View Full Version : Strange ground - what is this??

12-28-2021, 06:09 AM
PO and I were looking at a place - and we really like it - but there's something going on with the land neither of us have seen before. The house sits on the high spot, down below there's a wide creek that will flood (and has), but the land above the creek - and about 2/3 the way up to the house - is really soft; not swampy at all, but walking on it feels like walking on soft sponges; and it's that whole area, not just here or there. Very strange.

And then there's these tiny granular piles - all over the property; even on the hard ground up by the house.




to me, they look like they're 'insect created' - but when I bust one open, no sign of ants, etc. There are small (12" dia) fire-ant hills here and there that need to be dealt with - but they don't seem to be related to whatever these things are.

Does anyone know what's going on with the spongy ground? Also - there's sand all over the place; like what would have been left by flooding at some point. All thoughts very much appreciated...cause otherwise - the place is about as perfect as it gets.


12-28-2021, 06:41 AM
Flamethower is needed

Box of frogs
12-28-2021, 06:43 AM
Hey MG
Those look like worm castings to me (worm poop)

12-28-2021, 07:07 AM
Hey MG
Those look like worm castings to me (worm poop)

Hey thanks BoF !
I searched worm castings, found a bunch of images, and yes - that could easily be what those are. Cursory read tells me worm poop wouldn't be a problem; even in quantity.
Now I'm reading about - "Why your lawn feels spongy" LOL If all it is is thatch build up, that wouldn't be a deal breaker either. :)

Prepared One
12-28-2021, 08:08 AM
Yep, Lot's to consider with this place but I wasn't really overly concerned by the little mounds. I figured they were bugs of some kind, but I was curious as hell as to what kind of bugs. Never seen mounds like that and would never guessed worms. I guess worms are full of shit, sorta like everyone in our government. The thatch makes sense now but it did have me worried.

Box of frogs
12-28-2021, 09:23 AM
Worm castings are great fertilizer for your garden.
Some folks pay big money for a bag of that stuff.
The spongy feel could be thatch. I didn’t really give that one much thought.
You could always take a shovel and dig down a foot or so and see what the dirt looks like.
Anyway, good luck with the property hunt