View Full Version : Homestead Sign (New project)

02-19-2023, 09:47 PM
I've been wanting to make a family homestead sign for a long time. I've watched a few YouTube videos and got some ideas. When my grandfather passed away he left me his Sears Craftsman bandsaw. I'd never taken the time to get a new blade for it but decided to finally do it so I could get to work on my sign.

First got my shape cut out.


Then jump on the band saw and start cutting out letters.


It's coming along but I have some more letters to cut.


Pretty much complete but I have some sanding to do. I hate fine sanding. Took forever.


Here it is almost complete with stain. I still have to figure out what I'm going to do with the avocado's, eggs and oranges (that's mainly what we grow) on the right side next to squatch. I also need to weatherproof it and glue down all the lettering.


So there you go. My first attempt at signage.

T-Man 1066
02-19-2023, 10:03 PM
That looks great! Nice work!

02-19-2023, 10:47 PM
Looks good. Where is some cute photos of the barn yard animals. Thanks.

02-20-2023, 01:37 AM
Looks good. Where is some cute photos of the barn yard animals. Thanks.

I thought about that but I'm not sure my bandsaw skills are good enough to make animals look that great. Maybe my next sign.

02-20-2023, 03:23 AM
Sas my boy,

You got it goin' on!

Slippy Lodge could use a sign, with some heads on Pikes and shit like that.

I've been wanting to make a family homestead sign for a long time. I've watched a few YouTube videos and got some ideas. When my grandfather passed away he left me his Sears Craftsman bandsaw. I'd never taken the time to get a new blade for it but decided to finally do it so I could get to work on my sign.

First got my shape cut out.


Then jump on the band saw and start cutting out letters.


It's coming along but I have some more letters to cut.


Pretty much complete but I have some sanding to do. I hate fine sanding. Took forever.


Here it is almost complete with stain. I still have to figure out what I'm going to do with the avocado's, eggs and oranges (that's mainly what we grow) on the right side next to squatch. I also need to weatherproof it and glue down all the lettering.


So there you go. My first attempt at signage.

02-20-2023, 06:45 AM
Nice work beast!

Box of frogs
02-20-2023, 07:37 AM
Those letters are a bunch of work.
Nice job

02-20-2023, 07:37 AM
No gold leaf ?

02-20-2023, 08:32 AM
You are turning into Squatch the Wood God! Well done!

02-21-2023, 07:52 PM
Good job.

02-22-2023, 09:31 AM
Damn nice job.

02-26-2023, 12:01 PM
For the truck ?

https://www.amazon.com/Automotive-Stickers-Compatible-Wrangler-Vehicles/dp/B0B73WVB8W/ref=sr_1_28?crid=1Y6DOC1FVQYIQ&keywords=jeep+Vehicle+Emblem+Wrap&qid=1677433966&s=automotive&sprefix=jeep+vehicle+emblem+wrap%2Cautomotive%2C10 3&sr=1-28

02-26-2023, 01:05 PM
For the truck ?

https://www.amazon.com/Automotive-Stickers-Compatible-Wrangler-Vehicles/dp/B0B73WVB8W/ref=sr_1_28?crid=1Y6DOC1FVQYIQ&keywords=jeep+Vehicle+Emblem+Wrap&qid=1677433966&s=automotive&sprefix=jeep+vehicle+emblem+wrap%2Cautomotive%2C10 3&sr=1-28I like it!

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04-02-2023, 07:10 PM
Finally got it finished and hung.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20230403/46eb6c1ba8a2819d56e66ebd0e34f94b.jpg

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04-02-2023, 07:17 PM
Where are the LED eyes ?

https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/Screenshot_2023-04-02_204919.png (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/Screenshot_2023-04-02_204919.png)

Edit --- Ah -- I didn't enlarge it enough --

04-02-2023, 07:35 PM
Where are the LED eyes ?

https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/Screenshot_2023-04-02_202618.png (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/v667/RICEKILA/Screenshot_2023-04-02_202618.png)

The two cuts in it are the eyes. But I did think about putting LED's in there. Then I thought I'd do all that work, it would look cool and as soon as the batteries died I'd never replace them.

04-02-2023, 07:45 PM
The two cuts in it are the eyes. But I did think about putting LED's in there. Then I thought I'd do all that work, it would look cool and as soon as the batteries died I'd never replace them.

Small reflectors like on license plate screw covers --- this way they'll reflect in the headlights ?

Its way to nice --- ya-gotta find a way to make it look tacky -- L