View Full Version : Concord grape jam today.
09-26-2021, 05:32 PM
Put up some grape jam today. Picked the grapes yesterday. Picked 2 pecks.
These are some of what we picked.
Just under 4 pints on the first batch.
09-26-2021, 06:13 PM
Good job. Looks yummy.
09-26-2021, 07:22 PM
Second batch done got exactly 4 pints this time.
Have a few grapes left so will make a few quarts of grape juice tomorrow.
09-26-2021, 07:29 PM
Second batch done got exactly 4 pints this time.
Have a few grapes left so will make a few quarts of grape juice tomorrow.
Be easy to turn that juice into some mighty fine wine!!
09-26-2021, 08:10 PM
Be easy to turn that juice into some mighty fine wine!!
It crossed my mind.... of course for medicinal purposes only.:drinkmore:
09-26-2021, 09:35 PM
Be easy to turn that juice into some mighty fine wine!!
Ain't that kinda like Thunderbird . . . Boones' Farm . . . Mogen David 20/20?
May God bless,
09-26-2021, 10:56 PM
Ain't that kinda like Thunderbird . . . Boones' Farm . . . Mogen David 20/20?
May God bless,
I don't know. I have made some tasty wine out of fresh grape juice in the past. I think the ones you are listing are "fortified" wines meaning they add grain alcohol to it to boost the kick. I used to judge my success by the ability to drink a quart of it straight without it giving me the royal shits.
09-27-2021, 07:13 AM
I don't know. I have made some tasty wine out of fresh grape juice in the past. I think the ones you are listing are "fortified" wines meaning they add grain alcohol to it to boost the kick. I used to judge my success by the ability to drink a quart of it straight without it giving me the royal shits.
A church neighbor and former coworker offered his grape arbor free of charge if I wanted to pick em.
I wound up with about 25 lbs or so. They worked up to a little over 8 qts of juice . . . using the formula to make juice for converting into grape jelly.
Turned out to be a really good drink . . . not sure what will be the outcome of it yet.
Just wish I had gotten more of it . . . maybe next year. Need to get more grapes plants for my arbor.
May God bless,
09-27-2021, 02:43 PM
Grape juice made from the leftovers.
09-27-2021, 08:12 PM
No no. Home made wine is much healthier..similar to home rolled cigarettes. No harmful added preservatives and cancer causing bad things in it. Its what Paul told Timothy to do for his tummy if some might recall. Give wine to those who are heavy at heart..and strong drink to those who are perishing. Pretty sure hawgrider qualifies in both categories..maybe all three. Just guessing.
Mad Trapper
09-28-2021, 08:52 PM
I'm with Bigwheel some of that needs to wine! My friend is a big Wino Man. He distills some each year and makes kick ass grappa.
I had a huge grape crop this year until the rains came. Mildew and black rot fungus took about every grape.
I don't do chemical fungicide sprays, just copper which is OG listed. Problem it has no residual and it washes off with each rain.
The black rot I mainly control by removing any "mummies" left in the vines from last year, so there is no spores to infect the present years crop. I usually don't have mildew problems but the wet weather just made it spread.
09-30-2021, 08:31 PM
Put up some jars of green grape juice today.
08-29-2024, 07:03 PM
Well I'm done with the concord grapes for 2024! Picked 67lbs Saturday. Not a bad total for drought conditions. Finished today with over 70 jars. Mostly 1/2 pints but well over a dozen pints. I figure if it get as bad as I think it will a spoon of peanut butter and a spoon of grape jam will keep me going for a long time.
08-29-2024, 10:53 PM
Well I'm done with the concord grapes for 2024! Picked 67lbs Saturday. Not a bad total for drought conditions. Finished today with over 70 jars. Mostly 1/2 pints but well over a dozen pints. I figure if it get as bad as I think it will a spoon of peanut butter and a spoon of grape jam will keep me going for a long time.
67 lbs is a lot of grapes!
08-30-2024, 06:06 AM
Well I'm done with the concord grapes for 2024! Picked 67lbs Saturday. Not a bad total for drought conditions. Finished today with over 70 jars. Mostly 1/2 pints but well over a dozen pints. I figure if it get as bad as I think it will a spoon of peanut butter and a spoon of grape jam will keep me going for a long time.
08-30-2024, 07:51 AM
67 lbs is a lot of grapes!
Yes but the drought took a real toll on them this year. When we have a good year we have picked well over 100. I forget the exact amount. Also they were ready over a week early. We usually pick labor day weekend. This year the leaves were actually dying before we started to pick.
08-30-2024, 04:37 PM
hate to do it to ya slippy, but that hungry for jelly emoji reminded me of the Ron White- Bin laden joke!!! Classic!
08-30-2024, 04:44 PM
hate to do it to ya slippy, but that hungry for jelly emoji reminded me of the Ron White- Bin laden joke!!! Classic!
08-31-2024, 07:46 PM
4.5 quarts blueberry jam, and 2 more quarts of cherry tomatoes...
08-31-2024, 09:54 PM
Well . . . I went out and got what few the Lord gave me this year. Only got two grape plants . . .
Gross weight . . . stems and all . . . is 5 lbs.
They are the sweetest this year that they have ever been. And they don't look like they are any worse for no rain . . .
Gonna get me some grape jello and make me a grape pie . . . maybe 2 if the first one is good
Got to rob my bees next week . . . hope I can get at least 5 qts . . . I can eat that myself in a year's time. Think as gentle as these bees are . . . I'll be getting another stand next year . . .
I can sit on my front porch with a jar of honey and a spoon and founder myself.
May God bless,
Mrs Inor picked the first of the pears this afternoon. Two full grocery bags (think the old style paper grocery bags) of 'em! I'm not sure what she has planned for them, but...
The apples and almonds should start coming in the next week or so. I do LOVE this time of year!
09-01-2024, 09:54 AM
Well . . . I went out and got what few the Lord gave me this year. Only got two grape plants . . .
Gross weight . . . stems and all . . . is 5 lbs.
They are the sweetest this year that they have ever been. And they don't look like they are any worse for no rain . . .
Gonna get me some grape jello and make me a grape pie . . . maybe 2 if the first one is good
Got to rob my bees next week . . . hope I can get at least 5 qts . . . I can eat that myself in a year's time. Think as gentle as these bees are . . . I'll be getting another stand next year . . .
I can sit on my front porch with a jar of honey and a spoon and founder myself.
May God bless,
I have never had or even seen a grape pie. That sound good!!
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