View Full Version : Just watched a movie called "Land". Pretty dang good.

07-31-2021, 10:28 PM
Mrs S came home from running errands and had a movie from RedBox called "Land".

Robin Wright plays the lead character, Edee. And something bad has happened to Edee that makes her want to leave the city and find a remote place in the Wyoming Mountains.

Edee goes thru a bunch of challenges and failures until she is rescued by a Mountain Man, Miguel, and a native American nurse, Alawa.

Pretty dang good flick. Plenty of teaching moments and a few that make you wonder if there is some dust in your eyes.

I'd give it 8 Slippy's out of 10. But then again I've been drinking Tequila for about 5 hours or so! HA!



08-01-2021, 03:32 AM
I am not familiar with the movie, but what kind of tequila were you drinking?