View Full Version : I haven't seen any squirrels or birds in days

05-31-2021, 06:47 AM
The chickadees and nuthatches are usually very vocal about my presence, no cardinals, and no blue jays.

I'm OK with no bluejays, sorry Toronto. No rabbits either.

I did spot a large black body raptor yesterday with a white/ grayish head. Not confirmed as a bald eagle, but they are here.

My neighbors let their cats run wild, I don't see many mice . The cats will not target the bird feeder, since they know I'm watching.

Are all the critters sitting in their nests watching the little ones ?

Or do I have a bobcat hunting my feathered friends down? I used to see owls and hawks, but not much anymore.

Maybe they went to a new hunting ground.

05-31-2021, 03:18 PM
I'm starting to see fewer squirrels around my bird feeders & bird baths. I live trapped & relocated 22 of the little bastards so far this year. I caught & released only 15 all of last year. I just caught one very large & very pissed off raccoon last Saturday. He was released right there in the backyard, he was too heavy to carry in the trap without me getting my hands too close to those nasty looking teeth. He bent up the trap pretty good. He high tailed it into the neighbor's yard when I pulled the gate pin, I think he lives under a trailer in their yard.

Mad Trapper
05-31-2021, 04:32 PM
Been a cycle with critters always.

Last 3 years chimpmunks were bad varmints, shot ~100 atmy two places w/pellet gun last year. This year one place has about none.

Voles been real bad, lost lots of perennials, fruit trees, trees last 4 years, still too many.

Rabbits on down swing, but too many around garden.

Woodchucks I killed back last two years, but have not cut fields to see what's around.

Birds are here but cardinals moved. Flycatcher/barn swallows happy. Piliated Woodpeckers ok.

05-31-2021, 06:13 PM
The big wood peckers started buzzin me today :sodaandpopcorn:

05-31-2021, 07:57 PM
I have tons of squirrels here in NC. My dog chases them everyday.

06-01-2021, 02:28 PM
Just saw a Bald Eagle today Just outside of town as I got on I-75 heading north. He swooped down over my lane then across the median about 10' off the ground locked his wings back to break and dived onto some fresh roadkill on the south side. He had to grab it twice before he could take off with it.

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06-01-2021, 04:35 PM
I usually see Bald Eagles during salmon season, oar in the the local high school lights, oar at the Mighty MO

Mad Trapper
06-01-2021, 04:45 PM
I usually see Bald Eagles during salmon season, oar in the the local high school lights, oar at the Mighty MO

Last time I saw one was ice out, terrorizing the geese and ducks.

Any Beastie
06-01-2021, 06:19 PM
I hate to be a mad conspiracy theorist.......................................... .......................... NOT! (Borat style, if you catch my drift) but some guy sends around emails outlining mad things that happen after satellite launches. This includes a widespread unexplained spike in headaches, body aches, heat flashes (no its not just widespread menopause, dammit) and very strange gravitational circles created by animals. Birds also migrate away from active 5G. Check out what you got going in your area.

Mad Trapper
06-01-2021, 07:02 PM
I hate to be a mad conspiracy theorist.......................................... .......................... NOT! (Borat style, if you catch my drift) but some guy sends around emails outlining mad things that happen after satellite launches. This includes a widespread unexplained spike in headaches, body aches, heat flashes (no its not just widespread menopause, dammit) and very strange gravitational circles created by animals. Birds also migrate away from active 5G. Check out what you got going in your area.

You've been eatin too much, squirrel stew!!!! Game warden is comin to check your freezer!!!!

Any Beastie
06-02-2021, 01:03 PM
You've been eatin too much, squirrel stew!!!! Game warden is comin to check your freezer!!!!

Which freezer? If its the one inside, I'll come clean. If its the one in the basement- he'll find somethin bigger than a squirrel corps.

Look into Josh deSol. Milimeter waves have very lil research behind them: they are known to be harmful, but the extent isn't known. FiveG went live in (don't quote me on this) the Netherlands. Mass bird deaths. They said it was bird covid.

06-03-2021, 09:36 AM
Last time I saw one was ice out, terrorizing the geese and ducks.

I see Bald & Golden eagles, Ospreys and various other birds of prey every day.

06-03-2021, 09:38 AM
I hate to be a mad conspiracy theorist.......................................... .......................... NOT! (Borat style, if you catch my drift) but some guy sends around emails outlining mad things that happen after satellite launches. This includes a widespread unexplained spike in headaches, body aches, heat flashes (no its not just widespread menopause, dammit) and very strange gravitational circles created by animals. Birds also migrate away from active 5G. Check out what you got going in your area.

I though those maladies were caused by being in close proximity to the giant wind generators (bird blenders). LOL.

06-03-2021, 11:09 AM
Tons of squirrels and deer here, actually seeing quite a few wild turkey.

06-03-2021, 02:14 PM
Eagle is gone, and it didn't have hair on it's head.

Birds and tree rats are back.

06-03-2021, 02:17 PM
Tons of squirrels and deer here, actually seeing quite a few wild turkey.

I see Wild Turkey when I'm not hunting them, same with deer.

I think Mom lets Bambi come up to meet me.

Mad Trapper
06-03-2021, 03:01 PM
I see Wild Turkey when I'm not hunting them, same with deer.

I think Mom lets Bambi come up to meet me.

Mom and Bambi left fresh tracks in the garden last night, need to get the fence up.

Mad Trapper
06-03-2021, 03:05 PM
I see Bald & Golden eagles, Ospreys and various other birds of prey every day.

Was fishing Hudson river for stripers (it's tidal to Troy NY)......an osprey got too close to a pair of eagles nest. The eagles took turns knocking the shit out of the osprey

06-03-2021, 03:25 PM
Both nest close to each other and eat more fish than I do.

06-05-2021, 08:50 PM
I got tons of squirrels, and various song birds. I also have a pair of resident red-tailed hawks, a VERY large great horned owl who pisses off the hawks, and a few large fox squirrels.

Back Pack Hack
06-06-2021, 12:42 PM
Mom and Bambi left fresh tracks in the garden last night, need to get the fence up.

Agreed. You need to be isolated from the general population.

Oh, sorry... that was all spelled correctly. Let me put it in Doofusese:

Agtte. U knee two bee eyesolayted form du genrul poplashun.