View Full Version : Parking ?

11-28-2022, 07:01 AM
Sooooooooooooooooo --- Wifey and I go to a not-a-local food store to get some viddles --

The parking lot was packed --- it looked like they were playing bumper cars --- morons as far as my little myopic eye can see ---- then I notice this --

Not one sign that said I had to be a member of the club --

https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/3-Nov-22.JPG (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/3-Nov-22.JPG)

About 5 minutes after I parked -- a nicely kept Audi landed a few down from me ---

He probably didn't want his car bashed into either --

Wifey waltzed out --

"You can't park here" --

"Why" ?

"Look at that shit show in front of us" --

She had nothing to say after that --- very rare --

11-28-2022, 07:07 AM
Butt plugs for liberals?

11-28-2022, 07:27 AM
Butt plugs for liberals?

Not a bad idea! 240V might tune them up nicely.

11-28-2022, 08:26 AM
Sorry Joe....it ain't working. Electric cars for the masses is just another one of your fantasies. Go have an Ice cream.

11-28-2022, 08:46 AM
If a person thinks Electric Vehicles are going to save the planet, they are;

1.) Ignorant
2.) Too stupid to do the research and find out that EV's are not going to save the planet
3.) Evil and part of the government and getting rich off the lies

If someone wants to buy an EV, go for it! Its cool technology that might someday be efficient, but it ain't so now. And as long as electrical grid is supplied mostly by coal or natty gas, or even nuke, then you are saving coal miners, natty gas and nuke powered employees jobs!

Prepared One
11-28-2022, 09:23 AM
People that buy into this NWO, new green deal bull shit are just too stupid to live. That is all.

11-28-2022, 10:20 AM
Now that I'm officially a geazzer --- last year I gots me a blue handicapped tag for the rear view ---

Even though the state mandates a certain amount of H/C spaces per total parking spots ----- theres never enough --

My Dr,s office is a prime example ----- you'd think out of 15 spaces ---- there'd be more than 2 H/D spots & the staff could either park in the street or behind the building ------- but fuck the customers --- "I park so it's convenient for me" !

And now my point --- people who drive E/V's never use / have blue tags ?