shell and you are left with an "egg bag" or a perfect example of a cell.
03-21-2017, 01:00 PM
With fresh eggs as in right from the chickens ass fresh?
Store bought are no issue its my own right from the chickens less than 3 weeks old. Ive even let some age to 3 weeks or more and they are still a bitch to shell.
Well I'll have to try your method too. I'm up for anything to get crater free pickled hardboiled eggs.
Yeah, i use to have 36 chickens when I lived in Nevada. We had a hell of a time trying to peel the eggs. Not sure why farm fresh is different, but that's pretty much the only method that worked for us. You can always try steaming them, though. I haven't tried it but my mother-in-law suggested steaming them. I hate my mother-in-law so anything she says or suggests is crap to me. . It probably does work, though. lol. . .
03-21-2017, 01:01 PM
Well Hell... Why didnt ya just say you were pickleing them...
Vinegar in the boiling water will help soften the shell.
Have you ever left an egg (not boiled) in a far of vinegar (3% acetic acid)??
The vinegar eats the calcium carbonate off the shell and you are left with an "egg bag" or a perfect example of a cell.
Ive tried the vinegar in the boiling water method and the salt method. The shell comes off but its the membrane that is still to the shell and takes the white with it.
Ive also tried varying boiling times. tried boil then ice then short dip in simmered water.
I have not tried the steam or your shake in jar of water method I'll give that a shot.
03-21-2017, 01:03 PM
Yeah, i use to have 36 chickens when I lived in Nevada. We had a hell of a time trying to peel the eggs. Not sure why farm fresh is different, but that's pretty much the only method that worked for us. You can always try steaming them, though. I haven't tried it but my mother-in-law suggested steaming them. I hate my mother-in-law so anything she says or suggests is crap to me. . It probably does work, though. lol. . .
There we go... you know first hand exactly what Im talkin bout.
I hate my mother-in-law so anything she says or suggests is crap to me. . It probably does work, though. lol. . .
That tickles the shit outta me!
03-21-2017, 03:21 PM
I use the egg genie that is basically a steamer it will make some of the best moist yolks ever in a hard boild egg but unfortunately it does not make them peal any easier.
So you may continue thinking what she says is crap.
here is the egg genie
03-21-2017, 03:28 PM
I use the egg genie that is basically a steamer it will make some of the best moist yolks ever in a hard boild egg but unfortunately it does not make them peal any easier.
So you may continue thinking what she says is crap.
here is the egg genie
So steam is going to suck too. Guess that leavess the jar full of water method then. Crap!
03-21-2017, 04:20 PM
OK, let me put my chicken plucker hat back on.... eggs peel easier if they are old eggs, notice how store bought eggs typically hard boil and peel easier... yep store bought "fresh" eggs are at least 1 month old, farmer has 30 days to "carton" the eggs, they are stored in flats until then, and another 30 days to sell them. So if you go to the farmers market to buy Organic, Free Range eggs, they will be fresh, don't hard boil them, they also may have a blood spot, just scoop them out with the edges of the egg shell, that's a hazard of letting your chickens run free.
03-21-2017, 06:27 PM
OK, let me put my chicken plucker hat back on.... eggs peel easier if they are old eggs, notice how store bought eggs typically hard boil and peel easier... yep store bought "fresh" eggs are at least 1 month old, farmer has 30 days to "carton" the eggs, they are stored in flats until then, and another 30 days to sell them. So if you go to the farmers market to buy Organic, Free Range eggs, they will be fresh, don't hard boil them, they also may have a blood spot, just scoop them out with the edges of the egg shell, that's a hazard of letting your chickens run free.
Yup thats the truth. I've aged mine 3 weeks + and they peel no better. Blood spots cook up fine they don't bother me. Rarley do we get any but yes we get a few. We don't candle them to see. Ya git what ya git. I was given a tip today that looks like its a hit for peeling . I answer in the next post.
03-21-2017, 06:34 PM
Similar to what I do with peeling garlic (I put the cloves in a sealed container and shake the crap out of it), you can do that with eggs in a glass of water. Crack the top and bottom of the egg, stick it in a glass of water, cover the top of the glass and shake. . For me, it works every time. Shell just comes right off. You really don't even need to crack it first.
Ok we have a winner at this point. I did 6 of my right out of the coop eggs from today along with 18 small eggs from the raw milk lady. The milk ladys small eggs peel pretty easy and they are old at least 3 weeks.
So I used the pint jar about 1/3+ full of water. Cracked the egg on both ends as recommended shook the daylights out of it a few times and I'll be darned they peeled pretty darn good no craters in the whites. I'll give this method a thumbs up for my right from the coop fresh eggs. Thanks for the tip either I got real lucky or this method works! Further testing in the near future.
Walter Tyler
03-21-2017, 07:01 PM
Ok we have a winner at this point. I did 6 of my right out of the coop eggs from today along with 18 small eggs from the raw milk lady. The milk ladys small eggs peel pretty easy and they are old at least 3 weeks.
So I used the pint jar about 1/3+ full of water. Cracked the egg on both ends as recommended shook the daylights out of it a few times and I'll be darned they peeled pretty darn good no craters in the whites. I'll give this method a thumbs up for my right from the coop fresh eggs. Thanks for the tip either I got real lucky or this method works! Further testing in the near future.
Do I sense a How To Video in your future
03-21-2017, 07:02 PM
Do I sense a How To Video in your future
Hmm.... proof is in the puddin good Idea! Credit will have to go to Radio if I do a video.
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