View Full Version : RYO (Roll your own smokes)
05-08-2021, 11:50 PM
I been doing it on an off since the 70s. Highly intense past 18 months or so since my pack a day Marlboros are 7 bucks and change. That drops below a buck when you make em yourself. Anybody who dont smoke or quits is highly ranked in my book. Holler if anybody is interested in the hobby and wants to chat
05-09-2021, 08:10 AM
I didn't know that slowly killing yourself was considered a hobby. I guess you learn something new everyday. LOL
05-09-2021, 09:03 AM
I didn't know that slowly killing yourself was considered a hobby. I guess you learn something new everyday. LOL
Everything I enjoy is slowly killing me. Beef, bourbon, tobacco and women.
Yup I roll straight up one brand never mixed or blended but that not a bad idea.
The rolling part for me is purely just a chore though to save money from obummers tax.
05-09-2021, 09:11 AM
I didn't know that slowly killing yourself was considered a hobby. I guess you learn something new everyday. LOL
We're all slowly killing ourselves, every last one of us... just by living. That all by itself will end you. Existence itself means you will cease to exist. Before it occurs, have a cigar and a bourbon. It beats chewing kale. And the kale chewers and cigar chewers go in the same hole in the ground anyway. Now of course a kale chewer can claim "hey, you went in the hole FIRST"!!! And the cigar chewer says "yeah, that's why I got the bottom bunk bitch". All the same in the end. On this Earth for 50 years or 100... all the same. Can I get you a Cigar? A bourbon? I don't have any kale to offer.
05-09-2021, 09:30 AM
Better to enjoy life than to skip experiences just trying to live longer. None of us are going to get out of this alive so we may as well have some fun and enjoy the simple things.
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05-09-2021, 09:44 AM
Better to enjoy life than to skip experiences just trying to live longer. None of us are going to get out of this alive so we may as well have some fun and enjoy the simple things.
Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Four fingers of bourbon for this man! And your choice of fine cigars Sir.
05-09-2021, 09:49 AM
Everything I enjoy is slowly killing me. Beef, bourbon, tobacco and women.
Women?!? That other stuff is OK, but dem wimmins will kill ya dead. Might have to organize some kinda intervention. ;);)
Prepared One
05-09-2021, 09:53 AM
Everything I enjoy is slowly killing me. Beef, bourbon, tobacco and women.
Ain't that the truth. I would suggest that god has a sick twisted sense of humor.
05-09-2021, 10:53 AM
I been doing it on an off since the 70s. Highly intense past 18 months or so since my pack a day Marlboros are 7 bucks and change. That drops below a buck when you make em yourself. Anybody who dont smoke or quits is highly ranked in my book. Holler if anybody is interested in the hobby and wants to chat
I use to smoke 4 packs a day or let them burn out on a machine.
Bought them at Ft. Devens MA. in the PX $4.00 a carton, last trip in.
I quit cold turkey in January 1988, never picked up another one since.
After a while anyone around me smoking made me gag,
I could could smell them 6 feet away as a smoker without them smoking.
I quit for the sake of my pregnant wife and coming child, not for me,
but I have benefitted from it long term.
When in the army and not smoking the ones from the "C" rats,
I rolled my own with a machine that had a big rubber conveyor belt in it.
That and it was painted blue is all I remember about it, that was 60+ years ago.
Never did drink, even to this day, was given a shot of vodka at a wedding, when I was about 15,
F'Kd my head up and I did not like that, never touched the stuff afterwards.
05-09-2021, 04:44 PM
Uh rah Sir! As some smart founding Father of the Country said.."There are worse things that can happen to a human other than being dead." Rough paraphrase. lol. Liberals cant grasp it.
05-09-2021, 05:00 PM
Would only say His sense of humor it much funnier than our own while leaving out all the additional dangling participles
05-09-2021, 05:09 PM
Great story. I got started huffing on my Grand Daddys Unfiltered Chesterfields at age 4..and hand rolled bull durham if he was in the shorts. I have quit a bunch of times for years sometimes...and it might work to quit permanent if we run out of beer and coffee. I just got to have one with those. lol. The longest I ever stayed quit I did it with the help of Copenhagen Snuff. Now that can load up some nicotine and much cheaper than a patch..or used to be. Biden is stamping out all the fun. Hes making menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars illegal is the rumor using an executive order and is trying to raise the price of pipe tobacco which has a big tax loophole and what all the RYO folks use..near the same price as Store bought smokes. Its just not fair. I may move to Coasta Rikka and look for a Ticca.
05-09-2021, 06:30 PM
I been doing it on an off since the 70s. Highly intense past 18 months or so since my pack a day Marlboros are 7 bucks and change. That drops below a buck when you make em yourself. Anybody who dont smoke or quits is highly ranked in my book. Holler if anybody is interested in the hobby and wants to chat
Honestly . . . 1st Saturday of August . . . 1985 . . . smoked my last one . . . Winston . . . hour or so later threw the rest of that $1.25 pack out the window . . . was 19 in it. Don't miss it one bit.
