View Full Version : Think the Nazi's aren't here yet?

02-22-2022, 09:23 AM
In two years the world that we'd come to know and understand is now no longer here and may never return.

Canada has turned into a Fascist dictatorship with a rubber stamp parliment and a sworn police who've forgotten their oath if they ever took one.

Mexico is pretty much being controlled by the Narco gangs with murders and war lords a way of life.

Europe and their sanctions are really doing a lot to stop the Russian steam roller.

And the fools we have are really something else.

Freedom is now hate speech. Old white European males are an enemy of the state.

And the rest of us hell we're going along just to get along aren't we.

Shoot we let our own fools tell us what to wear, where we could go, what we cold put into or bodies with the lie that trust us we know what we're doing.

Well, we here in the Old Dominion had enough of that nonsense and sent a strong message to the rest of America back in November 2021.

Enough is enough!

Now is the time for the rest of you to pick up the torch and follow thru where we have started.

It's time to send a clear message to the fools in charge that we're not gonna take this anymore.


02-22-2022, 09:55 AM
It was only a matter of time.

The sad part is that many many Americans will just let it happen.

I’m curious if the trucker blockade of DC will be the spark.. or a spark. You know biden will call out the police and NG. And they better be on the right side of history.

02-22-2022, 10:03 AM
And? Do you know how much hate I got for stating we had a monster waiting to happen? That the system was corrupt and needed to be fixed before it was taken advantage of? I was even blocked by my local RNC for stating we needed to hold Republicans accountable.

Then, how many said (and still say) we just have to accept the 'lesser evil,' because there isn't another way?

I am at the point now that I believe we cannot save it; the only way forward is through the proverbial fire, we cannot go back now.

WE ARE SCREWED. All we can to is our best to limit the damage to our own and our own areas, but we are all going to burn, innocent and guilty alike!

02-22-2022, 10:24 AM


02-22-2022, 11:16 AM
It was only a matter of time.

The sad part is that many many Americans will just let it happen.

I’m curious if the trucker blockade of DC will be the spark.. or a spark. You know biden will call out the police and NG. And they better be on the right side of history.

A much, Much, MUCH better way is for independents to stay home.
Company drivers to lift throttle, coast to a stop, call company road service. "Truck won't go". When road service almost gets there..."HEY, it's working now!"
Company drivers, pick up a load, pull in ten feet from the dock, pull the brakes, dump the air.....call road company road service, "truck won't start", just before road service gets there..."HEY, it started up"!
Road service CAN'T do it all, dock blocked, product NOT moving.
All the cities and urban area, blue areas, DO NOT have thw supplies to last long.
Screw a Convoy.....plan a "sick out/breakdown" week..
..everybody will be ****ed.


02-22-2022, 11:23 AM


Top picture is from Kent State riot.

Faced the same thing here while in the guard, had M1's locked and loaded,

bayonets were used with a wedge formation to break up demonstrators.

Unrestricted, look what the hell they get away with now!