View Full Version : My 2022 Mid-Term Predictions
08-05-2021, 09:18 AM
So, I think I have detailed this other places, but I thought I would place it here to get some feedback on where I might be right or wrong in my assumption of the mid-terms coming up.
The 'Delta Variant,' or the 'Delta+' will be pushed.
The mail-in voting practices from 2020 will be used again in 2022, even in the states where they were banned. In this case the state dept. will step in to stop them.
There will be a decent amount of down-vote voter fraud.
More riots will happen in the US, and will either be attributed as 'peaceful,' by BLM/AntiFa or they will be 'violent insurrections,' by 'Right Wingers'
More Social Media censorship will happen; to a point where even if you don't have an account, but are just mentioned, there will be rammifications
Vaccine passports will be issued across the nation. Even in states that banned them, expect checkpoints at their borders to block travel (NYC is already implementing this I believe)
There will be a majority Leftist win in 2022. Now I don't mean a Democrat win, but a Leftist win. Republicans might win, but those who win will either be squishy or they will be an obvious Leftist
ATF/BATF will expand its 'powers,' through memo's and 'loopholes,' to target a greater swatch of individuals (expect the PC/SJW criteria for extremist, what will be used on Social Media)
ATF/BATF will expand its scope to cover a greater reach of firearms, by redefining technologies
DHS/FBI/Capital Police will start to focus more on the 'radical,' elements identified through Social Media; RealID data will also be used to identify protestors at 'insurrectionist,' rallies around the nation.
Think I missed anything?
Think I'm wrong?
I don't exactly have access to the same level of information I used to, so I might be missing a tidbit someone else has.
By the way: HELLO NSA!
08-05-2021, 09:36 AM
Well I start here
FEMA will test its emergency alert system, or EAS, on Aug. 11 at 2:20 p.m. ET (1:20 p.m. CT). The test will include both EAS systems – radio and television – and the Wireless Emergency Alerts, or WEA, for those who have opted in on their cell phones.
with this other crap going on
08-05-2021, 09:55 AM
So, I think I have detailed this other places, but I thought I would place it here to get some feedback on where I might be right or wrong in my assumption of the mid-terms coming up.
The 'Delta Variant,' or the 'Delta+' will be pushed.
The mail-in voting practices from 2020 will be used again in 2022, even in the states where they were banned. In this case the state dept. will step in to stop them.
There will be a decent amount of down-vote voter fraud.
More riots will happen in the US, and will either be attributed as 'peaceful,' by BLM/AntiFa or they will be 'violent insurrections,' by 'Right Wingers'
More Social Media censorship will happen; to a point where even if you don't have an account, but are just mentioned, there will be rammifications
Vaccine passports will be issued across the nation. Even in states that banned them, expect checkpoints at their borders to block travel (NYC is already implementing this I believe)
There will be a majority Leftist win in 2022. Now I don't mean a Democrat win, but a Leftist win. Republicans might win, but those who win will either be squishy or they will be an obvious Leftist
ATF/BATF will expand its 'powers,' through memo's and 'loopholes,' to target a greater swatch of individuals (expect the PC/SJW criteria for extremist, what will be used on Social Media)
ATF/BATF will expand its scope to cover a greater reach of firearms, by redefining technologies
DHS/FBI/Capital Police will start to focus more on the 'radical,' elements identified through Social Media; RealID data will also be used to identify protestors at 'insurrectionist,' rallies around the nation.
Think I missed anything?
Think I'm wrong?
I don't exactly have access to the same level of information I used to, so I might be missing a tidbit someone else has.
By the way: HELLO NSA!
I’d tend to agree with most of that. Border checks have not started and NYC/NY isn’t doing that. They have just mandated that you have a vaccine to pretty much do anything in the city.
I think you’re right about the riots.
Mail in voting and voter fraud will be wide spread to an even greater extent than in 2020…. And the reason is that we will have multiple lockdowns over the next year. Delta, lambda, animal house virus’.
