View Full Version : Do you think djt won the 2020 election
06-13-2022, 04:43 PM
I know I do!
You can't fool this old geezer that the BS the Congress committee is serving up is really chocolate ice cream.
Don't care if you put it in a double sugar cone
06-13-2022, 05:11 PM
I know I do!
You can't fool this old geezer that the BS the Congress committee is serving up is really chocolate ice cream.
Don't care if you put it in a double sugar cone
Unfortunately Sarge, you are wrong.
Donald J. Trump lost the election. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is the 46th and current president of the United States. The Electoral College confirmed his election win with 306 of 538 Electoral Votes.
Orenthal James (OJ) Simpson was also acquitted in a criminal court of law of the murder of his former wife, Nicole and Ronald Goldman.
Barry Lamar Bonds also holds the MLB Home Run title.
There is not a damn thing that you or I can do to change the above.
Now, do I wish that there was no cheating in politics, criminal trials or baseball?
Yes. I do.
But...Wish in one hand and Shit in the other hand...and see which one fills up first.
Life ain't fair.
06-13-2022, 06:45 PM
Not what I asked Skippy. If you agree with some of us that many laws were broken in putting the senile one in the white house then we should all call on the new Congress to impeach the whole crew then jail or hang the rest
06-13-2022, 07:11 PM
The title of your thread is the following question;
Do you think djt won the 2020 election
I took that question to mean you were asking for opinions and/or insight on if DJT won the election. I gave my opinion. My opinion is based on fact and it has not changed. FJB won the election is the current President of the USA.
We the people have the freedom to call on congress to impeach and remove FJB.
DJT was impeached, twice. But not removed from office via a conviction by the senate.
I "wish" that FJB would be impeached and removed from office.
But as I said, "wish in one hand, shit in the other hand, and see which one fills up first."
Ain't gonna happen.
Not what I asked Skippy. If you agree with some of us that many laws were broken in putting the senile one in the white house then we should all call on the new Congress to impeach the whole crew then jail or hang the rest
Not what I asked Skippy. If you agree with some of us that many laws were broken in putting the senile one in the white house then we should all call on the new Congress to impeach the whole crew then jail or hang the rest
That would sure "feel good" and if it does end up happening, it will destroy the last few threads holding the republic together. Slippy is right. Brandon got the votes in the Electoral College to be the president. I wish it were not so, but it is. He is legally the president. Impeachment does not change that fact.
Was the process by which the electors from each state were assigned corrupt? Probably. And where there is proof, those cases should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But that does not change the fact that Brandon got the requisite 270 Electoral votes and is legally the president. The Constitution does not provide any guidance on what "should" happen in this circumstance. For those of us that think it should, we need to elect legislators (state and federal) who will craft a Constitutional Amendment to prevent this in the future and provide a remedy.
Sorry, but the Constitution is far too important to piss it away just to feel good. That is what progressives and statists do.
06-13-2022, 08:16 PM
I know I do!
You can't fool this old geezer that the BS the Congress committee is serving up is really chocolate ice cream.
Don't care if you put it in a double sugar cone
Ahhhh Sarge... yer watching those hearings aren't you. Quiddit. I'm betting everyone here believes DJT was cheated. But cheated he was, and FJB got the crown so there it is. You, Slippy and Inor are all right. And alright. So shut off that damn TV cause there aint no argument here.
Unless of course y'all wanna just fight for a while, which is what you big dogs do, and if that's the case, carry on! :dancing:
T-Man 1066
06-13-2022, 09:30 PM
Sarge, sometimes all you ca do is de-compress. I'm as pissed off as they get over the situation, but you talk about destroying yourself from within. I go home, look at T-Woman and T-son, and say T-Man, get your sheit together, and deal with the hand you are dealt. Xiden is NOT my president, the Constitution is being shredded by the libtard marxist bastards, and things aren't looking good. But I can only do what I can do, keep preppin, improve skills, and live knowing that if I get wacked tomorrow, my family was better off with me than without me.
That being said, FJB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mad Trapper
06-13-2022, 09:33 PM
I'm as sure Biden won, as my skin is green.
06-13-2022, 10:05 PM
Yes! Yes! Yes!
06-13-2022, 10:37 PM
it's kinda like knowing your taxes are being wasted........ Knowing is half the battle- G.I. Joe
06-14-2022, 12:34 AM
Without a doubt I believe he did.
Forget about all the mail in ballot fraud. The unconstitutional election rigging by the states alone is what did it. And, of course, the courts being owned by the elite Leftist Globalists.
Box of frogs
06-14-2022, 06:14 AM
I posted the below here a few months back so I thought I’d go back and dig it up again.
Was there some dirty political tricks going on in 2020? I sure there were.
Was there a wholesale rip off of the election? I’m not smart enough to answer that one.
