View Full Version : Watch Out For Stinging Flying Things Under Leaves And Rotting Wood

07-30-2022, 02:53 PM
And aluminum boats under a carport with rotting wood.

Ran across a few on the trail I was mowing before the mower gave up...

I raked some dead leaves and moved branches and found them there also.:crazy:

Looking to plant some Blackberry sprouts from here .

The " Poison Ivy" I thought I had turned out to be Barberry bushes judging by the bushes here. Darn invasive species that will overtake a yard, but may be good for a property line in my back woods.

I gave up and came back before they got me.

07-30-2022, 04:29 PM
I had a bunch of Yellowjackets take up housekeeping under the front porch of my reloading shed. I fought them for awhile, but after getting stung a bunch of times I finally called in a professional. No more yellowjackets, under the porch anyway.

07-30-2022, 05:53 PM
I had a bunch of Yellowjackets take up housekeeping under the front porch of my reloading shed. I fought them for awhile, but after getting stung a bunch of times I finally called in a professional. No more yellowjackets, under the porch anyway.

I have not given up and called the pro's yet . . . my group is under my front porch . . . right by the hinge side of the front door.

Gave em a good shot of bug killer the other day . . . no more so far . . . keeping fingers crossed.

May God bless,

07-30-2022, 06:35 PM
Overalls, tyvex suit, full face respirator can be used. Last one under the carport went from softball size to volleyball size almost overnight.

I should be able to rescue my ice shanty, as they are either under the gunnel or under the deck.

All I did was toss an empty 24 and a 15 pack of Bud in.

Box of frogs
07-31-2022, 07:00 AM
Yellow jackets suck
Those bastards come at you 15-20 at a time if you stir them up
Then they call in for reinforcement after that.
I found a nest in the ground near my tractor shed. I watched the area a couple of days until I could locate the entrance.
Went back the third evening with gasoline to spray in the entrance.
Low and behold there was not one of the SOBs in the spot. It was like they all just moved on.
Sprayed the hole anyway.


07-31-2022, 07:24 AM
I slacked on the spraying and yard care this season at my place, and now I'm dealing with it.:shitstorm:

It's too warm to head over there to do it, since Zucchini, pickles, and peppers were calling for attention.

Mad Trapper
07-31-2022, 06:49 PM
Go to TSC and get some permethrin concentrate. Mix up enough at 20:1 with water to 1/2 fill a 2-3 gallon pump sprayer. Get a good sprayer that will shoot 10-20', with adjustable nozzle mist to a stream. Saturate the nest, nest entrance, or crevice/hole with it.

Be careful it's not a knock down killer, takes a little while. But kills everything with 6 0r 8 legs. Has a ~30 day residual, so anything coming or going over where you sprayed is toast.You can make 5-gal of spray from $20 of concentrate.

Do it at night or dress up with good coverage they can't sting through.

It also works good for ticks. Spray down a set of clothes, let them dry. Any bugs landing/crawling on you will die. Keep the liquid/mist off your skin until the clothes dry.

08-09-2022, 09:01 AM
I used 2 cans of Hot Shot foaming wasp spray, and ran back inside faster than I have in years

Prepared One
08-09-2022, 09:08 AM
Hornets and wasps, I see no reason for them to exist on this planet.

08-14-2022, 12:22 PM
I took two days to kill off the yellow jacket nest in the speaker on the deck..I guess they hate loud noises and love grape jelly and oranges we put out for the orioles.

Not no more

07-24-2023, 12:53 PM
So the paper wasp nest in the awning was taken care a couple weeks ago, today I found what looked like a big pile of crap with flies 10 ' from the side pole barn door.

It turned out to be a volleyball sized pile of sand and ground hornets. I've hit them twice so far. I remember getting buzzed a couple days ago while cutting the weeds , but it wasn't visible Saturday.

Mad Trapper
07-24-2023, 01:16 PM
So the paper wasp nest in the awning was taken care a couple weeks ago, today I found what looked like a big pile of crap with flies 10 ' from the side pole barn door.

It turned out to be a volleyball sized pile of sand and ground hornets. I've hit them twice so far. I remember getting buzzed a couple days ago while cutting the weeds , but it wasn't visible Saturday.

Did you get the permethrin concentrate/sprayer at TSC yet? Bucket you need both handy. Put a mound of grass clippings on the nest and satrurate it with permethrin, they have to crawl through it. They will all be dead tomorrow.

07-24-2023, 02:00 PM
TSC didn't know about it except for GI Joe Blouses

07-24-2023, 02:05 PM
Fam Farm and Home has it in stock, only 13.3% though

Mad Trapper
07-24-2023, 02:16 PM
Fam Farm and Home has it in stock, only 13.3% though

As long as ONLY permethrim can use on clothes, you got to make a dilute solution. 13.3 % to 20:1, ~ 0.65 oz to 20oz water.

That is bug formula too.

T-Man 1066
07-24-2023, 04:28 PM
When I was a kid, dad used to have me go get rid of the wasp and bee nests that were always hiding under covers of our haybaler. We used a liquid that at that time was about $0.79/gallon in a old windex bottle, got the liquid from the gas station down the street. Worked well...

Leftover liquid went into the tractor...

07-24-2023, 08:07 PM
Too close to barn and septic for my preferred methods

07-24-2023, 08:11 PM
Gallon of 50% 13.3% concentrated shit ready-made to rock for Dawn

I Dosed them this morning, now I can get in the pole barn safer

Mad Trapper
07-25-2023, 04:52 PM
Gallon of 50% 13.3% concentrated shit ready-made to rock for Dawn

I Dosed them this morning, now I can get in the pole barn safer

That's more concentrated than you need. A 0.5% solution will work. That will work on clothes too for ticks.

My math was off for the 13.3% concentrate, about 0.75-mL concentrate to 20-mL will give 0.5%. The mix you made will knock the shit out of them! ~7.0%

I was skeptical when the stuff came out for clothes (Sawyer brand expensive compared to concentrate). I sprayed a set of pants down w/0.5% let them dry overnight. Went to "tickville" to collect some ticks. Got one on my pantleg, it crawled up as far as my knee then stopped. Then it went into spasms and fell off dead.

07-26-2023, 10:59 AM
I only used 5 oz per gallon. :explodingbomb:

Mad Trapper
07-26-2023, 11:42 AM
I only used 5 oz per gallon. :explodingbomb:

That's a good mix. If you have leftover do the building foundations, gets rid of ants too.

05-02-2024, 03:56 PM
Same nest, same spot, same mix, a few minutes ago

05-02-2024, 07:16 PM
Same nest, same spot, same mix, a few minutes ago

They must die!

Mad Trapper
05-02-2024, 07:48 PM
They must die!

Warm weather got here. First ant explorers invaded. Not like Traitor Joe, criminal aliens NOT WELCOME. Putting out boric acid traps and permethrin on foundation....

07-01-2024, 09:05 PM
The MDOT gravel came with ants, lots of holes in the ground are visible after the lawn mowing. Found another arrow from missed target practice