View Full Version : YouTube knows everything!

05-14-2021, 01:49 AM
So I was bored tonight and just banging around online and decided to see what YouTube had to offer. Whenever I browse YouTube, I always use the Tor browser. When it cannot scour my browser history, the videos it recommends are often worth a chuckle. But tonight was absolutely laugh out loud hilarious!


My first thought was: "Is there any question that I could possibly think of that some shmoe has not made a detailed YouTube video about?"

Then I got to thinking, before we moved to AZ, this would have been a jewel of a video to know about as I always thought keeping some lidocaine on hand would be a great prep. (Now I can just buy it over the counter in Mexico.)

So remember children, when society crumbles the first thing you should do is drive to the porno store and steal all the anal lube!

05-14-2021, 02:31 AM
TMI ..