I only know what I say going on I front of my with my own two eyes.
Trump makes some odd picks plus he enjoys the company of yes men. If you oppose his opinions or try to tell him he is wrong, you're gone soon.
I voted for him in 2016 and 2020, and I'd vote for him again over any dem that opposes him if he makes the ticket in 2024.
Trump's best thing going for him in 2016 was that he was not a politician.
The thing that lost him the election in 2020 was he was not a politician.
I know that there are dem strongholds that piss around with the vote count every election and seem to get away with it. Atlanta Fulton county is a prime example. However in 2020 Trump f*cked up his own ticket.
The entire time he was telling his base to stay home and make a big showing on election day at the polls, the dems were out canvasing their areas and giving ride to the early election spots. By the time Election Day came in November the early voting was predicted in our county to have been over 60% dem. I witnessed this with my own eyes when I would cruise through the polling places and take a quick count, it was always overwhelmingly black people in the lines. You'd don't win and election by telling your base to stay home, you have to get your base to the polls using whatever legal means you can. If he'd had more political sense he would have known the undecided vote is who he should have courted Election Day, after he had his numbers up with his base through early voting.
just my 2 cents.
Trump also is endorsing David Perdue for Governor in GA. This is a huge mistake!
Trump holds a grudge against Kemp so the wants to see him primaried before the election. Stacey Abrams is running unopposed and is already spending advertising dollars on her election. Kemp will have to hold back money to use against Perdue before he can start his push in adverts.
Perdue is a loser, we was not a good senator, plus he lost to ****ing Jon Ossof. What would give anyone the idea that Perdue can beat Stacey and the dem machine with his shitty record.
Prepared One
06-14-2022, 07:05 AM
It pains me to say but DJT lost the election. He lost the independent vote and when you lose that you lose the presidency. Joe Biden is a disaster of epic proportions, but never the less, he is the president. Was there strategic cheating going on? Yes. A complicit media and a very gullible and indoctrinated population? Yes again. Were the sheep fooled again? Hell yeah. But, Dementia Joe and Heels up Harris won the electoral college battle as prescribed by the constitution.
This republic is in trouble and I don't know that it will survive much beyond the next year. In fact, I think it's hanging by a the thinnest of threads and the socialist democrats have the sheep fooled enough that it won't survive the storm that is coming. Sorry to say, the 2020 election was as much an indictment against the American sheep then the raging dumpster fire that is the Biden administration. It's all about the Constitution to me, not the boob in office. If we are to save this country, if there is still a chance at all, we must look to the Constitution.
06-14-2022, 07:27 AM
The voters don’t decide an election, the people and or machines that count the votes decide an election, in this case , I believe this holds true. DJT rightfully won, but it was given to Brandon…..So I ask a question, what do we do to change this? If changes don’t happen, the current behavior will continue……
Mad Trapper
06-14-2022, 09:22 AM
The voters don’t decide an election, the people and or machines that count the votes decide an election, in this case , I believe this holds true. DJT rightfully won, but it was given to Brandon…..So I ask a question, what do we do to change this? If changes don’t happen, the current behavior will continue……
Yes, it was a Selection, not an election.
Saddest part is those running the process 2020 are the same ones this fall, living in a banana republic is fine with them.
Nothing has been done to ensure a fair and just elections and they don't even care the fraud is obvious.
It pains me to say but DJT lost the election. He lost the independent vote and when you lose that you lose the presidency. Joe Biden is a disaster of epic proportions, but never the less, he is the president. Was there strategic cheating going on? Yes. A complicit media and a very gullible and indoctrinated population? Yes again. Were the sheep fooled again? Hell yeah. But, Dementia Joe and Heels up Harris won the electoral college battle as prescribed by the constitution.
This republic is in trouble and I don't know that it will survive much beyond the next year. In fact, I think it's hanging by a the thinnest of threads and the socialist democrats have the sheep fooled enough that it won't survive the storm that is coming. Sorry to say, the 2020 election was as much an indictment against the American sheep then the raging dumpster fire that is the Biden administration. It's all about the Constitution to me, not the boob in office. If we are to save this country, it there is still a chance at all, we must look to the Constitution.
06-14-2022, 11:18 AM
Enough said…
06-18-2022, 08:12 PM
How is one legally president when in at least five states multiple laws were broken to ensure Joe had enough votes.
And everyone from state officials on up to the us supreme court and the vice president all failed the American people.
What was done by the democrats and others is no different than what happens in a banana republic.
In my humble opinion everyone in on this coup needs to be tried for treason.
We now have the Manchurian candidate in the white house
06-19-2022, 10:07 PM
I honestly feel screwed. If Trump knew the fix was in, and that it was all bullshit, he shoulda pulled some hollywood shit and locked down the white house.
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