View Full Version : Jon-E handwarmers

01-14-2015, 09:47 AM
Some 60+ years ago, I owned my first Jon-E handwarmer. We used to skate at night on the Binney Park pond in Old Greenwich, Ct. Cold as a well-digger's arse.

Anyway, for some reason I bought another one about 10 years ago -- and had it out in my garage. Yesterday, on another forum, we were discussing nostalgia stuff from back in the early 50s, and I presented a list of a bunch of stuff, including the Jon-E handwarmer.

Well, to make a long story short - it was bitterly cold here yesterday for my afternoon walk. So while I had the handwarmer on my mind, I went out and rummaged through all my stuff in the garage, found it along with 2 cans of fluid, dusted it off, filled her, lit the wick, and let her burn-in for about an hour before heading out the door. Worked just like I remembered.

Jon-E went out of business some number of years ago. (You can buy a new Zippo handwarmer, but from what I read, they don't put out the heat of a Jon-E.) The only vintage Jon-Es that you can find are on Ebay. But, IMO, it is worth the time and trouble to track one of these down. They are pretty amazing for the amount of heat and duration. 8-12 hours for the Standard size (about the size of a pack of cigarettes) and 24+ hours for the Giant size. In a survival situation, this thing could actually save your life if you were caught out in the cold for any extended period of time.

01-14-2015, 11:11 AM
Some 60+ years ago, I owned my first Jon-E handwarmer. We used to skate at night on the Binney Park pond in Old Greenwich, Ct. Cold as a well-digger's arse.

Anyway, for some reason I bought another one about 10 years ago -- and had it out in my garage. Yesterday, on another forum, we were discussing nostalgia stuff from back in the early 50s, and I presented a list of a bunch of stuff, including the Jon-E handwarmer.

Well, to make a long story short - it was bitterly cold here yesterday for my afternoon walk. So while I had the handwarmer on my mind, I went out and rummaged through all my stuff in the garage, found it along with 2 cans of fluid, dusted it off, filled her, lit the wick, and let her burn-in for about an hour before heading out the door. Worked just like I remembered.

Jon-E went out of business some number of years ago. (You can buy a new Zippo handwarmer, but from what I read, they don't put out the heat of a Jon-E.) The only vintage Jon-Es that you can find are on Ebay. But, IMO, it is worth the time and trouble to track one of these down. They are pretty amazing for the amount of heat and duration. 8-12 hours for the Standard size (about the size of a pack of cigarettes) and 24+ hours for the Giant size. In a survival situation, this thing could actually save your life if you were caught out in the cold for any extended period of time.I still have 2 of them. And they are still good to go!

James m
01-14-2015, 11:20 AM
Do they burn while they are in your pocket or do they heat up and stay warm? I have seen the zippo ones.

01-14-2015, 11:20 AM
I had a couple of those when I was a kid. I do not know whatever happened to them. But yes, they worked great. Our Boy Scout troop used to give them to us as prizes for selling Christmas wreaths. I am pretty sure today's little all-stars are not allowed to either sell Christmas wreaths nor be trusted to use a hand warmer that uses (gasp) fire.

01-14-2015, 11:23 AM
Do they burn while they are in your pocket or do they heat up and stay warm? I have seen the zippo ones.Once lit they run till the fluid runs out. Yes in pockets or wear ever.

James m
01-14-2015, 11:29 AM
They sell popcorn. Id rather buy cookies. Always said they should sell small swiss army knives Keychain type.

Well i want to put the button activated hand warmers on the top of gloves. That way you can have the use if your hands and to warm up you can put one hand on top of the other.

01-14-2015, 11:31 AM
Do they burn while they are in your pocket or do they heat up and stay warm? I have seen the zippo ones.

It has been described to me as being somewhat like a catalytic converter. Anyway, supposedly only the fumes burn, not the actual fiber filling. If you look closely at the "burner" cap, you'll see just a glow -- no fire. The best fuel is VM. & P Naphta, which supposedly can be bought at hardware stores, Lowes, or HD. As a backup, you can use regular old lighter fluid (Ronsonal).

These Jon-Es get extremely hot to where if you handle them without being in the felt pouch, you'll burn your skin right off of your hands. You also control the amount of oxygen getting into the device by how tight you have the cord pulled on the pouch. Finally, if you stick the device into a coat pocket without allowing any oxygen into the pocket, it will go out. So you have to become familiar with how to hold and use it. The nice thing is, unlike chemical handwarmers, the Jon-Es will stay hot for the full duration (like 8 hours).

