View Full Version : Last project 2022

10-24-2022, 06:09 PM
So this is our last project for this year. I planned to build a 30x40 building for storage after settling the estate . As most know I bought a 1 trip shipping container earlier this year. In the process of adding a shed building on to the container. It looks like I will save myself 10k when finished. Granted its a bit smaller than planned. With the container its very close to the original size. I know I made mistakes but for 10k savings I can look past that. 20395

10-24-2022, 07:16 PM
Love these projects.

Mad Trapper
10-24-2022, 11:38 PM
How's the pond filling up?

10-25-2022, 06:22 AM
How's the pond filling up?

I been planning to post a pic but jut haven't gotten around to doing it yet. We've lost of a foot or more since Labor day weekend. Our rainfall hasn't been no where near normal this fall. We've had a lot of wind so I figure that has a lot to do with the drop becasue of evaporation.

10-25-2022, 06:50 AM
I was suprised to see that the Muskegon River was low during the local color tour, also know as fishing. It was wadeable for this BankBilly, even after 6" of rain in the last couple weeks, and with the dam pool getting drawn down for repair or removal.

Oh they're just a couple hydro-electric dams where my electric comes from.