View Full Version : SHTF survival from 2011

10-29-2021, 08:54 AM
This is something I had not seen before.
I found it very interesting.


10-29-2021, 08:59 AM
I found the post here: http://www.commanderzero.com/
Seems like an interesting site.


10-29-2021, 09:20 AM
I earned by banned banner from kev's SB, and followed selco's thread there

10-29-2021, 10:21 AM
This is something I had not seen before.
I found it very interesting.


Read it all. Huh. Thanks Joe.
For some reason, PF's Jim Costa comes to mind.
That, and the ultimate post-apocalypse survival novel - Lucifer's Hammer (Niven/Pournelle, 1977)
Time for thinking.. and a little Chivas. Or maybe a lot. Of both.

10-29-2021, 12:02 PM
I need to read Lucifers Hammer


10-29-2021, 03:00 PM
I need to read Lucifers Hammer


Everybody should, imo.
I read it in 1980 - and it literally set me on this path... and I've never looked back.
You think you're ready for what's coming?? You're not.

10-29-2021, 06:51 PM
Everybody should, imo.
I read it in 1980 - and it literally set me on this path... and I've never looked back.
You think you're ready for what's coming?? You're not.

Funny, I never thought of Lucifer's Hammer as a survival story but I guess it is. I should re-read it since it has been about 30 years since I read it last. The most memorable scene in the whole book to me was the surfer riding the nasty wave through downtown L.A. and getting "swatted like a bug". I still laugh out loud when I think of it! :biglaugh:

10-29-2021, 07:33 PM
I have it in my kindle library, and rereading it. I'm at the spot where the 2 scientists are comparing the meteor to a mile wide hot fudge sundae, during an interview.

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10-29-2021, 09:30 PM
Funny, I never thought of Lucifer's Hammer as a survival story but I guess it is. I should re-read it since it has been about 30 years since I read it last. The most memorable scene in the whole book to me was the surfer riding the nasty wave through downtown L.A. and getting "swatted like a bug". I still laugh out loud when I think of it! :biglaugh:

Great book! I think I felt the most sympathy for the gynecologist (who they referred to as "p*ssy doctor) held captive by the black army. He knew he was going in the stewpot as soon as they found a better doc.

10-30-2021, 08:23 AM
For me, my turning point was when Randall was last minute prepping - and realized exactly what that meant:

You can never have 'enough'. It's not possible to have 'enough'.
From the go, my mindset landed on skills rather than acquisition.
I became a hunter, not a gatherer.

It was a necessary switch 6 years ago when I first went up the mountain.
Like a babe in the woods, I had to learn about being a 'gatherer'... and why I joined PF.
First thing I stocked up on was pepper. Thanks, Harvey Randall. :)

10-30-2021, 08:34 AM
Funny, I never thought of Lucifer's Hammer as a survival story but I guess it is. I should re-read it since it has been about 30 years since I read it last. The most memorable scene in the whole book to me was the surfer riding the nasty wave through downtown L.A. and getting "swatted like a bug". I still laugh out loud when I think of it! :biglaugh:

Ohhh me too!
Awesome visual - ... and the 30-story building came at him like a flyswatter. :D
I really like another thing from that surfer,
When he knew it was his last ride - he realized that at the end, all that's left is style, baby. Just style.
I wish that for all of us. IF it comes to it - may we all go out with class, and brass. :thumb:

Prepared One
10-30-2021, 08:42 AM
I have never read Lucifer's Hammer but it's on my list now. I think I know someone who has a copy. :bounce: As to the article, I have read it before and I remember then I was struck. All of a sudden, right then and there, that is the exact scenario I see happening here. It's chilling, and reinforces why I became a prepper. It won't be contained to the cities, but it sure as hell will start there. I feel it's closer then most people think and that's why we are heading for the country in a few months.

Again, I strongly urge you get what you need and be ready for the cold wind of war. It's coming.

10-30-2021, 10:04 AM
I have it in my kindle library, and rereading it. I'm at the spot where the 2 scientists are comparing the meteor to a mile wide hot fudge sundae, during an interview.

Sent from my LG-G710 using Tapatalk

That was a great part; it put the size in perspective for sure. Glad you're rereading it! When I was packing to come here, I only brought 2 of my many books. Lucifer's Hammer was one of them. It brought to mind when Forrester (one of the scientists) was deciding which of his books to save. For a long time afterwards, I looked for a copy of How things Work, vols 1 & 2 that he'd referenced. Skill building. :)

And, in case you're wondering, the other book I'll always have is 'Camping and Woodcraft' by Horace Kephart (1862-1931), written in 1916. It's a ~900-page treasure of how to do things, adapt, improvise; written during a time of knowing, rather than relying on google et.al. When things go sideways, there'll be no Cabela's to run to. Whatever you have - is what you have; as long as it lasts. Kephart was a pretty awesome guy, worth a search. And, the book has been reprinted so if you ever want something really interesting to peruse in front of the fire this winter, you should be able to find a one. Doubt it's an e-book, but sometimes you just gotta hold a real book.

