View Full Version : Mass Shooting Consparicy!

Prepared One
06-05-2022, 09:49 AM
I put my tinfoil hat on this morning after reading of another mass killing in Arizona this morning and wondered out loud. It seems that there are a lot of multiple murders happening all at once here lately. Mmmmmmm, could it be that this is all slight of hand by the left in order to distract the democrat sheep from the real problem, i.e., Dementia Joe and his ongoing dumpster fire of a presidency? That reminds me, I need MG to pick up more tinfoil.

Scotty, Beam me up!:crazy:



T-Man 1066
06-05-2022, 10:46 AM
I was thinking the exact same thing. Just more energy toward throwing away 2A and the rest of the Constitution and our rights. I am sure this by design. People are real screwed up now, SSRI doped up kids, boogies chimpin-out and who knows what other crazy reasons that crazy people do crazy things.

06-05-2022, 11:11 AM
Yep, the useful idiots are out in full force and will stop an nothing to screw with the Constitution and Freedom.


They and their ilk do not follow laws anyway.

06-05-2022, 12:17 PM
I firmly believe theres more to this than pure happenstance --- and always before a importance SCOTUS or important mid-terms --

But I see conspiracies in a glasses of water --

06-05-2022, 01:27 PM
Considering the riots of ,2020 is it any wonder that the low life see no reason not to go out and rain terror down on innocent folks. And as long as no elites are disconforted who gives a shit.

06-05-2022, 03:33 PM
I believe you are correct in that it is a distraction. But not from Biden's Presidency. I believe that is a distraction too. The Globalists pulling Biden's strings want us distracted as much as possible over here while they push through their agenda over there. No one is talking about or questioning that 40 Billion to Ukraine anymore are they.

06-05-2022, 05:11 PM
Every gang-bang shooting is going to get some attention, the media will just hide the race of the gang-banger. In their minds, what matters is the gun and dead people.

Prepared One
06-05-2022, 06:23 PM
I believe you are correct in that it is a distraction. But not from Biden's Presidency. I believe that is a distraction too. The Globalists pulling Biden's strings want us distracted as much as possible over here while they push through their agenda over there. No one is talking about or questioning that 40 Billion to Ukraine anymore are they.

It's not Biden's presidency, Never was. He is a buffoon and a front man for those who wield the real power. His puppeteers are the real force, Those behind the scenes, those who really control the power. They are the real worry, the real enemy, and in the end, those who will have to be destroyed lest this once "Great Nation" this "Republic" shall parish.

06-05-2022, 08:23 PM
I put my tinfoil hat on this morning after reading of another mass killing in Arizona this morning and wondered out loud. It seems that there are a lot of multiple murders happening all at once here lately. Mmmmmmm, could it be that this is all slight of hand by the left in order to distract the democrat sheep from the real problem, i.e., Dementia Joe and his ongoing dumpster fire of a presidency? That reminds me, I need MG to pick up more tinfoil.

Scotty, Beam me up!:crazy:



I kinna do it, Captain! We kinna drop the shields to use the transporter. In fact, we are a-lockin allthe doors and leaving orbit! Yer on yer own Captain!

Big Ken
06-05-2022, 10:24 PM
Every gang-bang shooting is going to get some attention, the media will just hide the race of the gang-banger. In their minds, what matters is the gun and dead people.


06-06-2022, 12:06 AM
I doubt seriously if it is "organized" as to the individual incident.

But the "organization" is certainly taking full advantage of every errant bullet fired by good guy . . . bad guy . . . or accident.

They want us disarmed . . . shut down . . . and locked in . . . except to go to work and pay taxes.

And there are all too many buffoons willing to follow the "teachings" of how much better it will become.

Sad . . . but nothing more than history repeating itself again.

May God bless,

06-06-2022, 12:29 AM
I doubt seriously if it is "organized" as to the individual incident.

But the "organization" is certainly taking full advantage of every errant bullet fired by good guy . . . bad guy . . . or accident.

They want us disarmed . . . shut down . . . and locked in . . . except to go to work and pay taxes.

And there are all too many buffoons willing to follow the "teachings" of how much better it will become.

Sad . . . but nothing more than history repeating itself again.

May God bless,

In the past I would've agreed with you on that statement but anymore I just don't know. Look at the "Kidnap Whitmore" thing. How do we know an alphabet agency doesn't have goons in these chat rooms egging on these mentally ill youths? We know a few things for certain. In a lot of cases the alphabet agencies did have there sites on some of these guys before they shot anything up. We also know these same agencies have been weaponized by the Globalists and their puppets in the DNC. I have no proof but it certainly wouldn't surprise me in the least.

06-06-2022, 07:36 AM
Tagged, bbl


06-06-2022, 08:52 AM
They want us disarmed . . . shut down . . . and locked in . . . except to go to work and pay taxes.

Agree, except for the 'go to work' part. They want us on the dole.