View Full Version : Angry Prepper - Are You Ready To Deal With Evil?

03-28-2021, 11:19 AM

Back Pack Hack
03-28-2021, 11:22 AM
We've been dealing with evil for our entire existence.

03-28-2021, 11:25 AM
I just finished the video

03-28-2021, 11:26 AM
So BPH didn't watch or get the message :chopper:

03-28-2021, 11:35 AM
Dealing with President Harris and Sloppy Joe Biden= dealing with Evil IMO anyway.

03-28-2021, 11:46 AM
Some groups like the Trumpet, and Cahn say we have 1 last chance, but are beyond the point of no return.

Back Pack Hack
03-28-2021, 12:06 PM
So BPH didn't watch or get the message :chopper:

Sorry. I watched it two days ago.

I just don't make it a habit of posting EVERYTHING I SEE ON THE INTERNET on a forum.

03-29-2021, 06:57 AM
Sorry. I watched it two days ago.

I just don't make it a habit of posting EVERYTHING I SEE ON THE INTERNET on a forum.

What did you think about the video? Get any message from it? Enjoy seeing another prepper that is out of breath at a walking pace?

Back Pack Hack
03-29-2021, 07:49 AM
What did you think about the video? Get any message from it? Enjoy seeing another prepper that is out of breath at a walking pace?

The message I got is some people don't know jack about audio systems used in videos. I also think one should not get into off-topic discussions with people who can only improve themselves by tearing others down. So I'll let you 'win' this one.

03-29-2021, 09:09 AM
The message I got is some people don't know jack about audio systems used in videos. I also think one should not get into off-topic discussions with people who can only improve themselves by tearing others down. So I'll let you 'win' this one.

Nothing to win, as I don't think there was any argument. I was curious to know what you got out of the video.

03-29-2021, 05:13 PM
He seems to be speaking to violence and mayhem on a scale beyond what he feels most are prepare to handle. If I lived in NYC and had no gun, it would be on my mind as well. Bad spot to be caught with no boomstick. The only thing he can really try and do is get OUT. Cities like NYC, Chicago, Portland, etc... are going to be the mayhem hot spots. Things only have to get bad enough whereas nobody is delivering to these places... and food and supplies run short. Nothing to loot in the stores? Victimize each other. Then it will ratchet up right quick.

03-29-2021, 09:23 PM
I approach prepping like this - things worse than I can possibly imagine, can and will be done to my family if I fail or become laxed during a SHTF... that causes me a lot of stress as I mentally prepare for many possible scenarios. but better to think about it now so if/when it comes time to deal with them. it isn't new/foreign to me.

03-30-2021, 12:16 AM
I'm looking for Morels.

03-30-2021, 12:22 AM
Sorry. I watched it two days ago.

I just don't make it a habit of posting EVERYTHING I SEE ON THE INTERNET on a forum.

Like the others said, WTF did you get out of it since you watched it 2 days ago,

You had time to think your response over, so what is it.

Or do you choose to just sit on the side effing line making smart assed comments.

Mister Mills
03-31-2021, 02:53 PM
The guy in the video sounds like me, and that is a refreshing change from the usual pap.
Most people will not deal with evil, because they don’t have to, and it gives them heartburn.

They don’t care if there is evil out there, it hasn’t hurt them yet. And they will never care, unless it does hurt them or someone that is close to them. And there is nothing that I can do to change them.

The only one that I can rouse up, and be certain about is me. I despise evil doers, and if I encounter it, I will oppose it. Right up to the threshold of perishing, and then on into eternity. Where I will go to my reward, and I won’t go there as a coward.

03-31-2021, 04:17 PM
I don't get my ire up much, I may have some Ireland blood in me

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. gYeiutVHojeoP1DZRf0xBwHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1

04-06-2021, 07:03 AM
Yankee Stadium! Man I used to get so pumped this time of the year for opening day. With all the wokeness and cancel culture I have lost all desire to watch.

Funny how I don't even miss it now.

04-06-2021, 08:00 AM
I approach prepping like this - things worse than I can possibly imagine, can and will be done to my family if I fail or become laxed during a SHTF... that causes me a lot of stress as I mentally prepare for many possible scenarios. but better to think about it now so if/when it comes time to deal with them. it isn't new/foreign to me.

Yes. When the SHTF, when your kids ask you "Dad... what are we going to do?" A Dad cannot answer "I don't know". This is why we prepare. This cannot be our response. We MUST be able to say "this is how I prepared for just such a scenario... out of my love for you". A theme from those who do not merely mindlessly reproduce like bacteria. Real fathers. Providers. Protectors. We still walk this Earth, and beware our teeth.

04-06-2021, 08:25 AM
Yes. When the SHTF, when your kids ask you "Dad... what are we going to do?" A Dad cannot answer "I don't know". This is why we prepare. This cannot be our response. We MUST be able to say "this is how I prepared for just such a scenario... out of my love for you". A theme from those who do not merely mindlessly reproduce like bacteria. Real fathers. Providers. Protectors. We still walk this Earth, and beware our teeth.


04-06-2021, 10:31 AM
we're very fortunate to live in a County where the Sheriff and the rest of the Admin have made it very clear that tolerating the Antifa BLM nonsense will not be tolerated and push back will be swift and positive

04-06-2021, 12:28 PM
Yes. When the SHTF, when your kids ask you "Dad... what are we going to do?" A Dad cannot answer "I don't know". This is why we prepare. This cannot be our response. We MUST be able to say "this is how I prepared for just such a scenario... out of my love for you". A theme from those who do not merely mindlessly reproduce like bacteria. Real fathers. Providers. Protectors. We still walk this Earth, and beware our teeth.

I don't have family, nor do I have a plan. I have several.

04-06-2021, 09:44 PM

Might need more ammo if things get really intense. Thanks.

04-06-2021, 09:51 PM
Another guy videoing himself while walking and saying nothing of substance.

Yes. Bad shit will happen when shit happens.

04-07-2021, 09:15 PM
Ready willing and able to coin a phrase.

rice paddy daddy
04-18-2021, 02:53 PM
At age 72, I’m not going to watch a 9 minute video unless it’s something that interests me.
Give me the short version. Cities gonna burn? Thugs gonna loot?
Military gonna be shooting people?

04-18-2021, 04:06 PM
At age 72, I’m not going to watch a 9 minute video unless it’s something that interests me.
Give me the short version. Cities gonna burn? Thugs gonna loot?
Military gonna be shooting people?

Mostly that evil is going to come out in force when SHTF and it will be much more savage than most people will know how to deal with. The way to deal with it is to quickly and just as savagely put down the evil people. Mostly a dude saying all of this out of breathe at a walking pace. You might think it is BPH, but it is actually a black dude without a pack trolley hooked to his waist.

rice paddy daddy
04-18-2021, 05:13 PM
i ain't shot at anybody in 51 years, but I have not forgotten how.
When my adrenaline is up, I don't react, I act. Without thinking, to be honest.

I'm glad wife and I live out past the end of the pavement. I never want to go through certain things again. I simply want to be left alone.