Given that fraud, the left/communist/progressives will win and stay in power. Even if republicans win, recent history has shown that they will cave to the left anyway. Different side of the same coin.
Yes, social media big tech will continue to ramp up pressure.
Vaccine passports will appear in many states and cities.
Throughout this, conservatives will cave in. Conservative politician will be isolated, crushed or voted out.
I’ll add the the economy will hit high inflation and potentially crash. Government will spend more and debt will continue to soar. There is a risk that the debt machine/money printing/bond buying will crash too.
And lastly.. you forgot a few….. hello NSA, FBI, Homeland security, USPS, et al.
Edit..and I forgot the biggest event that the democrat/communist could or would use tO attempt to bring the country together and take control —- WAR
08-05-2021, 09:57 AM
Well I start here
FEMA will test its emergency alert system, or EAS, on Aug. 11 at 2:20 p.m. ET (1:20 p.m. CT). The test will include both EAS systems – radio and television – and the Wireless Emergency Alerts, or WEA, for those who have opted in on their cell phones.
with this other crap going on
I don’t remember this happening in the past. Guess they are tying to send a message during the symposium.
08-05-2021, 09:58 AM
And what if the Emergency Alert is something like this ?
posted by Site Staff elsewhere, I just copied it
08-05-2021, 10:02 AM
And what if the Emergency Alert is something like this ?
posted by Site Staff elsewhere, I just copied it
Don’t tease me…
Btw, there was an original Star Trek episode in which they were on a planet that had this exact thing. For 12 hours they went nuts and then back to being “controlled”. Landrau was the ruler.
08-05-2021, 10:09 AM
Meanwhile I ordered Vitamins from WalMart. Shipped from Lansing Wednesday, delivery today.
Package was just scanned at Perrysburg Ohio.
It's going the wrong way.
08-05-2021, 10:10 AM
I’d tend to agree with most of that. Border checks have not started and NYC/NY isn’t doing that. They have just mandated that you have a vaccine to pretty much do anything in the city.
Yup, that's on me. I mis-heard the news yesterday. When I went back and read the article, I saw that it was only for private businesses etc. Still not good, but not as bad.
I’ll add the the economy will hit high inflation and potentially crash. Government will spend more and debt will continue to soar. There is a risk that the debt machine/money printing/bond buying will crash too.
Another lockdown along with landlords going kaput and small businesses not being able to hire anyone . . . . yeah.
And lastly.. you forgot a few….. hello NSA, FBI, Homeland security, USPS, et al.
They probably all have a file on everyone here.
Edit..and I forgot the biggest event that the democrat/communist could or would use tO attempt to bring the country together and take control —- WAR
Maybe, but I'm not sure. War is a good thing to bring us together, but at the same time the type of personality who rallies to war are not the typical Leftists. Now, war AGAINST the 'Evil White Anti-DemocracyInsurrectionists,' within the US might be coming.
08-05-2021, 10:18 AM
This seems to be happening now
8 Reasons Why Rome Fell
I see some comparisons today with the US. Most of the stuff in the OP, has allowed it, or may possibly enable it.
8. Weakening of the Roman legions
08-05-2021, 10:24 AM
Yup, that's on me. I mis-heard the news yesterday. When I went back and read the article, I saw that it was only for private businesses etc. Still not good, but not as bad.
Another lockdown along with landlords going kaput and small businesses not being able to hire anyone . . . . yeah.
They probably all have a file on everyone here.
Maybe, but I'm not sure. War is a good thing to bring us together, but at the same time the type of personality who rallies to war are not the typical Leftists. Now, war AGAINST the 'Evil White Anti-DemocracyInsurrectionists,' within the US might be coming.
Every war this century, except for the Bush years, was started by weak democrats for one reason or another. The reasons include economics and unity/partisanship.
I have no doubt that to prove their strength against the “bad communist” they would enter/start a war. War is a great way to take over complete control of the county from the littlest business to large corporations and everything in between and therefore, the population.
