View Full Version : Major shop upgrades

12-01-2020, 12:09 AM
Now that the house is done, Mrs Inor's She Shack is done, most of my irrigation system is done, all of the fruit trees we were planning on planting are in and mostly growing, the pasture is setup and working well, it is time to start setting up my wood shop for real. For the last 3 1/2 years, I have been working in it as a mess just to get the stuff built that I needed to complete my other projects. But now it is time to spend some time (and money) getting it set up for real.

Last week, I got some wall cabinets built and got them hung last weekend.


My Christmas holiday will start in a couple weeks and I think I am going to break down and finally buy a dust collector. I have been woodworking for over 40 years and have never had anything for dust management. I think it is finally time to get that under control.

The dust collector is going to end up costing me about 1/3 of what I was planning on spending, so I am also going to spend some of the extra money I save on it to get a new fence for my table saw. The saw is about 20 years old and I use it A LOT. So the original fence system is just plain wore out. I was originally planning on getting a Biesemeyer fence, but after doing some research, I think I am going to go with a Vega fence. I do not know much about them, but their reviews have been outstanding and it sounds like the Biesemeyers seem to have gone way down in quality since they were bought by Delta.


If any of you guys know anything about the Vega fences, I would sure appreciate an opinion.

Lastly, I think I am going to take the time I have off over the holidays and build a new router table. My current one got pretty beat up in the move down here and the use it has had since starting the build has not helped it any.

Needless to say, I am pretty dang excited and I think these upgrades will take my wood shop to the next level. So expect a few more photos as I get further into this!

12-01-2020, 02:10 AM
Nope. Not gonna happen. Because if Mrs. Inor is anything like Hot Nursey the garage/shop is the dumping ground. Everytime I get it cleaned up I come home from work to find new crap in it.

Dust collector is a great addition. I don't have one but hope to in the future.

12-01-2020, 05:13 AM
Nope. Not gonna happen. Because if Mrs. Inor is anything like Hot Nursey the garage/shop is the dumping ground. Everytime I get it cleaned up I come home from work to find new crap in it.

Dust collector is a great addition. I don't have one but hope to in the future.

Mrs Sparky takes my stuff, and gives it away to her friends. Then she says "I didn't know you needed that". Aggravates the hell out of me.

12-01-2020, 05:49 AM
Now that the house is done, Mrs Inor's She Shack is done, most of my irrigation system is done, all of the fruit trees we were planning on planting are in and mostly growing, the pasture is setup and working well, it is time to start setting up my wood shop for real. For the last 3 1/2 years, I have been working in it as a mess just to get the stuff built that I needed to complete my other projects. But now it is time to spend some time (and money) getting it set up for real.

Last week, I got some wall cabinets built and got them hung last weekend.


My Christmas holiday will start in a couple weeks and I think I am going to break down and finally buy a dust collector. I have been woodworking for over 40 years and have never had anything for dust management. I think it is finally time to get that under control.

The dust collector is going to end up costing me about 1/3 of what I was planning on spending, so I am also going to spend some of the extra money I save on it to get a new fence for my table saw. The saw is about 20 years old and I use it A LOT. So the original fence system is just plain wore out. I was originally planning on getting a Biesemeyer fence, but after doing some research, I think I am going to go with a Vega fence. I do not know much about them, but their reviews have been outstanding and it sounds like the Biesemeyers seem to have gone way down in quality since they were bought by Delta.


If any of you guys know anything about the Vega fences, I would sure appreciate an opinion.

Lastly, I think I am going to take the time I have off over the holidays and build a new router table. My current one got pretty beat up in the move down here and the use it has had since starting the build has not helped it any.

Needless to say, I am pretty dang excited and I think these upgrades will take my wood shop to the next level. So expect a few more photos as I get further into this!

You are a true Master Craftsmen my friend!

12-03-2020, 02:48 PM
Nice work

12-03-2020, 03:28 PM
Nope. Not gonna happen. Because if Mrs. Inor is anything like Hot Nursey the garage/shop is the dumping ground. Everytime I get it cleaned up I come home from work to find new crap in it.

Dust collector is a great addition. I don't have one but hope to in the future.

Damn if that isn’t the truth. I had a clean organized garage and work shop with cabinets, etc..and slowly but surely the wench has turned it into a dumpling ground....oh well..

12-04-2020, 02:10 AM
Damn if that isn’t the truth. I had a clean organized garage and work shop with cabinets, etc..and slowly but surely the wench has turned it into a dumpling ground....oh well..

PS I always knew I liked the cut of your jib!