View Full Version : U.S. Government Moves Border Patrol to Target U.S. Citizens

01-15-2015, 05:31 AM
Border Patrol Interior Checkpoints: U.S. Government Moves Border Patrol to Target U.S. Citizens

Over the last decade, the United States Border Patrol have been moved from patrolling the borders, to patrolling the interior of the country; setting up some 170 internal traffic checkpoints, as deep as 60 miles inside the United States border. While the U.S. Government claims these checkpoints are meant to deter illegal immigration, the majority of the people caught up in these checkpoints are U.S. Citizens.

01-17-2015, 07:13 PM
Only a politician would call a checkpoint 60 miles inside a country a "border patrol".

it is, in reallity, just another move by the government to get the population to accept unwarrented searches. "May I see your papers please?" Where are you comming from?, Where are you going? Are you transporting (put any item here)?

You must stop, but you don't need to answer any questions, submit to any searches, or provide any identification until they arrest you.

01-17-2015, 08:51 PM
Are you aware that the border is now 100 miles wide? This was also set up for "border patrol". AKA DHS.

01-17-2015, 09:50 PM
Those jokers can defineto border anyway they want but the legal definition of the border between the USA and its neighbors remains a "dimensionless line that exists between the lands of different countries".

There is no width to the border between any two countries. If the border were actually 100 miles wide then the area within that border would be neither the USA nor Mexico, It would be a "no mans land" similar to the "demilitarized zone" between north and South Korea.

This is just another case of the federal government taking power that is not theirs to take.

01-18-2015, 07:50 AM
Yep, it's been going on here in Texas for a couple of years.