01-14-2015, 11:34 AM
It has been described to me as being somewhat like a catalytic converter. Anyway, supposedly only the fumes burn, not the actual fiber filling. If you look closely at the "burner" cap, you'll see just a glow -- no fire. The best fuel is VM. & P Naphta, which supposedly can be bought at hardware stores, Lowes, or HD. As a backup, you can use regular old lighter fluid (Ronsonal).

These Jon-Es get extremely hot to where if you handle them without being in the felt pouch, you'll burn your skin right off of your hands. You also control the amount of oxygen getting into the device by how tight you have the cord pulled on the pouch. Finally, if you stick the device into a coat pocket without allowing any oxygen into the pocket, it will go out. So you have to become familiar with how to hold and use it. The nice thing is, unlike chemical handwarmers, the Jon-Es will stay hot for the full duration (like 8 hours).Mine always stayed lit in the coat pocket. We used to put them inside our jacket too if it was really cold out. I haven't used mine in years but I remember they did give off a slight smell but the deer never cared.

01-14-2015, 11:40 AM
Mine always stayed lit in the coat pocket. We used to put them inside our jacket too if it was really cold out.

Right - I was trying to explain to at least make sure your pocket allows some air in. I had mine in my coat pocket all day yesterday afternoon, and it worked great. One of our neighbors who walks with us, was having issues with very cold fingers, even though she had on a warm pair of gloves with an inner pair of glove liners. She borrowed my handwarmer several times to get her hands warm again.

We have a long way to go to get through this winter. My Jon-E is going to be a regular companion. To me -- it is pretty damn amazing that a device designed over 6 decades ago, still has nothing to beat it.

01-14-2015, 12:21 PM
Right - I was trying to explain to at least make sure your pocket allows some air in. I had mine in my coat pocket all day yesterday afternoon, and it worked great. One of our neighbors who walks with us, was having issues with very cold fingers, even though she had on a warm pair of gloves with an inner pair of glove liners. She borrowed my handwarmer several times to get her hands warm again.

We have a long way to go to get through this winter. My Jon-E is going to be a regular companion. To me -- it is pretty damn amazing that a device designed over 6 decades ago, still has nothing to beat it.So regular lighter fluid will work ? Its been so long that id forgotten if lighter fluid is what we used.

I also have another similar hand warmer from about the same era but its not a Jon-e And it has a blue felt bag. The warmer is thinner than the original Jon-e I'll dig it out and take a couple pics of it when I get home tonight.

01-14-2015, 12:24 PM
Kerosine also works, but it smells really bad.

01-14-2015, 12:25 PM
Had one years ago.I dont even remember what happened to it,it did use lighter fluid,I do remember that.I use those little smack it hand warmers now when I really need it.polar fleece mittens work pretty good though,so much better than gloves.

01-14-2015, 06:38 PM
I've got an old Jon-e handwarmer out in my shop somewhere. I bought it for my father years ago and was in a box of stuff I brought back from texas when he died. I'll have to dig it out and try it out. I've been using the chemical hand and toe warmers for years, the Grabber mycoal toe warmers are the best of the bunch. They stick to your socks so they don't slide around in your boot and they work with very little oxygen unlike most other brands. Those toe warmers will last 8+ hrs.


01-14-2015, 07:38 PM
The thin one in a blue velvet bag was called a mikado pocket warmer. Couldnt find it but found the directions for it. Its buried somewhere.
http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q761/hawgrider97/stuff/20150114_202449_zpsx6nhzb2h.jpg (http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/hawgrider97/media/stuff/20150114_202449_zpsx6nhzb2h.jpg.html)

01-14-2015, 08:35 PM
I love the hole to light your smoke.

01-15-2015, 05:12 AM
I love the hole to light your smoke.Used that smoke hole quite a few times. Pretty handy when the wind was blowing.

