View Full Version : 0:12 / 48:06 CIVIL WAR: The Way America Could End in 2020 | Glenn TV

09-18-2020, 06:25 AM


09-19-2020, 11:58 AM
Okay . . . I stopped watching at 'don't strike back.'

That is idiocy and will get people killed when faced with AntiFa/BLM. In fact, I believe it is the primary reason we are where we are, we never fought back against this lunacy.

Beck doesn't want us to fight back because he's safe in his bunker and doesn't have to worry about his family like we normal people do.

09-19-2020, 01:22 PM
I'm going to unsubscribe to the blaze, quit posting his links, and stop listening to him on the radio.

09-19-2020, 01:33 PM
I'm going to unsubscribe to the blaze, quit posting his links, and stop listening to him on the radio.

I haven't liked Beck since he went off the rails a few years ago, but I do like Levin, Chad Prather, Crowder, Stew and a few others, which are all on the Blaze. If they were on another platform I would watch there but YouTube keeps censoring videos, so Beck gets my money unfortunately, better than Alphabet I guess.

So Beck's a fool, but he doesn't censor like YouTube does.

10-02-2020, 11:14 AM
Blaze is free on Pluto, Pluto is free on my Vizio Monitor