That's one of the really great things about joining lives with my incredible Prepared One.
I've got some skills, he's got some stuff! Formidable team right there, whatever may come at us. :thumb:

Prepared One
10-30-2021, 10:09 AM
That was a great part; it put the size in perspective for sure. Glad you're rereading it! When I was packing to come here, I only brought 2 of my many books. Lucifer's Hammer was one of them. It brought to mind when Forrester (one of the scientists) was deciding which of his books to save. For a long time afterwards, I looked for a copy of How things Work, vols 1 & 2 that he'd referenced. Skill building. :)

And, in case you're wondering, the other book I'll always have is 'Camping and Woodcraft' by Horace Kephart (1862-1931), written in 1916. It's a ~900-page treasure of how to do things, adapt, improvise; written during a time of knowing, rather than relying on google et.al. When things go sideways, there'll be no Cabela's to run to. Whatever you have - is what you have; as long as it lasts. Kephart was a pretty awesome guy, worth a search. And, the book has been reprinted so if you ever want something to peruse in front of the fire this winter, you should be able to find one.

That's one of the really great things about joining lives with my incredible Prepared One.
I've got some skills, he's got some stuff! Formidable team right there, whatever may come at us. :thumb:

I have skills! I can open a bottle of whiskey or open a can of cold beer with the best of them. Plus a few other skills that may come in handy as well.:beerchug:

10-30-2021, 10:18 AM
I have skills! I can open a bottle of whiskey or open a can of cold beer with the best of them. Plus a few other skills that may come in handy as well.:beerchug:

Oh lover, you got those other skills in spades. :biglaugh:

10-30-2021, 01:47 PM
Dad was a SeeBee during the Korean Police Action, and The MP that guarded his creation.

My friend and me "Learned Things" that the Cub Scouts would never teach us back in '69.

PTG got a 4 point, I might head east.

10-30-2021, 03:00 PM
Oh lover, you got those other skills in spades. :biglaugh:

TMI, get a room! Should we open up the Thunderdome for you two?

10-30-2021, 03:03 PM
A more current series that carries a similiar "event" is "Rockfall" by William Allen. There are 3 books in the series now, I'm expecting a 4th to be released soon.

10-30-2021, 03:13 PM
TMI, get a room! Should we open up the Thunderdome for you two?



10-30-2021, 03:46 PM
TMI, get a room! Should we open up the Thunderdome for you two?

Nah... we got the whole State of Texas to play in! :slapping:

10-30-2021, 03:47 PM



10-30-2021, 07:30 PM
I remember reading that “article” some version of it, a few years back. I think I was on that forum in 2011 ish..

Anyway, the article brings up something that I think will happen in America… balkanization.

At the end he talks about people coming to the US and not assimilating. About the divisiveness. About the corrupt media and politicians. What he describes at the end is similar to what is happening here. the elites are forcing us apart.. and it’s happening. It’s happening around political boundaries, geographical boundaries, race and religion.

It’s just a matter of time. And time is short.

The question is if the “divorce” will be amicable or violent and who will start.

10-30-2021, 09:52 PM
Texit. Like Brexit.

10-31-2021, 06:54 AM

Prepared One
10-31-2021, 07:28 AM
I remember reading that “article” some version of it, a few years back. I think I was on that forum in 2011 ish..

Anyway, the article brings up something that I think will happen in America… balkanization.

At the end he talks about people coming to the US and not assimilating. About the divisiveness. About the corrupt media and politicians. What he describes at the end is similar to what is happening here. the elites are forcing us apart.. and it’s happening. It’s happening around political boundaries, geographical boundaries, race and religion.

It’s just a matter of time. And time is short.

The question is if the “divorce” will be amicable or violent and who will start.

This is exactly what is happening my friend. It's been the plan all along only now they are pushing it hard and the sheep have no clue they are being herded to the pens.

12-18-2021, 03:42 AM

12-18-2021, 04:19 AM
This is something I had not seen before.
I found it very interesting.


I remember following that thread at SB.

Another epic thread was about a Long Island Jew .

12-18-2021, 05:13 PM
I remember reading that “article” some version of it, a few years back. I think I was on that forum in 2011 ish..

Anyway, the article brings up something that I think will happen in America… balkanization.

At the end he talks about people coming to the US and not assimilating. About the divisiveness. About the corrupt media and politicians. What he describes at the end is similar to what is happening here. the elites are forcing us apart.. and it’s happening. It’s happening around political boundaries, geographical boundaries, race and religion.

It’s just a matter of time. And time is short.

The question is if the “divorce” will be amicable or violent and who will start.
I couldn't help but notice the parallels too.

10-09-2022, 08:18 AM
The course is steady today. Europe should, and maybe US should try this

https://www.michigan-sportsman.com/cdn-cgi/image/format=auto,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/https://www.michigan-sportsman.com/attachments/1664986240218-png.857746/

10-10-2022, 06:12 PM
I'm from the U.P. I gots wool socks...


12-04-2022, 02:23 PM
Well, here we go again.