View Full Version : Protein

11-24-2022, 07:52 AM
Ok, this is a partial rant. Wait - not rant - just climbing on a soapbox.

Beans and rice are great. Buckets and buckets of them, easy to store.
When it comes time to fix & eat them though... will you have the time, energy source, etc to prepare/cook them?
Maybe, maybe not.

Y'all know what I've been working on.

It is so incredibly easy to do, and my personal opinion is that if each and every one of you who have access to eggs don't do this now, while there's still time, to put up a long-term supply of natural protein - you're crazy.

Time. When the 'time' comes - all you'll need is a little of the powder, a little water, and a source of heat. Ten minutes total max.

And - if no heat source is available - the rehydrated egg can be swallowed raw. Hold your nose and do it. Protein. Cause you sure as hell wont be able to cook your beans and rice.

Ok, that's all. Thanks for reading.

11-24-2022, 09:31 AM
A lot of wisdom in that ^^^^ post . . .

But I have to just add a post script . . .

If I don't have time or a place to cook my beans . . . rice . . . or spaghetti . . .

It probably won't be worth even hanging around . . .

A world without spaghetti . . . is a baaaaaaaaaaad world

May God bless,

11-24-2022, 09:33 AM
Don't forget fat.
Since I plan on marauding, the "mom's" basements will have plenty...


Prepared One
11-25-2022, 08:37 AM
We have plenty of rice, beans, pasta, and smacked up taters in our stores but the addition of the powdered eggs is a great addition. MG has it down to a science and once you add a little water back into the mix you have eggs! As MG mentioned, in a pinch or if you have to run cold for some reason just swallow the powder. It's protein that will be necessary in a stressful environment. We buy our eggs from the locals at about a dollar less per dozen then you can get at the stores so it's hedge against Joey's inflation and builds relationships with the local farmers and chicken people. I see it as a win win.

11-25-2022, 11:43 AM
A lot of wisdom in that ^^^^ post . . .

But I have to just add a post script . . .

If I don't have time or a place to cook my beans . . . rice . . . or spaghetti . . .

It probably won't be worth even hanging around . . .

A world without spaghetti . . . is a baaaaaaaaaaad world

May God bless,

Thanks, and I hear ya about a world without spaghetti! It would be the same for me without eggs... which is the real reason I'm putting some up, lol. We have enough jarred & canned meats that we'll never outlive our protein supply - but it's eggs I wouldn't do well without. And this process is so easy to do; there's no reason to not. :)