View Full Version : cranberry rice pork

08-14-2021, 06:50 PM
This is a quick super easy dish, I make it once a week and eat on it for 3 days. It's really good, hot or even cold if all you want is a few bites of something out of the fridge.

1 lb ground pork
1 can whole berry cranberry sauce
1 can's worth of instant rice
1 can's worth of water

In a pot, cook the ground pork till it's no longer pink. Stir in the cranberry sauce. Fill the can with instant rice, add to pot. Fill the can with water, add to pot. Stir it up really good, when it starts to boil, cover, turn the heat way down & cook till the rice is done ~ about 15 minutes.

The Mennonite store near here carries meat from the local butcher, my freezer now has 30 of the 1lb pkgs of frozen ground pork, and I have 30 cans of the cranberry sauce & plenty of rice stocked up; yes it's that good, lol. Nutritious and cheap. This winter should be okay!

08-14-2021, 07:27 PM
I like pork and I probably eat two handsful of dried cranberries every day . . . so this should be good.

Not a rice eater (too much time in the far east) . . . but I'm gonna give it a try.

Thanks . . . may God bless,

08-14-2021, 08:18 PM
I like pork and I probably eat two handsful of dried cranberries every day . . . so this should be good.

Not a rice eater (too much time in the far east) . . . but I'm gonna give it a try.

Thanks . . . may God bless,
DwightSee I love rice from my time in the east, but then the north was only shooting at us occasionally and I worked with both the ROK military and civilians pretty regular. And unlike other places the Korean people loved us for saving them from communism and treated us great.
Your time was a lot more harsh.

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08-15-2021, 06:39 PM
How would this work using Ground Round Beef?

I have no pork at the moment.

Kudos for knowing Mennonite vs Amish

08-15-2021, 07:06 PM
How would this work using Ground Round Beef?

I have no pork at the moment.

Kudos for knowing Mennonite vs Amish

It would probably be fine, but different lol. I love the flavor of cranberry and the milder pork would let that come through more...but hey, you might like it with beef better. Let us know if you try it :)

08-16-2021, 03:19 PM
Wow. Thanks. Sounds yummy. Us Testosterone laden manly males from Texas might need to chunk a few habs or japs garlic and onions in it. lol.

08-16-2021, 03:31 PM
Wow. Thanks. Sounds yummy. Us Testosterone laden manly males from Texas might need to chunk a few habs or japs garlic and onions in it. lol.

Momma taught me to make a recipe exactly as written the first time to taste/judge it... and then change it up later to my liking. I don't even salt&pepper this one, lol. You do you. :)

08-16-2021, 04:19 PM
Gotcha my wife is a stickler for fine details like that. My Mama just throwed things sorta haphazardly