View Full Version : Rain !

Box of frogs
05-23-2022, 04:00 AM
Thanking God for RAIN.
We have had less than 1/2 inch of rainfall over the last 3 weeks.
I am thankful for the rain we are getting last night and today.
Took the dog out at midnight and it was just starting to sprinkle, we’ve got a steady downpour now.
Another week without water and we would have probably lost everything in the garden.


Prepared One
05-23-2022, 06:01 AM
We got rain Sunday morning and more on the way Tuesday and Wednesday. We needed it. I think we were about 8 or 10" down for the year.

05-23-2022, 08:52 AM

Wanna track & hear lightning --


05-23-2022, 09:08 AM
Thanking God for RAIN.
We have had less than 1/2 inch of rainfall over the last 3 weeks.
I am thankful for the rain we are getting last night and today.
Took the dog out at midnight and it was just starting to sprinkle, we’ve got a steady downpour now.
Another week without water and we would have probably lost everything in the garden.


My rain gauge shows 4 inches so far for this month.

We had a TC come through Saturday night, left my driveway a swimming pool for the dogs.

Box of frogs
05-23-2022, 09:12 AM
My rain gauge shows 4 inches so far for this month.

We had a TC come through Saturday night, left my driveway a swimming pool for the dogs.

Too much rain to fast can be worse than no rain.
Last planting season it rained so much we couldn’t get anything tilled up to plant. Just made mud balls in the rows.


05-23-2022, 09:21 AM
Too much rain to fast can be worse than no rain.
Last planting season it rained so much we couldn’t get anything tilled up to plant. Just made mud balls in the rows.


I know, we have that wet problem here at times, not growing anything this year, too many other things to do that need to be done.

We do not grow a lot anyways, most of land is timber.

Mad Trapper
05-23-2022, 10:52 AM
Too much rain to fast can be worse than no rain.
Last planting season it rained so much we couldn’t get anything tilled up to plant. Just made mud balls in the rows.


Last summer here was monsoon. Got planted but then mucky....

Here 2.8" March, 4.47" April, then ~2" so far here May. As at SOCOM42 mentioned we've had thunder storms come through last two weeks. Precip varies on those......

It was too wet to plow/harrow end of April, Rained early May too, just got dry enough early May, 5th-14th dry, I plowed/harrowed, now it's wet again. Still soggy now for tilling/planting, 1.3" since 15th, , 0.4" yesterday.

Cool and dry next 3 days, will battle weeds with the string trimmer and get going on fall's cordwood supply. Let garden dry out a couple days.

05-23-2022, 11:22 AM
Rain! We finally didn't get some yesterday...otherwise, it rains some, or lots (Thunderstorms this past Sat), every day...since last September! Want some? You can have it! It's ruining lots of my starts in the garden :( Oh well...soon, almost 3 months of close to, and over, triple digits and drought. then precipitation from Sept through June 2023...fun...

I am grateful...just complaining... :)


05-23-2022, 04:46 PM
The eternal struggle of the farmer......