But you have not fully graduated to the high seats of "roll your own" until you can take the little white cloth bag of Buffalo or Bull Durham out of the left breast pocket with your left hand . . . lick your right thumb and slide a paper off the pack with it . . . while you grab the bag in your teeth . . . and pull it open with your teeth and your left hand.
At that same time . . . you wrap the end of that paper around the first digit of your right hand . . . and holding it with the thumb and middle finger . . . like a little pig trough . . . pour the "bakker" into it from the bag . . . with the left hand.
You then grab one yellow string in your teeth . . . the other with your left hand . . . close the bag and put it back in the left breast pocket of that red and black flannel shirt you wear.
Bring up the left hand . . . grab the end of the paper . . . tap it a bit to make it even from end to end . . . lick the edge of the paper . . . seal it with you left forefinger on top . . . thumb and middle finger at 4 and 8 position . . . roll the end closed with your right hand . . . pop it between your lips . . . and with the left hand . . . strike an Ohio Blue Tip match on your britches butt . . . and light the thing.
Do this all while holding a conversation in something less than 10 seconds . . .
THEN . . . you have become a top rung "roll yer own" aficionado.
(I was never that good . . . but lots of folks in Carter County, Ky. were . . . was fun watching them)
May God bless,
PS: and that was back when it was a nickel a bag . . . lol
05-09-2021, 07:47 PM
Having been stuck on midnights way too much while trying intensely to quit. I throwed many packs out the the car window never to see em again and some a-hole would trigger my nerves and I would have to go try to find em again. Its not easy smoking flat ran over cigarettes..but it can be done lol.
05-09-2021, 09:18 PM
Hell, I'm really good at quittin'... just not at staying quit. My biggest problem is I love tobacco and don't really WANT to quit LOL. But I reconciled that a bit by quitting for as long a period as I could. Once for 5 years, once for 2 years, again for about two years, once for 10 months (that one didn't get off the runway), and most recently 2 years again. I stopped telling people I quit, and started saying I'm cutting back for now... cutting back to zero. I'm smoking about 12 a day currently. I never carry them with me, which helps some. When I'm away from my desk, I don't smoke.
05-10-2021, 05:17 AM
Hell, I'm really good at quittin'... just not at staying quit. My biggest problem is I love tobacco and don't really WANT to quit LOL. But I reconciled that a bit by quitting for as long a period as I could. Once for 5 years, once for 2 years, again for about two years, once for 10 months (that one didn't get off the runway), and most recently 2 years again. I stopped telling people I quit, and started saying I'm cutting back for now... cutting back to zero. I'm smoking about 12 a day currently. I never carry them with me, which helps some. When I'm away from my desk, I don't smoke.
Yup about 8 a day here unless I'm sipping booze then add 2 or 3.
05-10-2021, 10:33 PM
Hear you on that. A dear old JP pal got married to a nice Church of Christ lady and had to quit at a fairly elderly age. He told everybody.."You got to quit those things like gettting thrown off a bucking horse." Meaning dont climb back on it again I think. Never heard of him trying to sneak one so it musta worked by golly.
05-16-2021, 09:12 PM
I have been busy here lately trying to clone menthol cigarettes for my black and lady pals. Rumor is Bidens handlers are going to have him do an executive order to make em illegal. That should make the entire hood go up in flames of peaceful protests and turn alllinto Trump voters in 2024. The general game plan is top serect lol. Sorry...loose lips sinks ships as Uncle Doug MacArthur said a few times back during the Big War.
01-24-2022, 09:40 PM
Ok, went back to Medford and got the other half of my preps loaded on a truck. Had the opportunity to go through every bin and box to cull some of it. I found two drums of American Spirit (blue) rolling tobacco. I date perishables, and these were dated 8/12 so about 7 months short of stored 10 years ago. They got mixed up with some other stuff, otherwise I would have used it/rotated it long ago. It was my habit to vacuum seal these drums in a small mylar bag... even though the tin drums are vacuum sealed as well. Opened one up: it seems just fine. I would have thought it would have degraded in some way over a decade, but it's fine.
01-24-2022, 10:15 PM
Didn't even have to rehydrate it at all thats pretty good 10 years!
01-24-2022, 10:54 PM
Thanks for the heads up on the shelf life of the tobacco. I been RYO ing this time going on 3 years. Have partiial bags about the same age which are still fine. I take what I want out of a bag (size varies 5 lbs to 8 oz) reseal in the original bags which are usually pretty stout plastic but not vaccum sealed. I stick those down inside big styrofoam ice chests (free from Omaha steaks). If the stuff happens to dry out its real easy to rehydrate and bring the moisture level back up using a slice of bread or a damp paper towel in the bag for a day or so. The stuff is not prone to mold when tightly the tobacco outgasses some kind of variant of amonioa that mold done like.according to the rumors anyway
01-26-2022, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the heads up on the shelf life of the tobacco. I been RYO ing this time going on 3 years. Have partiial bags about the same age which are still fine. I take what I want out of a bag (size varies 5 lbs to 8 oz) reseal in the original bags which are usually pretty stout plastic but not vaccum sealed. I stick those down inside big styrofoam ice chests (free from Omaha steaks). If the stuff happens to dry out its real easy to rehydrate and bring the moisture level back up using a slice of bread or a damp paper towel in the bag for a day or so. The stuff is not prone to mold when tightly the tobacco outgasses some kind of variant of amonioa that mold done like.according to the rumors anyway
They use tobacco as a pesticide, processed and mixed with water and sprayed on.
My grandfather use to use it on the corn and peppers.
Tobacco is grown about 15 miles south from where I live,
the whole field is covered over in cheese cloth, like an Arab dessert tent during growing season.
The huge drying sheds keep the side vents open,
and you can smell the stuff from a couple hundred yards away.
I have no idea what the end product is coming from there.
01-26-2022, 12:09 PM
Hell, I'm really good at quittin'... just not at staying quit. My biggest problem is I love tobacco and don't really WANT to quit LOL. But I reconciled that a bit by quitting for as long a period as I could. Once for 5 years, once for 2 years, again for about two years, once for 10 months (that one didn't get off the runway), and most recently 2 years again. I stopped telling people I quit, and started saying I'm cutting back for now... cutting back to zero. I'm smoking about 12 a day currently. I never carry them with me, which helps some. When I'm away from my desk, I don't smoke.
Hah, I quit once, that was 33 years ago this month.
I still have not touched ANY tobacco products to this day.
Back then I went through two packs a day, left them burning all over the shop while working.
Use to get them from the commissary or the PX at Ft. Devens, bought 5 cartons at a time.
For some reason the guard gave me an active duty ID card, had it until I retired out.
I also use to roll my own by hand or with a machine.
I would sit in front of the TV at night and roll them for the next days consumption, started this in the army.
Today I have no craving for them either, both my father and grandfathers died from smoking induced cancer.
The thing I did with the first cravings was to eat a pound of bacon each time.
I did put on 20 pounds which I later shed.
01-26-2022, 10:07 PM
Wished I was strong willed like that. Back in the day I could put half a can of Copenhagen in the bottom lip..half a pack of Beech Nut Chewing tobacco in each cheek while smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer. It was a sign of high testosterone levels in the Texas Oil Patch. lol.
01-27-2022, 07:41 AM
Hah, I quit once, that was 33 years ago this month.
I still have not touched ANY tobacco products to this day.
Back then I went through two packs a day, left them burning all over the shop while working.
Use to get them from the commissary or the PX at Ft. Devens, bought 5 cartons at a time.
For some reason the guard gave me an active duty ID card, had it until I retired out.
I also use to roll my own by hand or with a machine.
I would sit in front of the TV at night and roll them for the next days consumption, started this in the army.
Today I have no craving for them either, both my father and grandfathers died from smoking induced cancer.
The thing I did with the first cravings was to eat a pound of bacon each time.
I did put on 20 pounds which I later shed.
I never got addicted to tobacco. I smoked for awhile when I was young, but put them down with no problem. Bacon, though.......I am 100% addicted to bacon!!
Prepared One
01-27-2022, 07:50 AM
I never got addicted to tobacco. I smoked for awhile when I was young, but put them down with no problem. Bacon, though.......I am 100% addicted to bacon!!
Bacon is good on everything. I would eat shit if it had bacon layered on top. :bacon:
01-27-2022, 10:35 AM
Bacon is good on everything. I would eat shit if it had bacon layered on top. :bacon:
Good to know.
01-27-2022, 11:01 AM
Happy Gilmore
01-27-2022, 11:06 AM
I never got addicted to tobacco. I smoked for awhile when I was young, but put them down with no problem. Bacon, though.......I am 100% addicted to bacon!!
On a layover one time, the hotel had a full breakfast included in the price, not just coffee and.
I think I put a pound of bacon on my plate with about a cup of scrambled eggs.
The bacon strips were thick enough that I used them as a fork for the eggs, one bite of each, each time.
Had to use a fork though for the grits, just to thick.
That meal kept me going all the way back here without getting hungry,
of course I did have coffee and doughnuts with the auto pilot on.
I drank enough coffee all the time to keep the DEAR from freezing up from no use.
Had three aircraft thermoses filled before each flight.
Those three in their bag and my Jepson plates and maps brief were right next to my seat.
The two of us go through quite a bit of bacon, especially the kid.
She will do up a pound of it and eat just that, she will never get fat, too much missing of the intestines.
Oh, well, no more flying or coffee for me, was a great time in my life though, all great things must pass.
01-27-2022, 03:18 PM
Good to know.
He put his foot, uh, shit in his own mouth. LOL
I have added bacon crumbs to the top of "shit on a shingle" AKA chipped beef on toast, Texas Pete also.
So, I guess that I have eaten bacon on top of shit!
01-27-2022, 04:14 PM
He put his foot, uh, shit in his own mouth. LOL
I have added bacon crumbs to the top of "shit on a shingle" AKA chipped beef on toast, Texas Pete also.
So, I guess that I have eaten bacon on top of shit!
Just giving him the gears.:D
PO likes my cooking. :)
01-27-2022, 10:40 PM
Me too. Eating it can be iffy when the chompers wear out. Notice why all the the dentists advertise high dollar new smiles. Flappers aint made for eating.
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