View Full Version : Harris' now in charge of White House

03-25-2021, 05:41 AM
The report said the "move raises eyebrows among those who believe President Biden is mentally unfit to serve and is being slowly pushed out and replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris. "

"Since at least the beginning of the 2020 election cycle, and now into his first months as president, Biden has exhibited startling signs of mental decline, and possibly dementia, according to some medical experts," OUTspoken said.

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"In public appearances Biden often appears dazed, confused, has difficulty speaking and walking, and is rarely permitted to answer unscripted questions from journalists. He is also often accompanied by his wife, Jill Biden, who appears to frequently provide him a level cognitive support."

PJ Media's Matt Margolis wrote, "They're preparing for Kamala's takeover." https://www.wnd.com/2021/03/biden-harris-now-charge-white-house/

03-25-2021, 05:54 AM
Duh, you'd have to be living under a rock not to see this coming.

It will be Kamhoes signature on bills not sleepy joes. Not much of a change there.

What the hell must the world/bad players, think about this shit? They see and read the same crap we do.

06-07-2021, 04:25 PM