08-05-2021, 10:33 AM
Okay, that's a fun link. Time to put on the old tinfoil hat:
1. Invasions by Barbarian tribes
6. The arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes
-Mass illegal alien migration at the southern border
2. Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor
-We are seeing the economy stutter and fall. While we don't have slave labor, we are heavily reliant on Chinese/Asian slave labor
3. The rise of the Eastern Empire
-In terms of outside influence and division, we can see that in a way between the traditional Americans and the Woke Marxists' loyalty to foreign powers.
4. Overexpansion and military overspending
-This we are and are not seeing. While the military is being gutted, we are seeing the federal LE agencies being expanded heavily.
5. Government corruption and political instability
-Do I really have to go in depth on this one? Really!?
7. Christianity and the loss of traditional values
-The new, and potentially rising religion/faith is now Wokism or Climate Change.
8. Weakening of the Roman legions
-CRT in the military
-PC/SJW WokeNess being pushed
-The mandatory vaccine? Maybe?
Well that was kinda depressing!
08-06-2021, 10:31 AM
So, I think I have detailed this other places, but I thought I would place it here to get some feedback on where I might be right or wrong in my assumption of the mid-terms coming up.
The 'Delta Variant,' or the 'Delta+' will be pushed.
The mail-in voting practices from 2020 will be used again in 2022, even in the states where they were banned. In this case the state dept. will step in to stop them.
There will be a decent amount of down-vote voter fraud.
More riots will happen in the US, and will either be attributed as 'peaceful,' by BLM/AntiFa or they will be 'violent insurrections,' by 'Right Wingers'
More Social Media censorship will happen; to a point where even if you don't have an account, but are just mentioned, there will be rammifications
Vaccine passports will be issued across the nation. Even in states that banned them, expect checkpoints at their borders to block travel (NYC is already implementing this I believe)
There will be a majority Leftist win in 2022. Now I don't mean a Democrat win, but a Leftist win. Republicans might win, but those who win will either be squishy or they will be an obvious Leftist
ATF/BATF will expand its 'powers,' through memo's and 'loopholes,' to target a greater swatch of individuals (expect the PC/SJW criteria for extremist, what will be used on Social Media)
ATF/BATF will expand its scope to cover a greater reach of firearms, by redefining technologies
DHS/FBI/Capital Police will start to focus more on the 'radical,' elements identified through Social Media; RealID data will also be used to identify protestors at 'insurrectionist,' rallies around the nation.
Think I missed anything?
Think I'm wrong?
I don't exactly have access to the same level of information I used to, so I might be missing a tidbit someone else has.
By the way: HELLO NSA!
Juskom, do you foresee Biden's gun grabbing BATFE nominee Chipman being confirmed as director?
08-06-2021, 10:34 AM
Juskom, do you foresee Biden's gun grabbing BATFE nominee Chipman being confirmed as director?
Absolutely, why not? We know that the Democrats and RINO's won't stop the nomination.
Also, does it matter? It doesn't. The BATFE is all about control, regardless who the director; without control, and violation of the 2A, they cease to exist. It is a self-perpetuating organization.
08-06-2021, 07:35 PM
So, basically, you are predicting more of the same? My prediction- I will continue to prep and work towards being evermore self-sufficient. I will vote to the best of my ability to counter the leftist scourge.
Prepared One
08-06-2021, 08:34 PM
That would be the one I would add. looking around at the players and the chess pieces being moved on the board I believe war is closer then most would like to think. As to the decline and fall of this once great republic and how it compares to other empires throughout history, it's safe to say we are exactly on course.
Mark my words, war is coming.
08-06-2021, 09:17 PM
That would be the one I would add. looking around at the players and the chess pieces being moved on the board I believe war is closer then most would like to think. As to the decline and fall of this once great republic and how it compares to other empires throughout history it's safe to say we are exactly on course.
Mark my words, war is coming.
08-07-2021, 09:34 AM
So, basically, you are predicting more of the same? My prediction- I will continue to prep and work towards being evermore self-sufficient. I will vote to the best of my ability to counter the leftist scourge.
I will vote to the best of my ability to counter the leftist scourge, so help me God. Amen.
