View Full Version : Denton and Sasquatch Show #278

03-29-2022, 12:43 AM
Just when you thought Covid was done HR keeps it going. Speaking of Covid, didn't all the celebrities tell us how dangerous it was? Then why did they all gather in a tight space and slobber all over each other this past Sunday? Joey is at it again and with every word brings the US more to her knees. Sadly it is all by design but hey.....WHATEVER!


03-29-2022, 07:00 PM
First of all, Chris Rock & Will & Jada Smith wanted to thank you for the additional publicity courtesy of the Denton & Sasquatch show. They would have done it themselves, but they didn't know your Twitter handle.

The rest of the show depressed the Hell out of me. Between the talk of the New World Order, Denton's dreams of nuclear holocaust, & starvation on the horizon, I just kept drinking more & more, and now I'm almost out of beer. :drinkmore: