View Full Version : Probably won't starve

10-19-2021, 07:59 PM
Got the lawn mowed today . . . checked the sweet potato patch . . . vines still green and growing.

Decided that I didn't want to dig em in the snow . . . mowed off the tops of the plants . . . grabbed the tractor . . . this was the result of three rows about 40 ft long each.

That large bunch you see together . . . all came out of one plant. If they'd all done like that . . . could have gotten away with one row . . . LOL

Peeled one and ate it raw . . . darned sure was good.

Will put em on the scales tomorrow . . . well over 100 lbs I believe.

May God bless,

10-19-2021, 08:02 PM
Nice haul!

My woman likes them.

Me not so much. I like the red tators and Idaho

10-19-2021, 08:05 PM
The Missus need to get busy making some pies! :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:

10-19-2021, 10:51 PM
The Missus need to get busy making some pies! :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:

Sounds like a good idea . . .

But I'm the pie baker in this family.

Don't know as I've ever eaten one . . . first time for everything.

May God bless,