There, finished it for you.
08-07-2021, 09:45 AM
Nope, you're not wrong.
Yep, I still deeply care for this once great republic.
I did MY best to preserve the republic, freedom and liberty as the founder's so greatly designed so I will go to my grave with no regrets.
My focus will be to continue to create an environment that I will be left alone.
So, I think I have detailed this other places, but I thought I would place it here to get some feedback on where I might be right or wrong in my assumption of the mid-terms coming up.
The 'Delta Variant,' or the 'Delta+' will be pushed.
The mail-in voting practices from 2020 will be used again in 2022, even in the states where they were banned. In this case the state dept. will step in to stop them.
There will be a decent amount of down-vote voter fraud.
More riots will happen in the US, and will either be attributed as 'peaceful,' by BLM/AntiFa or they will be 'violent insurrections,' by 'Right Wingers'
More Social Media censorship will happen; to a point where even if you don't have an account, but are just mentioned, there will be rammifications
Vaccine passports will be issued across the nation. Even in states that banned them, expect checkpoints at their borders to block travel (NYC is already implementing this I believe)
There will be a majority Leftist win in 2022. Now I don't mean a Democrat win, but a Leftist win. Republicans might win, but those who win will either be squishy or they will be an obvious Leftist
ATF/BATF will expand its 'powers,' through memo's and 'loopholes,' to target a greater swatch of individuals (expect the PC/SJW criteria for extremist, what will be used on Social Media)
ATF/BATF will expand its scope to cover a greater reach of firearms, by redefining technologies
DHS/FBI/Capital Police will start to focus more on the 'radical,' elements identified through Social Media; RealID data will also be used to identify protestors at 'insurrectionist,' rallies around the nation.
Think I missed anything?
Think I'm wrong?
I don't exactly have access to the same level of information I used to, so I might be missing a tidbit someone else has.
By the way: HELLO NSA!
Prepared One
08-07-2021, 09:57 AM
Nope, you're not wrong.
Yep, I still deeply care for this once great republic.
I did MY best to preserve the republic, freedom and liberty as the founder's so greatly designed so I will go to my grave with no regrets.
My focus will be to continue to create an environment that I will be left alone.
This is my strategy as well. I have done all any one man can do, but now, I am just trying to stay out of the line of fire. That said, should they decide to visit their stupidity upon my doorstep, I'll give them all the damned stupid they want. I am 62 years old with little else to loose and not much more to gain. Don't test me.
08-07-2021, 10:11 AM
This is my strategy as well. I have done all any one man can do, but now, I am just trying to stay out of the line of fire. That said, should they decide to visit their stupidity upon my doorstep, I'll give them all the damned stupid they want. I am 62 years old with little else to loose and not much more to gain. Don't test me.
Same outlook as you, but I'm 73 with even less to lose.
08-07-2021, 11:46 AM
So, basically, you are predicting more of the same? My prediction- I will continue to prep and work towards being evermore self-sufficient. I will vote to the best of my ability to counter the leftist scourge.
An encore, with a steady progression towards something much worse.
Mad Trapper
08-08-2021, 06:33 PM
I will vote to the best of my ability to counter the leftist scourge, so help me God. Amen.
There, finished it for you.
I see some effort out there to push/throw Cheney to the left curb.
"Rescind Recognition of Liz Cheney as “Republican” Representative – Call on House GOP to Remove Her from Committee Assignments"
08-08-2021, 07:34 PM
I see some effort out there to push/throw Cheney to the left curb.
"Rescind Recognition of Liz Cheney as “Republican” Representative – Call on House GOP to Remove Her from Committee Assignments"
I'll be one of the many Wyoming folks who hate her guts and will vote for anyone who runs against her that is a true conservative. Chuck Gray fits the description. She will probably flood the primary with people to run against her and paid by her to dilute the vote. That's how carpetbagger Cheney got elected in the first place.
She is for Liz Cheney and not representing the citizens of our great State. We need to sent the deep state liberal bitch back to Virginia where she belongs.
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