View Full Version : Be Aware Of This When You Smoke Your Meat!

01-25-2021, 06:48 AM
Just a reminder-

The Process
Hot Smoke
Hot smoking exposes meat to both heat and smoke. This should be done in a controlled environment where you can determine the heat and the amount of smoke.

Be Aware Of This When You Smoke Your Meat!

Hot smoking is done at temperatures ranging from 52 to 80 °C (126 to 176 °F).

You can smoke food items from 1 to 24 hours.

If the smoker goes above 85 °C (185 °F), your food could become completely dehydrated and inedible.

Most foods can be cooked again after hot smoking, but in many cases, like smoked hams, this won’t be necessary and you can immediately eat the foods.

Cold Smoke
Cold smoking is typically done at temperature ranges from 20 to 30 °C (68 to 86 °F). It is important to fully cure meats before cold smoking. Could smoking is also ideal for imparting flavor to nuts and cheeses.

Be Aware Of This When You Smoke Your Meat!

Ideally, you will cure your meat, like chicken, fish, or beef.

Then cold smoke for a while, and then do final cooking before eating.

Cold smoking is typically done for longer periods than hot smoking, and can sometimes go on for several days.

It’s important to be aware that cold smoking is not a substitute for cooking. Also, be aware that meat that has not been exposed to sufficient heat may harbor diseases and parasites still active deep in the flesh.

Be sure to stick to health guidelines concerning the cooking of meat to eradicate flesh borne parasites or bacteria. https://www.askaprepper.com/be-aware-of-this-when-you-smoke-your-meat/