01-15-2015, 06:03 AM
The thin one in a blue velvet bag was called a mikado pocket warmer. Couldnt find it but found the directions for it. Its buried somewhere.
http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q761/hawgrider97/stuff/20150114_202449_zpsx6nhzb2h.jpg (http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/hawgrider97/media/stuff/20150114_202449_zpsx6nhzb2h.jpg.html)

Hate to do this to you Hawg ......... but ........ your buried handwarmer is a Mikado. That's a Jap knockoff, something you swore you wouldn't have IF there were alternatives!


01-15-2015, 08:55 AM
Hate to do this to you Hawg ......... but ........ your buried handwarmer is a Mikado. That's a Jap knockoff, something you swore you wouldn't have IF there were alternatives!

:deadhorse:Sorry hate to Spoil your fun but I didn't buy it it was past down to me from my dads father. I never used the mikado. Always had 2 Jon-e's One for each pocket. Couldn't throw away a trinket from grandpa now could I?

01-15-2015, 12:48 PM
Sorry hate to Spoil your fun but I didn't buy it it was past down to me from my dads father. I never used the mikado. Always had 2 Jon-e's One for each pocket. Couldn't throw away a trinket from grandpa now could I?

That's interesting as I know my grandfather (WWII vet) never would have bought any Jap crap! :whippin:

(Just playing with ya -- you got to admit, you left the door wide open)

01-15-2015, 12:56 PM
That's interesting as I know my grandfather (WWII vet) never would have bought any Jap crap! :whippin:

(Just playing with ya -- you got to admit, you left the door wide open)He was a Marine in WWII Don't know where he got it from. He did have some cool stuff he picked up off of dead Commies. Yeah I had that coming beerman all is fair in love and war. Good catch !

01-15-2015, 01:04 PM
He was a Marine in WWII Don't know where he got it from. He did have some cool stuff he picked up off of dead Commies. Yeah I had that coming beerman all is fair in love and war. Good catch !

To let you know just how paranoid the US was at the start of the war -- My grandfather (a Great Lakes freighter captain) was commissioned a Commander in the Navy. They were actually worried that the Germans (or even the Japanese apparently) might sneak a sub into the Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence seaway. That of course would be quite the trick being as the seaway is a series of locks and canals.

01-15-2015, 03:37 PM
I have one of these somewhere in a box. I've had it forever but haven't used it since I was a teen.
Now I have to go dig it out.

01-15-2015, 03:47 PM
I have one of these somewhere in a box. I've had it forever but haven't used it since I was a teen.
Now I have to go dig it out.

After using mine for a couple of days, I wanted to get one for my wife. So I went and bid on one yesterday on Ebay. I won the original bid as I was the only player.

Could have used mine today. My wife hasn't walked in almost a week due to a bad cold. But she wanted to today. I thought it was going to be warmer (as advertised) so I left my Jon-e home, but since there was no sun, our hands got cold. Moral of the story -- even if the temps are the same, the sun sure do make a difference in warming you up.

01-17-2015, 07:41 PM
I made a hand warmer that used a charcoal element. I just got the charcoal going (I used a bit of potasium nitrate on one end) and lert it burn in a metal tube inside a round tin that I got from my mother's dad. the two laters of metal were necessary to keep it from burning your clothing. If I needed something like that today I would use charcoal again - it is always available and won't spill or smell too bad.

01-22-2015, 08:20 AM
After using mine for a couple of days, I wanted to get one for my wife. So I went and bid on one [Jon-E] yesterday on Ebay. I won the original bid as I was the only player.

It arrived. Incredibly, the Jon-E is "brand new" as it has never been used before. So we own two of them now. Just waiting for another really cold day.

01-22-2015, 08:22 AM
It arrived. Incredibly, the unit is "brand new" as it has never been used before. So we own two of them now. Just waiting for another really cold day.Sweet! How much did you have to give for it?

01-22-2015, 08:28 AM
Sweet! How much did you have to give for it?

19 bucks plus a couple of dollars shipping. That was the opening bid and I am surprised no one upped the ante.

I know it was not too many years ago that you could get these things a lot cheaper, but that was back in the days before Jon-E went out of business. (Actually the name of the company was Orbex.)

01-22-2015, 08:30 AM
19 bucks plus a couple of dollars shipping. That was the opening bid and I am surprised no one upped the ante.

I know it was not too many years ago that you could get these things a lot cheaper, but that was back in the days before Jon-E went out of business. (Actually the name of the company was Orbex.)Id say by the condition and the price of stuff today..... you stole it. Nice Work!